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View Full Version : Item And Gold Drop Guide

01-31-2011, 02:56 AM
Hello everyone. My name is Lovenus. This is a guide on item and gold drop to the fullest of my knowledge. Hope that I can answer your questions. Feel free to PM me if there is any area to be improved on.

This is a party of 5 players.

Lovenus - Player 1
Logiklee - Player 2
Failwarrior - Player 3
Flowithwind - Player 4
Quekjacky - Player 5

NPC ( Non player controlled )
Boss - Meathead, Brom Daddy, Dead Eye, Frost King, Vyxnaar, King Mynas and etc. ( 100% drop rate )
Mini Boss - Green goblins, blue demons ( 50% drop rate )
Minions - Anything else that you see ( 30% drop rate )

Treasure Chests - Open up when attacked ( Drops gold or items ) ( 30% gold drop rate and 10% item drop rate )
Barrels - Explode in an area when attacked ( Drops gold in PvP only ) ( 50% gold drop rate )

Drop Rarity
In order from best to worst,
Pink - Legendary
Purple - Epic
Green - Rare
Orange - Uncommon
White - Common
Grey - Trash

Luck Elixirs
Available for purchase in Platinum Store
The Lucky 'Lixir - 35% to re-roll for better loot! [ 3000 gold or 6 Platinum ]
Elixir of Luck! - 25% to re-roll for better loot! [ 1500 gold or 3 Platinum ]

The picture below is an example of what you will see when you farm with luck elixirs.

As you can see from the picture, there are 3 scenarios.
1)Nothing happens. "You received: Item name"
2)Feelin' lucky... with "You received: Item name"
3)Feelin' lucky... You ARE Lucky! Re-rolled for better loot! with "You received: Item name"

Scenario 1 ( Happens 65%-75% of the time )
The item didn't fall into the % (percentage) of elixir used.

Scenario 2 ( Happens 25% OR 35% of the time )
The item fell into the % (percentage) of elixir used but didnt get a chance to re-roll.

Scenario 3 ( Happens 30% of the ( 25% OR 35% ) of the time )
The item fell into the & (percentage) of elixir used and chance to re-roll. The item you were getting will be re-rolled and gained one higher rarity.
E.g. ( You were supposed to get a grey item, it will be re-rolled to a white item )

After showing the pictures, I'm going to explain below.

The amount of gold received will be the amount of gold dropped divided by number of party members.
E.g ( In a level 10 dungeon with 5 party members, 30 gold was dropped at that time. Thus each party member will get ( 30g/5players ) = 6g

This is the rough estimation of drop percentage ( Correct me if I'm wrong )
Level 1-10 Dungeons ( Maximum gold drop is 30g )
Pink - ?%
Purple - ?%
Green - 10%
Orange - 20%
White - 30%
Grey - 40%

Level 10-20 Dungeons ( Maximum gold drop is 40g )
Pink - 5%
Purple - 5%
Green - 10%
Orange - 20%
White - 30%
Grey - 30%

Level 20-30 Dungeons ( Maximum gold drop is 50g )
Pink - 5%
Purple - 5%
Green - 10%
Orange - 20%
White - 30%
Grey - 30%

Level 30-40 Dungeons ( Maximum gold drop is 60g )
Pink - 5%
Purple - 5%
Green - 10%
Orange - 20%
White - 30%
Grey - 30%

Level 40-50 Dungeons ( Maximum gold drop is 90g )
Pink - 5%
Purple - 5%
Green - 10%
Orange - 20%
White - 30%
Grey - 30%

Level 53 and above Dungeons ( Maximum gold drop is 95g )
Pink - 10% ( Elite Pink are dropped 10% out of the 10% for Pink)
Purple - 10%
Green - 80%
Orange - 0%
White - 0%
Grey - 0%

Q: When I farm in group, I tend to get more items.
A: This is true, because the more players, the more % of someone getting an item

Therefore, the fastest way to find the "Pink" item that you desire will be to maximise the percentage of the item drop.

