View Full Version : Minor bug

02-01-2011, 12:51 AM
Not really worth mention, but it MAY be disorienting to others, esp. noobs.
Isnt the first category supposed to be "health potions" instead of just "potions"? as the second category is "mana potions" already, and the page before THIS page is already named "potions".

EDIT: Oh, I forgot to mention, clicking the first tab brings you to the page where you can buy health potions only, so yeah..the name is definitly wrong.\

EDIT EDIT lol: I just realized that the pictures could be switched too. The pic with health on top of mana should be the pic for the big top, "potions", and the single red pot can be used to be the pic for the supposedly "health potions".

02-01-2011, 01:12 AM
I noticed this too, it definitely seems wrong...