View Full Version : ArtplayJun NEW 30~31 Mage Guide For Everyone! UPDATE 2014-10-13

10-13-2014, 12:08 PM
ArtplayJun’s Guide to level 30-31 mage.



My old guide seemed pathetic compared to other people’s guides. Well, my object here is to guide all of you through the world of 30-31 enchantresses. I personally played PVP at level 15, 23, 27, 30-31, 35, 40, 56-61, and endgame, but I like this area the most. People are generally kind and gears are not expensive at all. Even though I complained about egos and such, turn out that I was being a hypocrite. We all have egos at some point, but I decided to stop acting like a B@%#^. Apologies to all of you . Also, I am seeing a lot of people who are noticing me in games, private messaging me with a welcoming sentence “Thanks for your guide / your guide is awesome / your guide helped me a lot, thanks,”. Thanks a lot for taking a look and if you have ever used this guide, please press thanks, I would appreciate it :D. Well then, enjoy!

Step By Step Guide-Through :

1. Types of enchantresses at this level

A. Nuke, Tank, Support

i. Nuking with mages after the mage nerf barely happens, but it still happens during fights (P.S: If you get lucky).

ii. Tanking or (Having a high heal and lasting for a long time) is the majority of the mages at this level. Using high lightning and timing combos right = Tank.

iii. Support mages are useless, unless you have rushing buddies who are eligible to guide you out of troubles.

2. Equipments / Stats

A. Dex / Int / Str

i. DEX is the best! Mages usually use 55 int all dex or minimum requirement of int for their mana regeneration gears (22 int for Alchemist & Sorcerer’s L5 armor) / (52 int for Alchemist & Sorcerer’s L15 armor) / (55 int for Sandstone Cave items). Dex not only increases damage per second (DPS), but also increases hit rate + Critical Damage chance + Damage on your character stats. Equipments that I suggest are (L30 Shivering items, with a mix of Halloween gears)

ii. INT is usually used for regen gears as mentioned before. If you do want to try int mages, use (Brain Freeze) items, with Halloween L30 gears (Dex for DPS / Crit) / (Int for Dodge) / (Str for highest crit). It might be advantageous with higher mana regen compared to dex / int mages, but in the end, due to the DPS and damage difference, Dex mages will win.

iii. STR mages use (L30 Iceberg) items with a mix of Halloween items as a choice. However, due to the low hit rate, despite their heavy damage, is not compatible against int / dex mages. I highly do not recommend STR.

B. Rings

i. I am not positive with the names but the rings that I used were Champion’s fine band? (2 crit 10 damage) ring / Acrobat’s something something (8 armor 2 dodge) ring. For mana regeneration, try to find a ring that has 2 m/s sign and is int (I think it was Fine life something).

C. Face

i. Cat face (1 dodge couple stats addition), Mystic elf? Blue face (2 hit percent with couple stats addition), Angry face (1 crit with couple stats addition). These are my recommendations, and I still think most of the users use these too.


3. Build / Skill Trees

A. General Builds That I Used


6 Blessing of Might

6 Blessing of Vitality

4 heal

3 fire

1 frost

6 light

4 drain

(60 INT all DEX) with a choice of your own gears.

> L E V E L 3 1 <


6 Blessing of Might

6 Blessing of Vitality

6 light

1 frost

1 ice storm

5 heal

4 drain

1 fire

(All DEX or 60 INT all DEX) with a choice of your own gears.

> L E V E L 3 1 <


6 Blessing of Might

5 Blessing of Vitality

6 light

1 frost

1 ice storm

5 heal

1 fire

4 drain

(All DEX / 22 INT all DEX) with a choice of your own gears.

> L E V E L 3 0 <


6 Blessing of Might

6 Blessing of Vitality

6 light

1 frost

1 icestorm

6 heal

1 fire

2 drain

(1/9/15 Update)

Level 31 Build*



1 Frost

1 Icestorm

6 Lightning

3 fire

5 heal

1 drain

1 ms (For foxes :/)


This is weird but,

6 Bom

6 Bov

2 heal

5 fire

1 frost

1 icestorm

6 light

1 ms

1 drain or 2 if you are 31.