How do you do that? ( Maximum drop % guide )
Farm in full party always ( 5 players including you )
Always make sure all 5 players are together and within the area when a Minion, Mini Boss or Boss is killed.
All 5 players to buy "The Lucky 'Lixir" at same time so that rebuy at same time will be possible

However, if you still fail to find your desire item but your party members found one. Repeat ( Maximum drop % guide ) and do more runs with your friends!

Happy farming! ^^

01-31-2011, 10:42 AM
You're not quite right about how the luck elixirs work. Basically (using the 35% reroll as an example), there is a 35% you get two rolls. So 65% you just get an item as usual. 35% chance to see feelin lucky (which means you roll twice from the loot table). The you are lucky message only appears if the result of your second roll is more rare than the result of the first roll. If you see feelin lucky, but not you are lucky, then you still got two rolls, but the second was not better so you just get the first.

Cool numbers but I'd really like to know how you produced this data. What raw data, an how much of it did you collect.? And is it supposed to be for all maps in a campaign (including minidungeons and hidden passages, etc. with their unique drops), or just the regular maps.

01-31-2011, 10:52 AM
Bad "guide" ,if you can even call it that. You are blatantly wrong, and your "rough estimations" are exactly that - rough, uninformed guesses.

01-31-2011, 10:56 AM
Quick question, where did you get your numbers?

01-31-2011, 11:00 AM
I just realized some of that data makes no sense at all. You grouping of dungeons by level range makes sensible drop rate estimates impossible. Within the 30-40 range for instance, you have the skeller campaign where pinks and purps drop constantly, and also AO1 with one of the most brutal drop rates in the game.

01-31-2011, 11:01 AM
What the-- ??? Where did all these percentages come from? No matter how much testing you do, you can't know the percentage drop rate of a pink. It's random. Other than the 100% pink drop rate the first days of shadow caves, I don't think anyone besides a dev who coded it can tell us the percentages of drop rates.

01-31-2011, 11:03 AM
And what lvl 53 and above dungeons??? There is none yet!!!!
This is all just speculation. Don't pass it off as fact.

01-31-2011, 11:03 AM
What the-- ??? Where did all these percentages come from? No matter how much testing you do, you can't know the percentage drop rate of a pink. It's random. Other than the 100% pink drop rate the first days of shadow caves, I don't think anyone besides a dev who coded it can tell us the percentages of drop rates.

The only way to figure out the % of drop rates that I can think of would be to do a bell curve over hundreds (perhaps thousands) of drops. If anyone has got that kind of time they may be a lot more OCD than me!

01-31-2011, 02:36 PM
Your luck lixir thing is very misleading, you need to describe them in such a way that actually shows their utility. I know I mentioned this in the other thread but I'll bring up my calculations again:

If a pink drops at 5% as you say, then that's a 5/100 chance or 1/20 chance of it dropping. Using a lucky 'lixir gives you a 35% chance to re-roll for better loot. You have 2 drop rates to work on with a lucky lixir:

(1/1)(1/20) = first drop rate, the 1/1 stands for drop rate of any item.
(7/20)(1/20) = second drop rate, the 7/20 (35%) stands for the rate that the lucky lixir will activate to give you another drop rate.
(1/1)(1/20) + (7/20)(1/20) = 6.75%

Using a lucky lixir has increased your chance of getting a pink from 5% to 6.75%.

I don't think the pink drop rate is a 1/20 chance of drop in all dungeon instances; this number seems extremely high.

