View Full Version : What do u get from 36 arena crates... 72 chances???

09-30-2014, 08:25 PM
Here u go...
AL arena crate loot: http://youtu.be/g7MXoe0oNYo
Come on sts... U can do better than this...

09-30-2014, 08:29 PM
Has anyone even heard of anyone getting a fossil?

09-30-2014, 08:30 PM
So that's what you sound like!

09-30-2014, 08:31 PM
That's crazy though...

09-30-2014, 08:31 PM
I think u all misunderstood, they meant you'll become a fossil waiting for good loot, not that you may loot fossil...

09-30-2014, 08:32 PM
Same experience for me. Opening tons of arena chests, spending lots of gold for pots and plat for rev and you can't even break even in here. The few planar pieces I have looted don't sell in CS and we all know fossil is a lol. It's such a shame that StS spends all this time making us new content, even hosts a test server. Then we get hit with this total junk loot we have nothing to farm. I've been vocal on this topic and was told wait for tombs wait for Halloween event. However, what is the point of arena then? Why did they even make this zone? Was it a rookie project? All I can say is the loot is ridiculous, waste of our time to play here. Good video Fade, we are all experiencing the same thing.

09-30-2014, 08:48 PM
I think u all misunderstood, they meant you'll become a fossil waiting for good loot, not that you may loot fossil...


09-30-2014, 09:21 PM
First off, awesome voice, Fade! Kudos to putting yourself out there!

Secondly, I completely agree! Half the reason I don't do PvE with you guys is because there's simply no incentive to! The only time I do run is when good friends ask me.

09-30-2014, 10:06 PM
I never trust chests. I feel like they are more rigged than normal loot from bosses.

09-30-2014, 10:25 PM
Opened roughly 120 so far. Shade mails, architect gear, noble helmets in literally a sea of epics (don't get fooled, they're equally worthless). Meanwhile fossil has dipped 40% in price with less than a month in arena? Not blowing any more gold in ankhs just to spend ten mins liquidating epics in inventory afterwards.

09-30-2014, 10:39 PM
spend ten mins liquidating epics in inventory afterwards.

I can relate. EGDC suck.

09-30-2014, 10:45 PM
Nice voice, fade. It's nice hearing a clear voice that doesnt sound like a teenager (95% of youtube vids) for once.

I gotta say though, the loot tables have always been unstable, and when players put a lot of work into something and get junk in return, they will pretty much rage quit.

Bad thing about MMO's, if you reward one, you reward all. There cant be an easy way to be the best, or the best will surely be average. And no one likes average.

There are two types of people in AL. You have the impulsive, risk-taking thrill-seekers, and then you have the people who'd rather farm to save and buy their way through the game. I've always been the latter.

09-30-2014, 11:49 PM
Opened roughly 120 so far. Shade mails, architect gear, noble helmets in literally a sea of epics (don't get fooled, they're equally worthless). Meanwhile fossil has dipped 40% in price with less than a month in arena? Not blowing any more gold in ankhs just to spend ten mins liquidating epics in inventory afterwards.

It doesnt help that they made nekro worse. Should have kept the original stats I said. Might as well compare the next arcane pet to samael and make it comparably worse.

10-01-2014, 05:47 AM
Why not make arena crate like locked(you get at least 2k*3) instead of getting all these junks since it's gold consuming to get one?
We farm to get money, not to spend gold n time...

10-01-2014, 05:49 AM
Why dont they just make the chests tradeable? At least itll get back the pots spent once listed in auction.

10-01-2014, 05:56 AM
Although i love the Planar vanity helm. Looks nice !

10-01-2014, 06:06 AM
It doesnt help that they made nekro worse. Should have kept the original stats I said. Might as well compare the next arcane pet to samael and make it comparably worse.

Nekro should be competitive with SnS, at least its farmable, even if very hard.

10-01-2014, 06:14 AM
I've opened about 200 Arena Chests now.

Got 6 Planar items, 2 sold, 4 still in inventory after two relistings. Received a hailstorm of Noble, Shade and Architect.

The entire Arena's loot table wouldn't even be laughably bad on a great day.

And Fossils? Seriously, they're like Vials and the Lower Hauntlet....

