View Full Version : Vanitys From STS

09-27-2014, 06:45 PM
Hello Arlorias, I was watching the current vanitys we have and I realized that they are really terrible compared to the first and the few good ones that have gone on sale.

Currently we have the most expensive set Arlor (Xmas Sets), for a moment I thought that the price was based solely on that were old and discontinued, but just happens to Rage Fury Winter Sets are also old and discontinued, even so his price per set no more than 500k, compared to the Green Arlor set uos 15M each set, that's 14.5M difference between sets that went on sale almost the same day.

So why the price is so different between the two?

It is easy, style, Green arlor set is super cute, is very striking and quite popular, as something very Christmassy, sexy and above all to let the full body of the rogue.

I thought post images but rather to This Link (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?82962-Guide-All-Vanities-List-With-Pictures) As you can see, the vanitys now are horrible, they are quite badly done and climax of their lack of creativity are the new vanitys that have come "Gladiator Ones" are really stupid, they look terrible with a bad combination of colors, Shuyal's Vanity, when I saw this set I was impressed by him so bad, but so bad they were a fool and inflated prices, most thought that many vanitys are nice but I think not.

The only ones that are redeemable are Arlor, the Founders and some other ones as Kraken, that the Nord Shuyal, Tiridin and others are terrible, very bad, I have never bought or even whether to discontinue them buy it not so bad they are.

The vanitys bought platinum, platinum for real money and thus demand that they be quality suits, who are made ​​to what are ue to show off not only to hide the terrible outfits we buy.

STS do something about it and do not give us that suits just to please us, I prefer to wait months to have to see another one of their vanitys.

Thank you.

09-27-2014, 06:47 PM
Using Google Translate ... Don't hate me :(

09-27-2014, 07:33 PM
The thing is I see. People didn't play or even know what AL was in 2012 when these vanities came out. As I see it these vans are rare due to not many people playing then. It has nothing to do with the way they look.

Take Commando for example. Ugly vanity but everyone wants dues to there's only not to many left in-game. Same goes for the winter Arlor vans (2012).

09-27-2014, 07:34 PM
Winter one are ugly, commando are pretty cute, that's why they are expensive, cute for some and ugly for others.

09-27-2014, 08:40 PM
I agree that sts needs to get up and do a complete overhaul of the vanity store. It's stupid the only thing people have to spend plat on right now are elix kits & locks and how all the vanities in store right now are just recolors of ugly armor. And also stop releasing any new good looking vanities as "exclusive forum rewards" to rich players. When the vanities available to the majority playerbase is so lacking in quality.

While I don't agree the old 2012 vanities should return because it would decrease their market value. They need to add more style to the next vanity stock, because what's the point of vanity if it doesn't look good? They also need to be rotating vanities in store more often so vanities can retain some actual value instead of being in store for almost a year and dropping down to 12k im auc.

09-27-2014, 08:51 PM
Only way to make vanities expensive is to make them rare and the rarer it is the more value it has to each individual. Even if they put out awesome vanities the rarer ones will always be most desired by all. The less people have of something the more appealing it is on the eyes.

The market shouldn't ever be flooded with cheap vanities the harder they are to get and being around for limited time always make them better. If that purple gladiator vanity was purely dropped from arena and was just around for a week... everybody would want one... just my opinion.

09-27-2014, 10:16 PM
I need a cute n sexy vanity for my rouge:3
That's all

09-28-2014, 12:22 AM
Let's take as example the Red Founder's Vanity for Rogue and the Kraken Sets, they were almost discontinued at same time but Kraken Worth around 1M set and around 450k set Founders.

Why both are more/almost expensive as like Winter Fury rage set, Fury rage were descontinued much time before than both vanitys and worth almost the same.

The Design and Quanty of the items are decisive for the future price.

09-28-2014, 02:36 AM
The arlor set were from xmas 2012 when AL had only a fraction of the current playerbase and also they were (at the time) not tradeable and (if i remember correctly) 15 plat so only available to plat buyers and nobody hoarded them. Founders sets were available from founders chests that could be opened for 3.5k so many people obtained these and winters fury was last xmas so again not extremely rare. Id guess for every arlor ingame there are 100 founders/furys and as already stated rarity dictates demand and price. Imo the Arlors should come back because they are fine looking desirable pieces, but maybe a new color scheme so the merchs dont cry :)

09-28-2014, 07:05 AM
I think it is solely a personal opinion on which vanities one thinks is attractive or not, but I certainly agree with you that older and discontinued vanities are cute, compared to the ones at present which in my opinion, some very rushed and unnattractive. While I have owned heaps of vanities in my playing time, even the ugly ones, I've decided to sell lots of them and just wear red founder for rogue. Lmao

09-28-2014, 07:20 AM
IMO winter fury helm looks insane for rogues and war, on my rogue I used fury helm, night assassin armor and depraved - sweeet! and fury helm for warr really matches blue beserker armor.

However I would really like a new set of vanity that has much design and thought put into it (im sure some vanitys certainly are but something that would really impress people). For Halloween if we get a re-coloured version of the previous years design I'm sure most people including me will be so disappointed. eg, the winter rage set (similar to fury) and the elondrian dress (similar to ice queen dress) was shocking and I was not bothered to purchase either and finally the tribal vanity which is similar to the armor released along with tindrin (that helm...wow! D:). I think these re colored versions may possibly affect pricing of the original set.

Other vanity are just plain ugly such as the shuyal vanity, the FX are alright but the look is sad, and as stated above the tindrin helm is...

I also wish that vanity was not so easy to obtain, being sold for (25 plats now?), means there are so many bought every day and the supply just increases and increases meaning it is sold for less and less all at once! If a vanity was released for a few days (even if there was some sort of surprise event where the vanity would only be available for x amount of minutes/hours once a day). This would keep supply low and prices up.

Since not as many people can get it, their desire for it grows and they will be more willing to pay higher prices for it as desire/greed rules sensibility.

09-28-2014, 07:29 AM
The price of each vanity is decided by the market

By both rarity and looks, something that looks really really really awesome to people but is absolutely everywhere will not cost much

Something that isnt considered really awesome looking but still unique will have a nice value to it (color jester sets vs black&white jester sets)

How to make new vanities worth while for merching? some cool suggestions here, surely if STS will be on it they can fix it up

09-28-2014, 07:31 AM
Lol actually I was there when the dead city expansion was out,but then the armor(black) only worth 65-120k so I sold it,I got 2.who knows now per piece and fetch from 700k-800k