(All DEX / 52 INT all DEX) with a choice of your own gears.

> L E V E L 3 1 <

v. One hidden build for myself ;). It’s also fun to discover new builds and make yourself one of the best mages around the range of 30 ~ 31. I spent around 40 platinum myself, so, USE YOUR IDEAS!


4. Some Tips

A. Man… Thanks Jun. <JKJK>

i. Against Bears

A. Kite at your best using fire. I usually use fire frost heal (Bear HS) frost light fire.

i. Equipments

1. Bears who are level 30 should be easy with the talon setup.
2. Bears who are level 35+, Use Halloween Int set for dodge, dodge ring for dodge, L30 Fiendish Paw for 3 dodge, and L30 Fiendish Shrunken Head or L30 Gruesome Evidence Bracer.

ii. Against Mages

A. Tank all day and be lucky (Heal misses!)

i. Equipments

1. Mages who are level 30~31 should be compatible with the talon setup with Halloween mixture.
2. Mages who are level 35+, some serious challenge. I tree!

iii. Against Foxes

A. Tank / Kite

i. Equipments

1. Foxes that are levels 30~31, must use the paw setup for level 35+ bear equipments. Because foxes are dodgey and nukey, we mages shall use the power of heal and dodge against them. Start with fire and keep making distance, heal the darts.
2. Foxes that are levels 35+, this is another major challenge. Use the paw setup and wish for luck.

iv. Against Rhinos

A. Late buff

i. Equipments

1. Rhinos that are levels 30~31, not hard at all. If rhinos late buff, you should also do that. Don’t waste your mana so much because rhinos hide their long big a%& sword after our mana is out. They love to tank our combos with their tank gears (Frosty hatchet & Iceberg items). << You baddies tank like boss.
2. Rhinos that are levels 35+, not hard at all. There’s barely any 35+ rhinos so don’t worry too much.

v. Against birds

A. Kite / Tank

i. Equipments

1. Birds that are levels 30~31 are hardly seen these days. If you see them, show some respect. Birds are really weak at this level.
2. Birds that are levels 35+ are hardly seen also. Show respect. #HailBirds.

5. Random Facts

A. Is this necessary? #Trying Hard To Make Guide Longer.

i. Any mages can beat me.

ii. Skills do not determine the game, your ability to think does.

iii. Don’t buy builds, ask me instead.

iv. If you need a private lesson with mages, send me a private message.

v. <Illionaire> and <Glory> are allied. We are fighting against Humiii’s guild <Owned>. Exceptions: Escaled, Buttmage, Mahde.

vi. Good luck!

vii. People who took a screen shot with me in corriders of killin', sorry! The screenshot doesn't upload #fail.

10-13-2014, 12:30 PM
The second 31 build has 29 skill points and the lvl30 one has 30 skill points

10-13-2014, 12:35 PM
The second 31 build has 29 skill points and the lvl30 one has 30 skill points

Didn't see that lol thanks! I think the lv31 one is fine? no?

10-13-2014, 12:45 PM
you did a nice job Jun, keep it up! :)

10-13-2014, 12:48 PM
you did a nice job Jun, keep it up! :)

Thanks time! and thanks for the help earlier~

10-13-2014, 01:37 PM
The lvl31 build with 5 bov has 29 skill points I think

10-13-2014, 02:02 PM
The lvl31 build with 5 bov has 29 skill points I think

Oh, if you see on the bottom, it says level 30 build. I think it's alright lol but thanks and continue to write stuff that I made mistakes on for me.

10-20-2014, 01:14 AM
what do u mean pally is bad >.> try it again, i l just swapped back to it Nd it is OP

10-20-2014, 08:42 PM
I'll be making a l30 mage and then eventually level it to 35. Coming back to 35 'cause 56 isn't as fun as it used to be. I can't ever seem to stay away from 35 for long despite it's problems, it is where I learned Pvp after all.

New ign is Herbology.