10-01-2014, 06:43 AM
Yes if they made the planar gear better it wouldn't be so laughable. I've seen it in cs for 30k already...

Sts just won't address this to us, I guess they don't care we won't play their zone they spent months on. To me that's totally mind boggling though.

10-01-2014, 06:44 AM
I've opened about 200 Arena Chests now.

Got 6 Planar items, 2 sold, 4 still in inventory after two relistings. Received a hailstorm of Noble, Shade and Architect.

The entire Arena's loot table wouldn't even be laughably bad on a great day.

And Fossils? Seriously, they're like Vials and the Lower Hauntlet....

Aww :(

10-01-2014, 06:57 AM
I have to say Candy is truly hitting the nail on the head here. STS spent many months developing this new zone and players have no reason to play it. They even did a test server for this thing lol. Then it comes out, demands tons of pots and ankhs to complete and the loot is worthless pink junk. Why spend all this time on an arena that no one wants to play!!

Something needs to be added to the arena drop table to make it worthwhile. I for one have not even stepped foot inside it. I don't want to spend the money or time on something that yields no payback. I'll go in once it's simple and cheap to complete or actually has drops that are worthwhile.

10-01-2014, 07:01 AM
You learn from your mistakes. It's takig a while for STS to learn

10-01-2014, 07:02 AM
I knew to give up arena after running it a few times. Sharingan says scam!

10-01-2014, 07:03 AM
Let's rest for now

10-01-2014, 07:23 AM
What sucks so much is all the excitement made around arena and ankhs for all the disapointment.

PVE is sooooo booooring right now as it has been for sometime now and Arena was suposed to change that with the promise for a possible Fossil loot and Ankhs and everything else.

Arena is fun to run, right ammount of challenge, but no reward at all, a big gold sink....

So we are left with the ankhs, I'm a plat buyer, so ankhs have make no huge difference on my playing but I realy thought that it was a great idea, non-plat buyers would be able to revive on the more challenging bosses during elite runs making everyones life better. Well, paying 80k to revive 25 times is not so achievable to most of the players specially with the amount of gold you can make right now through farming.

I know ppl will hate me for that, but i rly think ankh seller should be a NPC, like the guy with the rich ppl vanities and with a litle more accessible price. With the price that the lockeds are selling, the loots from Elites not to mention the "Arena Loots", 80k might be a litle expansive right now.

And we all are forgeting the Vials....I only run elites, and I never saw one dropping...they really exist? Or just an Arcane urban legend?

10-01-2014, 08:38 AM
I think it was Sam who said in cb that the vials are now dropping correctly and are set to the population running the elite maps. Does that make sense? I don't code so not really sure how that works ..

My guess is more traffic more vials drop.

10-01-2014, 09:00 AM
We keep talking about the same thing again :banana: again :banana: again :banana: again :banana: again :banana: again :banana: again :banana: again :banana: and.......again :banana:

10-01-2014, 09:19 AM
Everyone is commenting on Fade's voice, so I think I will too. Nice voice, Fade!

10-01-2014, 09:54 AM
Imagination, gotta dream xD
Ill meet all of you there

10-01-2014, 10:17 AM
Planar gear is pretty but not worth it's flash in stats or gold, epics are LOL, fossil is extinct, ankhs are too expensive for the current market economy, and elite tindirin is currently a tiresome grind for elite gear that most players don't really need anymore.

Dark times in AL, dark times indeed.

Halloween can't come fast enough, the game is at a stand still.

10-01-2014, 10:44 AM
Oh? I thought they were very common. In four crates, I got 2 pinks - sold for 400k :o

10-01-2014, 10:52 AM
I think it was Sam who said in cb that the vials are now dropping correctly and are set to the population running the elite maps. Does that make sense? I don't code so not really sure how that works ..

My guess is more traffic more vials drop.

It's only possible if the drop rate is dynamic, which I don't think is the case right now.

I think he meant that given their statistics on runs and the number of drops that they've logged, the drop rate is what they consider to be appropriate.

10-01-2014, 11:33 AM
For my lovely southern accent man...



