View Full Version : Out with the Bullwark

10-14-2014, 11:57 AM
.... in with the Level 41 mythic gearrrrrs. I like the way STG did this. Fixed the Bullwark to revert back to a tank wep PVE and then release scaled myth gears to 41 for Halloween. A Wars PVP dream! :)

B// Lvl41 Mythic Saw :)

Im guessing the new scaled Myth weps will drop from Locks too?

10-14-2014, 12:41 PM
I would take it with a grain of salt mate, no stats, no announced levels, no sneak peek, no confirmed levels.. too many questions not answered.

Expect less so it wont be disappointing in the end if it doesnt go our way.


10-14-2014, 12:45 PM
I would take it with a grain of salt mate, no stats, no announced levels, no sneak peek, no confirmed levels.. too many questions not answered.

Expect less so it wont be disappointing in the end if it doesnt go our way.


Glaive was already very competitive at L41 in its L36 version so the L41 version will pretty much guarantee dominance over all the other weapons.

However, dagger and orbital are weapons that do not seem to be as effective so it will be a gamble on which one is better until we see them equipped on an avatar.

10-14-2014, 12:57 PM
I think its like:

E bow > Nightmarish

Glaive >> Bulwark :rolleyes:

E gun > A staff >= Orbital

10-14-2014, 12:58 PM
Rogues get daggers which are just as deadly as they were last season (lvl scaling)

Warriors get bonesaw which is gonna terrify all foes

Mages get a staff -.- it wasnt effective last season it wont be effective this season unless they give something extra to staffs (atleast pvp wise) its okay if you dont agree but i hated using orbital last season and sold it after 1-2 weeks.

10-14-2014, 01:59 PM
Yay to dags! I personally hated the elondrian bow.