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View Full Version : Market Must-Havs!

10-07-2014, 02:13 AM
Straight to the point; Alike the 'Min/Max Level' range search option in the Auction House, I think there should be a 'Min/Max Amount' range search option as far as prices go.
Also, I think there should be a 'History Tab' of items you've bought/ sold.
Oh, And I think it would be really cool to have a live 'Front Page' of the market constantly updated with items people are listing!
That is all.
AndAND i think that the tax deduction should be taken AFTER an item is sold.

10-07-2014, 02:25 AM
There is a Min and Max Amount range search, you simply tap the arrows and it will go straight to the top or straight to the bottom etc.

10-07-2014, 02:41 AM
Where there are indeed arrows that point you directly to the min/max amount- there aren't the manual search boxes like there are for levels.
Say I wanted to view chests but nothing less than 3500g, just for example.
Get it?

10-07-2014, 04:05 AM
u shoudlve properly mentioned though

10-07-2014, 04:07 AM
Like you should have properly payed attention in English class? :eagerness:

10-07-2014, 07:35 AM
Like you should have properly payed attention in English class? :eagerness:

While I understand your position, a response like that is very inappropriate. Words have weight.

I'm not sure if this is a must have. I managed pretty well without it. I guess this is for people who buy stuff in bulk.

10-07-2014, 12:44 PM
I dont feel as though a history tab would be really necessary. What would the purpose be?

A live auction would be too much for the game engine, creating insufferable lag.

I do think it would be nice to scroll down the item list to a certain point rather than having to press the arrow down button until you reach the certain item that you want to view.

And i agree with Eb, your response to Raselph was uncalled for

10-07-2014, 06:08 PM
Lol, I guess I couldn't help myself. I apologize, @Raselph.
The history tab would be significant because I (among others) enjoy working the market, so knowing how much I've paid for something and knowing how much I should then sell for profit would be helpful.

10-07-2014, 07:36 PM
Lol, I guess I couldn't help myself. I apologize, @Raselph.
The history tab would be significant because I (among others) enjoy working the market, so knowing how much I've paid for something and knowing how much I should then sell for profit would be helpful.

If you really want to just keep a manual record .-.

10-07-2014, 07:40 PM
Hi there! I removed the black blocks (symbols) that were in the title. These types of characters are a bit obstructive and aren't relevant to the content at hand.

10-08-2014, 04:04 PM
These are just convenient suggestions that would make the Auction House better, IMO.
What would it hurt to add these?
This thread is about why I think adjustments should be made, not why I don't.

10-10-2014, 03:37 AM
So what happens after we suggest.. suggestions.. ?
Are they considered? Will I be notified if this is considered?
Lol idek.

10-10-2014, 08:16 AM
I like the history idea, but also the option to serach specifially for each class and not just your own class.

10-12-2014, 04:31 AM
I like the history idea, but also the option to serach specifially for each class and not just your own class.

Thats also a great idea!

Jay Gatsby
10-12-2014, 07:20 AM
I think that another market must have would be a shopping cart, where you can store the item you want to buy while continue browsing other items. however, storing the item in the shopping cart does not make you reserve the item, it just helps you 'remember' what items caught your eyes

10-12-2014, 10:49 AM
There should be in my opinion a class button for when searching none useable items.

10-14-2014, 03:37 AM
The cart idea is meh, but that's your opinion.