10-01-2014, 11:47 AM
Iol. after getting my first arena chest and then happily went to auction for selling only to know it is untradable.
darn that feels.
then opened and got epic.
I quit.
waiting for Halloween now.
why waste time and gold here? LOL

10-01-2014, 12:00 PM
Lol you guys expect to get fossil just like that...I don't want people with nekro all over the map because they let players to have more chance on getting a fossil ....nekro is op already we don't want everybody having it...if that ever happen rich player well use that advantage on their twinks and end gamers in PvP and more players well complain about this op pet

10-01-2014, 12:27 PM
Lol you guys expect to get fossil just like that...I don't want people with nekro all over the map because they let players to have more chance on getting a fossil ....nekro is op already we don't want everybody having it...if that ever happen rich player well use that advantage on their twinks and end gamers in PvP and more players well complain about this op pet

We don't really care about the fossil odds (though it'd be nice to know of one looted), what the problem is that ALL Planar loot is essentially worthless. In arena chests your odds at getting something worth over 5k gold is extremely low. We arent complaining about low fossil rates, we are complaining about the lack of something worthwhile to farm.

10-01-2014, 12:35 PM
Lol you guys expect to get fossil just like that...I don't want people with nekro all over the map because they let players to have more chance on getting a fossil ....nekro is op already we don't want everybody having it...if that ever happen rich player well use that advantage on their twinks and end gamers in PvP and more players well complain about this op pet

Yes you are totally missing the point of this thread. We LOL fossil and don't really care, it's something none of us expect to ever see in our lifetimes. It's the totally worthless planar loot and inability to at least cover the cost of potions when we run Arena. We aren't looking to *get rich* off Arena, simply be compensated and maybe make a little gold here and there as we run it. We have had countless threads on this, and Fade was simply putting into a video what we all are experiencing.. that the arena chests are horrible and it's mostly blue crappers.

Our solutions:
(1) make the planar gear stats better and close to current mythics
(2) add egg or rare vanity into the loot table
(3) slightly increase fossil drop rate
(4) add ankh kits inside the arena chests

I mean any or all of these would work. It's a shame this beautiful designed arena that players won't enter because they can't afford to run here.

10-01-2014, 12:54 PM
It would be awesome if they would just put some type of chance for an exclusive vanity in the chest. Give us a gold juggernaut or demonlord vanity or something cool like that, it would be a hot item and would sell instantly in auction. Even just an alternate gladiator vanity would probably work I guess. An egg would be an ok idea but most have been farmed to heck and have had their values drop considerably the past month or so; just doesn't seem like there are many pets that need to drop in another area unless it's something crazy like Talon or one of the elite Tinidrin eggs. I think we have our answer, though; just sit on our hands and wait for Halloween.

I've gone from wanting to play several hours a day during the events to logging in for 30 minutes just to check in with guild and look for stuff in auction and then logging out. It's really a shame how slow the game has become.

10-01-2014, 12:57 PM
Exactly... I'm glad some people are getting why I saved up the arena chests for... to show what came out of them. Candy and Ralchior get it... the loot needs to be fixed. All that development work for it to sit empty except for a few of us die hards that will run it anyway since it's the most challenging thing to do right now despite the fact that it costs you way more to do then you will ever get back in return. This makes it a shame really. I really do like it minus the loot problems.

10-01-2014, 02:49 PM
Nekro should be competitive with SnS, at least its farmable, even if very hard.

um, no it shouldn't

10-01-2014, 02:52 PM
...Fade is a guy?! :O Candy u lied to me huhu :(

10-01-2014, 02:59 PM
um, no it shouldn't

Yes it should.

10-01-2014, 05:10 PM
...Fade is a guy?! :O Candy u lied to me huhu :(

Awe I was prolly joking around in the CB. Yeah he's a guy, I'm girl. He's quite a stellar guy too... js. (;

10-01-2014, 05:28 PM
awe i was prolly joking around in the cb. Yeah he's a guy, i'm girl. He's quite a stellar guy too... Js. (;
kill em!

10-01-2014, 06:34 PM
I agree. I basically got my AP and stopped running it. Really no reason to run it. Just a huge suck of plat and gold with really not much to gain. Although I must admit that I have been pretty disappointed with elite farming ever since the end of season 3. That was basically the last time elite farming was really profitable, back when the best weapons and armors could actually be farmed and not only obtained through crates. I know it is not like mythics and arcane are going to go away, but they have to find some way to make pve fun and profitable again. I know people are going to say that we can't mess with mythics and arcane too much because that is how sts makes their money, but sts is going to make no money from this game if it continues in its current course and dies.

