View Full Version : regarding economy rises and falls. Set your own price!

09-25-2014, 06:14 PM
Ive played for a couple years now. Ive seen the market for lots of items rise and fall either because of quantity or lack of people farming said item. Also due to item "hoarding." People have asked me and everyone else ofcourse, "why are lock prices so low." Or gear prices accordingly, some say it has to do with quantity, which it sometimes does. Or if the total arlor gold count gets low. (This can happen when alot of people that farm get nothing and spend lots on potions, Therefore eliminating total gold in the game) the main point of all thus being market effects. The only. Only. Only. Fail safe way to drive prices down or up is to literally stagnate the market by not posting items and waiting. (Supply&demand) if theres no locks on cs. The price will be high. Only if you stop listing for. Day or two the price could go up drastically. Market fluctuations can be controlled by the players and not the quantity of items that exist. Or number of people opening crates or anything. Its all you arlorians. Take control of your market. :)

09-27-2014, 08:32 AM
You are a genius! I love it!

09-27-2014, 11:09 AM
If players stop listing locks on cs until the supply ran dry, the price will not drastically increase due to a single player listing it multiple times its accepted value.

Why? Nothing worthwhile in locks? The drop rate is high?

The value of items on market are driven by drop rates, style, and stats. Low stat sword with awesome looks will have collector's value. Mediocre sword with good stats, still have value. Combine all three attributes and you have got a heavily desired piece of gear (also know as Mythic/Arcane).

You can hoard and list for whatever exaggerated price you want, but the consumers have power. After all, they are players too. Merchants/sellers cannot make money without a consumer. Consumers cannot get what they want without work for it or buying.

09-27-2014, 02:39 PM
Tell that to the lvl 18 guy that just got lepre and is selling locks 1k cheaper than others just to buy deary -.-