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View Full Version : February: The Month of Caring

02-01-2011, 08:37 PM
February is the month of caring and I really want some people to recognize those who look out for others and do simply nice things. So here is what I want YOU to do!

1) Find someone who did something caring and out of the ordinary. Like helping lower levels. Not for pinks, not for their brother, not for gold, but from the kindness of their heart.
2) Acknowledge them! Tell them that you saw what they did and thank them! Help make the community a better place!
3) If it was that caring, kind, or out of the oridnary, post it here!
4) Be kind yourself! Make this community the best it can be!

I am submitting an idea to the devs, hopefully they think it's a good idea!

02-01-2011, 08:38 PM
Will do sir!

02-01-2011, 08:40 PM
Im kind this one time i was so kind i got a kind award by a level 50 called santa and said merry valentines and rode off on cupid

02-01-2011, 08:48 PM
I have recently been leveling my bear which is quite painful after grinding to 50 with an enchantress and then a bird. A friend of mine named Coglin has been helping me as well as some other friends alts within our little "group". Even if we cannot fill our group up with regulars we end up adding another person who needs some XP as well.

Coglin has never asked for anything at all and does this strictly to help others out. Lately he has been doing this for 2-3 hours a night. The only financial gain is off of drops as elixers/pots come out of his pocket as well. Very awesome indeed. CogAir rules!