View Full Version : Ping

10-14-2014, 02:59 PM
Hi guys...
Im playing with 200-250 ping on Turkey im watching some videos but people playing with 70-100 Ping.Is there much different?

10-14-2014, 04:02 PM
Always you have less ping you gonna have better FPS and game experience. Happly, 200-250 is a good number of ping. Always you have green numbers at your ping its ok. Those who play with 100 ping? It's okay, the game works faster, but belive me, your ping its good.

10-14-2014, 04:13 PM
Ping varies with how strong your connection is to the server. Your ping is measured in milliseconds. So if you have a ping of 300, then your device processes the data from the server 300ms (0.3s) after the data is initially sent.

So is there much difference in 100ms and 300ms?

Your ping varies between location, internet strength, and server performance. Spacetime's servers are very good, so ping problems usually come from the player's end.

The ideal ping is around 1-150ms, and before disconnecting, your ping will increase by 1ms/ms right before you disconnect at around 120,000 ping (2

Lag is associated with high ping, unless it's graphical lag which is associated with a poor device. Usually only PC users get a ping between 1-100. A ping of 0 is impossible because speed is definite.

That's pretty much what ping is.