View Full Version : [Suggestion] Ankh to be buyable with story tokens

10-21-2014, 09:37 AM
probably around 125-250 story tokens for 25 ankh kit

the idea behind it is to encourage player to do hard maps once in several few days

also making elixir given by klass/shazbot to become special (untradeable) elixir kits will probably be a good idea


10-21-2014, 04:34 PM
Nice idea..
i more prefer klass/shazbot give 1-5 ankh(non-tradeable) to player..
so no player will exploit it..

11-13-2014, 06:43 PM
or maybe 2-4 hauntlet tokens for 1 ankh,

probably give player a free revive per day (10 story tokens for 1 ankh) won't effect 'the economy' that much

thank you