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View Full Version : Not so new...

01-29-2011, 04:06 AM
Hi, I realise that I hadn't introduced myself to the forum, despite having posted a few messages already. I have been playing for 4-5 months and only registered in Jan. I mainly play with my mage BlazeMystic (and have changed the name a few times before that) and am always on the lookout for players who are up for some good old fashioned farming. So if there is anyone looking for new(ish) players to join their group, please drop me a line.

Thanks so much.

p.s. When I try and lock a game by using a password, I find that players still manage to join. I must be doing something wrong obviously...

01-29-2011, 10:57 AM
Hey, welcome..about the locked games, you're not doing anything wrong, but unfortunately the password doesn't work as you'd expect. Anyone on your friends list can join your locked game, and then any friends of friends can follow into your game as well. I am hoping there will be a true password option in the future, because sometimes it gets awkward when people join and you didn't want them to. For now you will just have to kindly ask them to leave, or boot them.

01-29-2011, 11:36 AM
Ok that explains why that happens then. Many thanks that's really helpful to know.

01-30-2011, 09:13 PM
Hi~ welcome~ Yeah I experienced the same thing, trying to earn gold at plasma pyramid with password. But I usually didnt ask them to leave.

01-31-2011, 12:21 AM
hey there . . . !!!
another newbie here , happy to find this forum . . . :D
would love to have some friends from here . . . :D