View Full Version : Hello Everyone! :]

01-30-2011, 01:35 PM
Hey, I'm Allowed! I'm not exactly "new" To Pocket Legends; Just the forums so to speak.
I'm currently Trying to become the first person under level 40 to be in the PvE K/D <1000 Highscores. I'm level 10, and have currently 1300 Dungeon Kills, and 0 Deaths. Wish me Luck

~ Allowed

01-30-2011, 03:54 PM
Welcome, but I hate to inform you there is already ready people under 40 with PvE K/D <1000. Lovenus is a lvl 12 with a K/D of 33036 he is #4 on the leaderboards. There might be more but he is the only one I know under level 40 on the list. I do know there is others who have tried it before. Don't let me discourage you though. I was just letting you know you would not be the first before you went through all the trouble lol.

If you wish to try to get a level 50 with no deaths I have a guild that does that. Click my signature picture and it will send you to my guild website. Feel free to check it out and see if it interests you and if it does your welcomed to sign up on the site.