View Full Version : Increase range of avian scream

02-02-2011, 10:18 PM
I believe the radius of the bird skill Avian Scream to be to small. The other 2 bird skills that work similarly to it (Shattering Scream and Thorn Wall) both have more than double its measly radius of 3 yds. With only a 3yd radius, you literally have to be right on top of your enemy to do damage. I dont understand how one scream can have an 8 yd radius and another only 3?

I think a possible solution would be to have the radius at 3yds by default, but increase it by 1m per rank - which would give it a much more feasible 7m radius by rank 5.

Now the skill also has a knockback and a 3 second stun. I understand the pvp implications if this radius increase were to occur. An 3 second stun every 8 seconds would not be fair at all.
Now I'm not sure if its possible to make the stun apply only in PvE situations, but if it is, that would be ideal. If not, removal of the stun entirely wouldn't be too unreasonable in my opinion. As it stands right now the skill is next to useless in pvp because of its range and I dont think it would be missed. A knockback is just fine.

If I've left something out let me know, or any feedback at all is welcome

02-02-2011, 10:22 PM
I agree, made a thread about this a while ago, the skill is pretty much useless unless you're a battle bird and going to be fighting close range. A useless skill only narrows down the amount of skills that are used making pvp even more of a "who can throw the first combo" game:/

02-02-2011, 10:24 PM
It was useful when I was wearing rift with the gurg hammer. (was pretty damn fun pummeling the crap out of aliens :D)

02-03-2011, 10:44 AM
Eh, I think it's fine. If you make it the range of a gun, the bird never puts itself in ANY danger. I think you should have to take a chance every now and then.

02-03-2011, 11:07 AM
range is 3. make it 4. i do use it in pvp in brawls so i can deal a last burst of damage and stuns in case other skills are in cooldown. lets me hurt a lot of people in the other team and yet still pummel one guy.

02-03-2011, 03:21 PM
I just run up once in awhile to use it or use it when things run up to me. Obviously greater range would be lovely, but it's pretty useful now. I do notice lots of birdies NOT using it. Usually I have to tell the birds they to use their stun. Because they usually don't remember they can do that.

Hmm... but then again, there ARE birds that do not break armor... hm...

02-03-2011, 04:25 PM
I just run up once in awhile to use it or use it when things run up to me. Obviously greater range would be lovely, but it's pretty useful now. I do notice lots of birdies NOT using it. Usually I have to tell the birds they to use their stun. Because they usually don't remember they can do that.

Hmm... but then again, there ARE birds that do not break armor... hm...

Yes, i use it too, all the time. But the range is so small it literally does nothing around 50% of the time in my experience. In boss fights specifically, it feels weird that a ranged character should have to stand literally right on top of the boss in order to get maximum dps. I dont think a 5-7m range is too out of the question.