Also mention that premium pinks (Void, Rift, Cosmos, elite sets) drop at an even lower rate than normal pinks, and thus not all pinks are created equal :)

01-31-2011, 02:49 PM
Your luck lixir thing is very misleading, you need to describe them in such a way that actually shows their utility. I know I mentioned this in the other thread but I'll bring up my calculations again:

If a pink drops at 5% as you say, then that's a 5/100 chance or 1/20 chance of it dropping. Using a lucky 'lixir gives you a 35% chance to re-roll for better loot. You have 2 drop rates to work on with a lucky lixir:

(1/1)(1/20) = first drop rate, the 1/1 stands for drop rate of any item.
(7/20)(1/20) = second drop rate, the 7/20 (35%) stands for the rate that the lucky lixir will activate to give you another drop rate.
(1/1)(1/20) + (7/20)(1/20) = 6.75%

Using a lucky lixir has increased your chance of getting a pink from 5% to 6.75%.

Close but you didn't factor in the overlap. 5% of the times the elixir procs and results in a pink on the second roll, the first roll would already be pink (using your example numbers). So the second equation should be multiplied by (19/20) as well I think.

01-31-2011, 03:01 PM
Close but you didn't factor in the overlap. 5% of the times the elixir procs and results in a pink on the second roll, the first roll would already be pink (using your example numbers). So the second equation should be multiplied by (19/20) as well I think.

Ah pink begetting a pink, forgot about that. But wouldn't the "pink rerolled for a pink" somewhat confuse the data?

6.75% describes the chance of getting an item re-rolled for a single pink whereas 8.325% describes the chance of getting an item re-rolled for a single pink AND a pink item re-rolled for another pink (technically, the odds of 2 pinks "dropping" but you still end up with 1 in your possession).

01-31-2011, 03:02 PM
no offense, but i think this type of thing should be left to physiologic lol

01-31-2011, 03:02 PM
i knew this would end badly...

01-31-2011, 03:10 PM
Ah pink begetting a pink, forgot about that. But wouldn't the "pink rerolled for a pink" somewhat confuse the data?

6.75% describes the chance of getting an item re-rolled for a single pink whereas 8.325% describes the chance of getting an item re-rolled for a single pink AND a pink item re-rolled for another pink (technically, the odds of 2 pinks "dropping" but you still end up with 1 in your possession).

All I'm saying is that if A is the chance of rolling a pink, and B is the chance of an elixir procing and getting a pink in the second roll, the overall chance of getting a pink is A+(1-A)B, not just A+B since if the first roll results in a pink, the result of the second roll does not matter ;)

01-31-2011, 03:12 PM
Ah pink begetting a pink, forgot about that. But wouldn't the "pink rerolled for a pink" somewhat confuse the data?

6.75% describes the chance of getting an item re-rolled for a single pink whereas 8.325% describes the chance of getting an item re-rolled for a single pink AND a pink item re-rolled for another pink (technically, the odds of 2 pinks "dropping" but you still end up with 1 in your possession).

I just tried reading this out loud. Funny. A pink for a pink does not change the chances of getting a pink since the 2 "rolls" are independent.

01-31-2011, 03:16 PM
All I'm saying is that if A is the chance of rolling a pink, and B is the chance of an elixir procing and getting a pink in the second roll, the overall chance of getting a pink is A+(1-A)B, not just A+B since if the first roll results in a pink, the result of the second roll does not matter ;)

Ah thanks for the clarification, I assumed that the 8.325 was the result of two pinks dropping (one pink rerolled for another pink) but I see What you mean now. You da man Royce :)!

01-31-2011, 03:18 PM
I just tried reading this out loud. Funny. A pink for a pink does not change the chances of getting a pink since the 2 "rolls" are independent.

Im aware of independent rolls, I meant to say that I thought when a pink is rerolled for another pink, the calculations results assume that two pinks were dropped (when we all know you still only Get one)

02-03-2011, 03:25 PM
One thing to add about luck elixirs.

I don't think even getting lucky necessarily improves the rarity of the item you get, just the "ranking" of the item in the loot table.

I remember, on more than one instance, where I (or someone else) would use an elixir vs Toy Man and still get a green even though it said I (or they) did get Lucky and re-rolled for better loot.
3k wasted. lol