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View Full Version : Random suggestions for gameplay And development

05-13-2010, 10:11 PM
After playing through the game several times ( 2 lvl 35 war, 1 lvl 35 chant, 1 lvl 35 archer), I have noticed a few things that I would like to suggest. This is only my opinion and i am sure some of these have already been suggested.

- character name change
Charge 1 plat or something
- possible character realm transfer
Also charge plat.
- larger boss health pools
Bosses tend to go down just as fast as trash mobs or faster. More fun if they took longer
- a money slot in your stash area
- a sell all common items button
Sometimes takes a little to go thru all whites and greys to delete
- possible to display helm on characters
- other pots to buy
Money needs to be used in other ways maybe more types of pots like higher hp or mana or crit. Etc
- join near the party when entering a dungeon in progress
- possible run button
- viewing character stats needs to be increased
Allow to see not only dex, str, int but also dps m/s h/s etc. Maybe even what they have equipped
- larger bosses in general
The bosses now are bigger than the avg. Mob but would be cool if they were little bigger, more epic.
- some sort of reputation system for the different dungeons
Will cause people to go back and play older lvls and some rewards could be gear or stuff from future expansions (pets, emotes, etc.)
- lastly, I know there is a mini dungeon at the end of each area ( example the swamps) and according to the description it says for players at level 35 and above. This is also the dungeon which holds the most high end gear. However, it does not feel it is made for level 35's only. When leveling up as a 31 or so, the party will go into the mini dungeon and maybe with some deaths, make their way thru to the end. I do not like the fact that there really isn't anywhere for the level 35's to go and attempt to down tough bosses and worth their way thru tough mobs. Once a character gets to the current level cap, they then want to get the best gear. Once equipped with the best gear, what now. Go to town and show it off to friends for a little, trade for other loot, or just go back to the easy mini dungeon and farm it to try and get other drops. This becomes not fun after a while. It would be nice to have a dungeon that the level caped players can go into to show off their high end gear, use their high end gear to see how it improves their player and of course to fight the tougher high end bosses for the top tier level loot.

These are just some of my suggestions and again if these have already been made, I apologize.

05-13-2010, 10:15 PM
Lol your name, what is the exact meaning.

Do you recognize ross claud talk?

But other then that I really like your post.

05-13-2010, 10:23 PM
I definitely agree with the "special" dungeon for level capped people to have tough boss challenges and wicked gear.

05-13-2010, 10:27 PM
I like most of what you suggested as well.

To suggest something of my own, I think they should have a free transfer of one character per account from alterra to fnord for just maybe a week. By doing that we might see a population increase there.

05-14-2010, 12:07 AM
These are really good suggestions. Especially the starting near party members when joining a game in progress. Such a pain to walk all the way to them :(