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09-28-2014, 06:08 AM
What does really this rooting do,and why do many has done it,and how to root your device,help pls Im really confused

09-28-2014, 09:31 AM
You can do cool things with your device when you root. A lot of people do it for free paid games off the App Store, or to hack a video game. You can delete system files, edit them, cool stuff like that. But there is always a consqequence to this. Once you root, you warranty is gone, and sometimes the root doesn't work, and your device is bricked, meaning it won't turn on. Also, when you root your phone, you are 3 times more likely to get some sort of malware on your device. I hope this helps :) Edit: If you want to know how, look it up on google, but be careful, because some methods aren't safe at all

09-30-2014, 01:06 PM
Root isnt for "free app from appstore" like apple, you can modify everything on your android, change android version to 4.4.4 (cyanogenmod or PAC-rom) or use game hacking apps like game killer/game guardian/game hacker/game CIH/freedom..... theres also always risk to break your phone durin process so read instructions and follow them CAREFULLY! i've myself broke my old phone while rooting (was noob) and you also lose warrantly when you do it.

10-01-2014, 06:24 AM
You void your warranty on your device when you do this, so make sure you really want to do it. Rooting is basically the jailbreaking on Android, it gives you a whole new set of features, lots of them are very useful, but from what I have heared, it makes your device much more vulnerable to threats such as hacking and viruses. This has happened once to a friend, and never again has he thought about rooting. If you do decide to root, find a method that many people trust.