View Full Version : Aren't pink items supposed to be awesome?

05-13-2010, 10:11 PM
Now don't get me wrong, some of them are awesome, like the zombie plate gear, or the voodoo stuff. The problem is that many of the swamps pinks are like this:

Bayou Bow of the Eagle
level 35, 109 dex
37-39 damage, 0.9 speed, 5 dex, 3% crit, 2 h/s

vs. its pink upgrade

Sniper's Bayou Bow
level 35, 109 dex
37-39 damage, 0.9 speed, 7 dex, 3% crit, 2 h/s

Here is another

Saintly Shield of the Bear
level 35, 112 Str
5 str, 3% dodge, 2% crit, 17 armor

vs. its pink upgrade

Conqueror's Saintly Shield
level 35, 112 Str
7 str, 3% dodge, 2% crit, 17 armor

And another

Blackmetal Claymore of the Bear
level 35, 111 Str
94-121 damage, 1.9 speed, 5 str, 3% dodge, 5% crit, 2 armor

vs. its pink upgrade

Conqueror's Blackmetal Claymore
level 35, 111 Str
94-121 damage, 1.9 speed, 7 str, 3% dodge, 5% crit, 2 armor

And another

Croc Scale Plate of the Bear
level 35, 112 str
5 str, 3% dodge, 2% crit, 47 armor

vs. its pink upgrade

Conqueror's Croc Scale Plate
level 35, 112 str
7 str, 3% dodge, 2% crit, 47 armor

And another

Croc Scale Leather of the Eagle
level 35, 112 dex
24-26 damage, 0.6 speed, 5 dex, 3% crit, 2 h/s

vs. its pink upgrade

Sniper's Croc Scale Leather
level 35, 112 dex
24-26 damage, 0.6 speed, 7 dex, 3% crit, 2 h/s

And another

Mojo Wand of the Owl
level 35, 108 int
61-77 Damage, 2.2 Speed, 5 Int, 3 h/s, 2% crit

vs. its pink upgrade

Dreamer's Mojo Wand
level 35, 108 int
61-77 damage, 2.2 speed, 7 int, 3 h/s, 2 m/s

Now not all of the pinks are like this, but an increase of 2 in either str, dex, or int really isn't much of an upgrade. The only reason to have one of these items is to have a "pink" item. I am not saying change these items, I just hope that Alien Oasis doesn't follow this.

If Lost Expedition was like this feel free to fill me in, I don't feel like farming more pinks and purples from there to test it out.

NOTE: The stats for the 2 Blackmetal swords are not up to date with the latest patch, but I assume that they are still basically the same.

Please correct me if I am wrong with the stats of the gear. I used what gear I had, and from the pictures posted on this site.

05-13-2010, 10:16 PM
The wand is pretty different it adds 2m/s. Didnt know bayou bow was that bad forget overpaying in a trade I'll get the purple

05-13-2010, 10:50 PM
its the same with talon spike. anyway pink is to just reward those who are lucky to have it dropped or simply put lots of effort in farming.

it is something called perfection which everyone is looking for but not everyone can attain. for those items with diff in 2 stats, is actually quite negligible unless we r at end game where a few stats would mean extra m/s h/s crit or dps.

but some items with different modifiers, that's a huge difference and it might be an upgrade which aerospace has mentioned about the wand as an example.

one example of archer since baconking has mentioned mostly warriors.

croc scale leather of eagle vs sniper croc scale leather difference: 2 dex
sniper swamp talon vs swampthorn talon of eagle difference: 2 dex
i have seen the purp and pink version of shiv yet but i suppose difference: 2 dex
bayou eagle vs sniper bayou difference: 2dex

now tat baconking has mentioned, maybe the devs will take notice and change it in future patches, which means more varieties pertaining to different playing style

an example: h/s tank with zombie set vs crit dodge hs tank with conq set

05-13-2010, 10:54 PM
Yeah most of what I posted is warrior gear because my only level 35 is a warrior. I had to gather the stats on the rest, besides the pink wand, from research here on the forums. I could have found more items, but I think what I have shown was good enough.

Thank you for bringing more in though. I figured the archer gear was the same. Instead of increasing str by 2 they just increase dex by 2. In reality that won't affect much at all. Not to mention the pink item usually looks just like the purple version, but I could care less about looks. I just want better gear for my pink if I will have to pay more, or farm longer for it.

05-13-2010, 11:39 PM
I think that those pinks that only have 2att differenced than their purple version should have better stats.

05-14-2010, 07:39 AM
I am curious about this as well, and would hope someone from the development team can respond plz w/ thoughts? :) Although with upcoming PVP and 1.2 version and whatnot, I can understand if they're already swamped with their priorities.

But it does seem like a good chunk of pink gear from Swamps have negligible minor upgrades over their purple counterparts. Considering the rarity and effort required to obtain some of these items, it does not seem proportional.

05-14-2010, 11:00 AM
Here is where you can get awsome pinks from the swamp.... from the ancient pink swamp. lol


05-14-2010, 11:41 AM
Some pinks are better than others, while some ITEMS are better than others. There is no purple or blue gear that is slightly less impressive than mamboza's or zombie's.

The similarities between dreamers / owl, conquerors / bear, and snipers / eagle have been the same since Mega Mash-up.

05-14-2010, 11:43 AM
Notwithstanding the uber pinkness of the previous post...

Commenting further on this topic. I think instead of adding 2 points to a stat, if pink items instead had 2+ in any of the following categories, they would make the pink item extremely more valuable:


Another modifier that would be nice to implement in the future would be +Health or +Mana, I sure know my enchanter can use more HP without putting enormous amounts of points into Str... lolz