10-01-2014, 08:10 PM
Its telling when everyone is begging for something to play that is worth playing.

10-01-2014, 09:35 PM
nothing because I no open chest :( only I sell

10-02-2014, 04:00 AM
The fossil is a big lol for 99,9999% of the pls....thatīs all...itīs not necessary to speak about

10-02-2014, 04:53 AM
I agree. I basically got my AP and stopped running it. Really no reason to run it. Just a huge suck of plat and gold with really not much to gain. Although I must admit that I have been pretty disappointed with elite farming ever since the end of season 3. That was basically the last time elite farming was really profitable, back when the best weapons and armors could actually be farmed and not only obtained through crates. I know it is not like mythics and arcane are going to go away, but they have to find some way to make pve fun and profitable again. I know people are going to say that we can't mess with mythics and arcane too much because that is how sts makes their money, but sts is going to make no money from this game if it continues in its current course and dies.

Totally agree with this...
Anything valuable is from locked...anything farmable is not valuable

10-02-2014, 08:58 AM
It's not big news, they have been trolling everyone since day one with their chests, yet people still go out, throw away their hard earned cash anyway. So what do you think they will do? Stop? Lol, keep going of course, trololol all the way to the bank.

Thanks for the $$ you fools!

I can't wait to see how much further they will this strategy, its exciting to see what they have planned for Halloween and in the future.

They know you all been working and waiting these last couple of months; stacking up those dollar bills high and they are getting ready for the next taking muhahah

10-02-2014, 09:07 AM
It's not big news, they have been trolling everyone since day one with their chests, yet people still go out, throw away their hard earned cash anyway. So what do you think they will do? Stop? Lol, keep going of course, trololol all the way to the bank.

Thanks for the $$ you fools!

I can't wait to see how much further they will this strategy, its exciting to see what they have planned for Halloween and in the future.

They know you all been working and waiting these last couple of months; stacking up those dollar bills high and they are getting ready for the next taking muhahah

Nah we love this game, the community, and what StS has done for us. They listen to a lot of our feedback and have made tons of changes to make the game F2P as well. And, thanks to this thread and the others like it, the devs are taking our feedback seriously and going to make some changes to the arena crates. This thread isn't any means to bash the hard work of StS, but rather a shout out that hey you guys missed the boat on something. I have zero problem spending my money on this game, and I don't consider it 'throwing it away'. In my mind it's supporting a group of people that have created a virtual environment that I am in love with.

So yes we are unhappy with the current PvE farming, but are committed enough to see the changes come to fruition and will continue to provide constructive feedback as we see fit.

10-02-2014, 09:36 AM
Chill out guys:)
Remember what sts has done for non plat players?
Story tokens, tradable kits, mythic egg weekends, free respec.....
I'm (a) N/nonplat n I still enjoy the game.(I do complain sometimes tho, for the better)

10-02-2014, 02:12 PM
Yes it should.

nooooo, it shouldn't -.- sns is an event pet, should've gotten your own when you had the chance, you certainly are capable enough ive seen your gear, nekro is less than half its price, it should never be as good as sns, and I don't even have sns but I hate how players like you are trying to get the same type of a pet everyone worked hard for or paid 120m+ for, nekro is a pet that can be attained by pve too, and a fossil, so it depends where you decide to put your precious time, sure better than coming and trying to get it done for you on forums

10-02-2014, 02:42 PM
nooooo, it shouldn't -.- sns is an event pet, should've gotten your own when you had the chance, you certainly are capable enough ive seen your gear, nekro is less than half its price, it should never be as good as sns, and I don't even have sns but I hate how players like you are trying to get the same type of a pet everyone worked hard for or paid 120m+ for, nekro is a pet that can be attained by pve too, and a fossil, so it depends where you decide to put your precious time, sure better than coming and trying to get it done for you on forums

Event is over time to move on, nekro should be in line with SnS. People need motivation to play the game every day, not just on events. And sts shouldn't care with SnS now, they dont make more money from it, but ppl still spend plat in arena revive or elite farming for vials.