View Full Version : New to AL, Only 3 days need insight

10-09-2014, 03:20 PM
new player, me & my brother stumbled across AL three days ago thinking it was just a little fun game to kill time and well I was suprised !

I have a Lvl 17 Mage ,I've read most of the guides if not all in this section of the forums & I'm pretty confused about a great bit and hopefully someone a little more experience could shed some light on a few of my questions or maybe post some links to where I could get the answers

Lvl 17 Pure Intellingence

Fireball 4/5 (no scortch)
Frost B 3/5 ( shiver, jagged)
Arcane 3/5 (static, extended)
Time S 4/5 (no time bomb)
Life G 2/5 ( empower)

Pet Haze
+ 25 Primary Stat, +10% Damage, +10% movement speed and +8 mana regen

My equipment is random cheaply purchased legendary stuff according to my level

now I know ppl say Life G sucks and isn't worth it but as a noob with no much eq or gear to get ppl to party with me or help it's kind of my only hope for now

I am curious about skills so many different opinions but I'm looking for one catered to a broke new made with a warrior brother?
(My brother has a warrior ?

How to get money without spending real money ?( farming ,runs, etc)

Which level & area is good for farming ?

And are those leprechaun necklaces & stuff worth it for farming & if so how to I get them ?

Which equipment should I be using and saving up for ?

Which pet ? I have an haze at the moment

I also need insight on AoE & gathering techniques

& yes I've tried the search bar but I'm not really finding anything clear more ppl asking questions about high up mages and Pvp builds

10-09-2014, 03:46 PM
Big tip: Put all your stat points onto intelligence
Gear: Look for items that have INT and STR combo (With INT as primary and STR as secondary), look for items that give nice green numbers on your DMG, DPS, ARMOR, HP and MANA.

Listen to Instanthumor.

10-09-2014, 04:15 PM
Big tip: Put all your stat points onto intelligence
Gear: Look for items that have INT and STR combo (With INT as primary and STR as secondary), look for items that give nice green numbers on your DMG, DPS, ARMOR, HP and MANA.

Listen to Instanthumor.

Ahhhh okay well hopefully he/she could tune into to this post & give me some tips and tricks maybe sprinkle a little of his insight

10-09-2014, 09:52 PM
Correct, put all of your points in Int. For your gear, you want items that boost your DAMAGE. There's some trade off with hp, etc but as a rule of thumb, mages want damage value in items they purchase.

Basic build for running maps is Fire, Ice, Clock & lightning. Use clock for mobs and when you get to the boss, swap clock for lightning.

edit: you really don't used heal. mages heal is garbage. If you want to be a respectable mage that people will run with, use potions. On occasion you will run into rogues who want you to be their "mana" source because they're too cheap to use potions. Just ignore them..they will get annoying after a while but a good mage does not waste a skill slot for heal.

Well, TBH it depends whether your a Support mage or a strictly attacking mage.

10-09-2014, 09:59 PM
Well, TBH it depends whether your a Support mage or a strictly attacking mage.

well at the moment I'm 19 farming Bakenridge (if that's the spelling ) & I don't plan on being a support I've been running the tomb & the hauntlet solo trying to get used to kiting/solo-ing it's pretty fun but I just have heal for the time being I could always do a few offered and get 5 plat to respc my Mage but at the moment in pretty noob no good eq & not much gold maybe like 9k my darn Lvl 19 Haze be killing me but I need his 10% speed and +25 stats it helps when soloing so I'm kinda I between a rock and a hard place

10-09-2014, 10:50 PM
there's no such thing as a support mage in this game. It's not like other games where the mage is a healer. Don't confuse the new player please if you don't know what you're talking about.

Rico, your job as a mage is crowd control and to deal damage to the crowd. This is accomplished by stunning with fireball, freezing with ice and rooting them with clock. Fire & Ice make it easier for the warrior to take damage from the mob because of stun and freeze effect. The rooting done by clock lets you and the rogue sit back and fire away (for the most part). Remember one thing, you don't need to be a hero as a mage because you die easily. Staying alive is more important to the team than trying to get an extra hit or two in but dying.

The rogues job is to pick the most dangerous in the mob and start killing that one first and also to kill the boss faster. The warrior is supposed to keep aggro (the interest of the mob) so that they attack him and not you. That is the balance of this game in a nutshell.

anybody that tells you anything to the contrary does not know what they're talking about.

Sounds good to me , now I must farm these chest do ppl buy gold chest or nah ? just tryna start making some money/income or at least for now until I find a farming/elite run guild to take me in :) thanks again for all the help ppl

10-09-2014, 11:29 PM
right now the price of locked crates are very low. If you can manage to hold on to them, they will go up in price during the Halloween event.

Also, the first thing that you should save for is a leprechaun pendant. You really won't be able to make money farming until you own one. feel free to pm me in game if you have questions. If I don't answer right away, it's because I'm afk or in pvp.

Is your ign shinytoy ?

10-10-2014, 01:38 AM

See you in game

10-10-2014, 03:35 AM
In my opinion heal can be very nice when you do not have a lot of gold and are lower level. Saves a lot of pots. Pots are relatively cheap but not if you just starting. In Elite heal is useless because it will not save you or your teammates.

As far as gear - try to fight the urge to always get better things. You will only lose gold this way so try to use what you have for a few levels and then see if you can upgrade for not too much gold. Only when you are lvl 40/41 I would invest in the best gear your gold can buy (just be careful not to do this just before a new level cap)..

10-10-2014, 04:03 AM
In my opinion heal can be very nice when you do not have a lot of gold and are lower level. Saves a lot of pots. Pots are relatively cheap but not if you just starting. In Elite heal is useless because it will not save you or your teammates.

As far as gear - try to fight the urge to always get better things. You will only lose gold this way so try to use what you have for a few levels and then see if you can upgrade for not too much gold. Only when you are lvl 40/41 I would invest in the best gear your gold can buy (just be careful not to do this just before a new level cap)..

good advice , I'm 20 now just solo'ed the beach with all the sharks :) I'm learning

10-10-2014, 01:19 PM
Add appeltjes ^_^

10-10-2014, 01:44 PM
Add appeltjes ^_^

for some reason it it can't get your name right lol just add me in game IGN: ricostupidass

10-10-2014, 03:01 PM
heal is stricktly when you have no pots or nomral shuyal and lower maps

10-11-2014, 11:15 AM
Heal is great for saving time and gold while leveling, I'm sure I'll respec for endgame but I find it very useful now.
You want to establish a rotation of pets so you never have to feed them preferably ones that boost int and damage. Also you can play with them every 15 minutes to boost thier timers a bit.

10-11-2014, 11:17 AM
Heal is great for saving time and gold while leveling, I'm sure I'll respec for endgame but I find it very useful now.
You want to establish a rotation of pets so you never have to feed them preferably ones that boost int and damage. Also you can play with them every 15 minutes to boost thier timers a bit.

Goood advice cause my haze rapes my gold