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View Full Version : Glacian vs singe 1v1

10-03-2014, 03:40 PM
1v1 as a lvl 17 rogue vs. rogue which do u think is better?
With both AA's activated if i did my math right singe gives 367 more health and about 5.7 more dmg while glacian gives 10 more crit and 10 percent armor

Left Side
10-03-2014, 05:17 PM
Dovabear XD

10-09-2014, 03:00 AM
With rogues....crit is very important
Singe's lack of mana regen will hurt it a lot when you think about how glacian players can stall easily with the armour buff.
But if the singe player knows how to time his crits well, he can out damage glacian players and win :3 just don't pull the match too long and you'll be fine