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View Full Version : This time, it's bad.

01-29-2011, 09:20 AM
I'm feeling very depressed this week, many things have happened, I tried talking it out to friend, but they don't understand. So I'll just post it here, to relieve my anger.

Hmmm, where do I start? Okay, just a few days ago, I was having fun with my girlfriend in the club, everything went so nice, and we even planned for valentines day. On the next day, she texts me and says that her parents found out, and says she's too young. And gives her a final warning. I really don't understand WHAT THE HELL I did wrong! What did I do to deserve something like this? My parents know what was happening between us and just told me to control between activities. When her parents found out, she got forced to break up with me, seriously. What will I do to someones daughter at my age? Run away? Influence her studies and sports? Heck no, I helped her excel in both activities and what do I get? This junk.

Well, I don't really expect people to read nor pity me as I k ow quite sum of you dislike me, iwas just finding somewhere to express it and get it out of my head.

01-29-2011, 09:35 AM
I don't mind if you dont answer but how old r u both?

01-29-2011, 09:56 AM
It's your mistake to bring her to a club. What will her parents think when she return home with alcohol or cigarette smell? Big mistake! It's not your fault entirely.

It's the mentality of her parents, especially for conservative families.

Have you ever consider that she might have lied to her parents she was going to a friend's house for revision or something like that when she went out clubbing with you on that day?

01-29-2011, 11:18 AM
When you become a parent, you'd probably do the same for protection of your own child. I'm not trying to take sides, but understand from their point of view.

If she matters to you that much, go talk to her parents. With a good plan for what to say in every possible scenario or course.

If they still say no, then move on or just be friends.

01-29-2011, 11:33 AM
If she matters to you that much, go talk to her parents. With a good plan for what to say in every possible scenario or course.

This is solid advice. Please don't discuss your specific ages here. I hope things work out for you two.

01-29-2011, 03:01 PM
The law, I know EXACTLY how you feel, actually, I have felt worse.

I've already mentioned this, but there was this girl on Facebook, we were talking and having really fun, until suddenly she started ignoring me.

We got into this huge argument and other people started to be involved and laugh at me!! It was just getting worse and worse. After she said "I hate u", I immediately said "K bye" and deleted her, because the fights were getting worse and the people were laughing harder and harder.

01-29-2011, 03:14 PM
This is solid advice. Please don't discuss your specific ages here. I hope things work out for you two.

New service from the developers of PL: relationship advice! :) Cost: 10 plat

01-29-2011, 03:26 PM
New service from the developers of PL: relationship advice! :) Cost: 10 plat

Dear PL Dev's,
My Girlfriend wants to have a date night tonight and go to a romantic restaurant, but I really want to level up my bird to 50 before the new cap. So my question is, when you have to sleep on the couch, do you lie on your back or your side?

01-29-2011, 03:27 PM
Bwaaaaahahahahaha ladylove. I dont know what the laws are like where you live but here in the US taking an underage girl to a nightclub period might land you in jail. (unless its miley cyrus ;)) Seriously though, junside is right, if you werent open from the start with her parents, NOW is the time to start. Keep it clean man, respect her.

01-29-2011, 03:35 PM
Dear PL Dev's,
My Girlfriend wants to have a date night tonight and go to a romantic restaurant, but I really want to level up my bird to 50 before the new cap. So my question is, when you have to sleep on the couch, do you lie on your back or your side?

Lmao zero sense

01-29-2011, 03:43 PM
Dear PL Dev's,
My Girlfriend wants to have a date night tonight and go to a romantic restaurant, but I really want to level up my bird to 50 before the new cap. So my question is, when you have to sleep on the couch, do you lie on your back or your side?

lol pl over reality +2

01-29-2011, 03:49 PM
Lmao zero sense

He meant, he made the decision to level his bird to 50 and ditched the date, so now he is sleeping on the couch and can't find which way to sleep :)

EDIT: OH! You said "Zero Sense" Not "Made no sense" Grr, I'm still sleepy

01-29-2011, 04:18 PM
Can I buy some relationship advice too then? 10p is pretty cheap compared to those relationship counselors out there :).

01-29-2011, 04:23 PM
Moral of the stories, play pl and ditch the gf :cool:

01-29-2011, 04:27 PM
Moral of the stories, play pl and ditch the gf :cool:


01-30-2011, 02:43 AM
Moral of the stories, play pl and ditch the gf :cool:

I like this. Sorry devs, lock this thread please ;)

Lovenus- I don't drink and smoke, we just simply went to the swimming club -.-

01-30-2011, 03:22 AM
He meant, he made the decision to level his bird to 50 and ditched the date, so now he is sleeping on the couch and can't find which way to sleep :)

EDIT: OH! You said "Zero Sense" Not "Made no sense" Grr, I'm still sleepy

I hate when people say "made no sense"! Its either "doesn't make any" or "didn't make any"

01-30-2011, 04:54 AM
This is solid advice. Please don't discuss your specific ages here. I hope things work out for you two.

In the birthday list on the forum page of yours. It automatically shows the age..

01-30-2011, 04:55 AM
I hate when people say "made no sense"! Its either "doesn't make any" or "didn't make any"
Time for a english class i guess?

01-30-2011, 12:48 PM
just ditch the girl and look at the quote in my sig

01-30-2011, 01:55 PM
I hate when people say "made no sense"! Its either "doesn't make any" or "didn't make any"

Dat dun make no sense