10-21-2014, 01:52 AM
Idk I feel like 35 is very gear dependent. The "voodoo" isn't even voodoo anymore. They only use the voodoo pin and call themselves voodoo mages. I feel like if you don't use certain gear you'd get destroyed. On the other hand, I really enjoy 30 because the gear is cheap and you don't need an evi or head to compete with other mages. Just my opinion.

10-21-2014, 09:53 AM
Idk I feel like 35 is very gear dependent. The "voodoo" isn't even voodoo anymore. They only use the voodoo pin and call themselves voodoo mages. I feel like if you don't use certain gear you'd get destroyed. On the other hand, I really enjoy 30 because the gear is cheap and you don't need an evi or head to compete with other mages. Just my opinion.

I totally agree with you. At 35, voodoo mages that have gruesome or even a head, they gain a lot of dodge and crits, also with 2 bom worth of damage. Gruesome prices are like 2.3m even though 30 and 35 gruesomes have almost the same stat (less armor for 30, around 5?). Halloween gears are the start and the end of the destruction of "skill required" pvp. One of the reasons why I sold grue also lol.

10-21-2014, 12:33 PM
Maybe I'll keep mage at 30 then and just make a bear 35 then.

10-21-2014, 03:03 PM
Maybe I'll keep mage at 30 then and just make a bear 35 then.

Make sure to get a l30 pink paw for higher lvl bears.

10-21-2014, 03:13 PM
Make sure to get a l30 pink paw for higher lvl bears.

Can't afford one right now.

10-22-2014, 06:12 AM
Good guide jun :D you should come back n do 15 again
Rushing wid me ;)

~ Inv

10-22-2014, 01:29 PM
Good guide jun :D you should come back n do 15 again
Rushing wid me ;)

~ Inv

Thanks Temn :) I will go down there when I get the chance.

12-10-2014, 08:46 AM
how much for an average lvl 30 pink paw?

12-10-2014, 09:07 AM
totally agree with u when u say vs 35 mages u tree <3

12-10-2014, 08:49 PM
I'll be making a l30 mage and then eventually level it to 35. Coming back to 35 'cause 56 isn't as fun as it used to be. I can't ever seem to stay away from 35 for long despite it's problems, it is where I learned Pvp after all.

New ign is Herbology.

Omg you woke up from 56 land :)

12-10-2014, 08:51 PM
Idk I feel like 35 is very gear dependent. The "voodoo" isn't even voodoo anymore. They only use the voodoo pin and call themselves voodoo mages. I feel like if you don't use certain gear you'd get destroyed. On the other hand, I really enjoy 30 because the gear is cheap and you don't need an evi or head to compete with other mages. Just my opinion.

I like 30 also because its player friendly, you can be a good pvper for cheap as long as you have the skill. Other levels that are "balanced" require 3million gold worth of gear, so thats not imo "balanced".

12-11-2014, 12:00 AM
I like 30 also because its player friendly, you can be a good pvper for cheap as long as you have the skill. Other levels that are "balanced" require 3million gold worth of gear, so thats not imo "balanced". Applenoob is awesome.

Aww thanks

12-11-2014, 07:24 AM
Omg you woke up from 56 land :)

I did for a few months. Then I made a few endgame characters and am now back to 51/56 for the tourneys.

12-11-2014, 08:17 AM
does anyone know how much lvl 30 pink paw costs in cs?

12-20-2014, 04:46 PM
at most 1 mil.

12-20-2014, 04:48 PM
totally agree with u when u say vs 35 mages u tree <3

Well tree is actually part of the skill lol. Requires some thinking before making moves. No? Also, I think its pretty adroit if you can beat 35's with 4-6 drains and 6 fire with a 31 shivering mage lool.

12-21-2014, 01:45 AM
its skill if ur able to tree higher levels and win but if ur the same level then... well..

12-27-2014, 11:30 PM
its skill if ur able to tree higher levels and win but if ur the same level then... well..

I never treed against same level or lower levels, well sometimes when I troll lol. Coming back in 2015 Decemeber, quitting for good this time.