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View Full Version : Utilization of the Search Bar

05-13-2010, 07:06 PM
Thank you all for reading this wonderful post! I hope that this is as much of a comedy as it is something that everyone should read and adhere to before posting anything that floats to the top of their minds.

Rule Number One: Familiarize yourself with the forum structure, and learn what types of questions are asked where and find your place in the forum community.

Rule Number Two: Post in the New Member section to say hello and introduce yourself.

Rule Number Three: Before you post any question that you may think is extremely advanced and is super intelligent, has most likely been asked and forum members get annoyed seeing the same question asked 37 times. (Questions like: What is the best build?, What is the best armor?, etc)

Rule Number Four: You are not Elite, you are not Uber, you do not have the best skill in the game, and if you do, no one wants to hear your forum thread flamming about it (Unless your Xanthia, and you wanna post about how you raced to 35)

Rule Number Five: You choose to play this game for a reason, so don't yell at the DEV's requesting something you want, They do their job better then you do. So chill out, Justg, Asommers, Futimush are really nice and do a great job.

Rule Number Six: Post more things if you think more rules apply to this thread

05-13-2010, 07:31 PM
Amen to everything you just said!

Plus I would like to add something.
Rule Number Seven: Please don't complain. You may put in reasonable suggestions and comments, but no complaints. (ex. Don't complain about how "hard the game is")

05-13-2010, 11:44 PM
The only way to enforce this in my opinion is if the devs implement some sort of "warn system" into the forums.

05-14-2010, 12:33 PM
The only way to enforce this in my opinion is if the devs implement some sort of "warn system" into the forums.
Rule #8: Forum Police are not needed. ;)

Seriously, though, Xanthia's list is just good, basic etiquette. Those same rules would apply to nearly every online forum that I've ever seen, and they also apply to real life. Basically, you can summarize the whole list as: "Don't be a clueless jerk."