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View Full Version : Solution to fixing Sorcerer balance issues in PvP

10-22-2014, 02:44 AM
We had a thread a couple of weeks ago where people were making suggestions, and just yesterday I read through all the suggestions, and there was one suggestion that was mentioned that I think would work.

It occurs to me that both Warriors and Rogues have skills that give them stun immunity. Sorcerers have no such skill. Even when our shield is up and during the 2 seconds of invulnerability, we can still be stunned.

So here is my solution:

Get rid of the "Displacement Wave" upgrade to Arcane Shield. Nobody uses this anyway. Instead, add a new upgrade which gives stun immunity when the skill is charged.

The only question is how long the stun immunity should be? I think it would be too OP if it were the entire 15 seconds that the shield is up. How long does the stun immunity for warriors and rogues last? Maybe it should be 5 seconds? Maybe 7 seconds? I guess STS would have to do some testing to determine a good time length.

This would also not have much of an effect on PvE, so this skill upgrade could work for both PvP and PvE.

Any thoughts?

10-22-2014, 02:55 AM
Giving mages stun immunity will only do so much. What we really need is more survivability. Instead of the displacement wave upgrade, we need something that will make our shield last longer AND absorb more dmg. The problem is not stun immunity. We are considered weak and squishy because of the fact that we are weak and squishy.

10-22-2014, 03:13 AM
There is already an upgrade that makes the shield last longer and absorb more damage. I suppose they could make that upgrade do more. But it would be dumb to have 2 upgrades that do the same exact thing.

Stun immunity is a big deal. Remember a while back I was complaining that my fireball stun no longer worked? What I now know is that the reason it wasn't working is because warriors and rogues were using their stun immunity skills. And that is the big difference between Seasons 2-4 and now. Everyone has more skill points to use, so players are carrying more skills and more skill upgrades. Back before season 5, very few if any warriors and rogues were using these stun immunity skills. So everyone was on equal ground.

The reason I can't beat an equally equipped warrior is not because I can't cause enough damage, and it's not because I die too easy. It's because he stuns me more than I can stun him. So I end up stunned for half the fight, and he chops me down. A stun immunity would go a long way, since it would mean an extra couple of attacks for you that you otherwise would not have (because you are stunned).

Most of the time I die in PvP, it is while I am stunned.

10-22-2014, 03:39 AM
There is already an upgrade that makes the shield last longer and absorb more damage. I suppose they could make that upgrade do more. But it would be dumb to have 2 upgrades that do the same exact thing.

Stun immunity is a big deal. Remember a while back I was complaining that my fireball stun no longer worked? What I now know is that the reason it wasn't working is because warriors and rogues were using their stun immunity skills. And that is the big difference between Seasons 2-4 and now. Everyone has more skill points to use, so players are carrying more skills and more skill upgrades. Back before season 5, very few if any warriors and rogues were using these stun immunity skills. So everyone was on equal ground.

The reason I can't beat an equally equipped warrior is not because I can't cause enough damage, and it's not because I die too easy. It's because he stuns me more than I can stun him. So I end up stunned for half the fight, and he chops me down. A stun immunity would go a long way, since it would mean an extra couple of attacks for you that you otherwise would not have (because you are stunned).

Most of the time I die in PvP, it is while I am stunned.

Having more survivability would mean you could survive the stunlocks. A big issue is that rogues are one shotting mages, and breaking our shields with one combo. Stun immunity is completely useless in those scenarios, while having more survivability is a win-win for every pvp situation.

And btw, the reason there wasn't as much stun immunity before from warriors and rogues was not because of the lack of skill points, it's mostly becuase nobody really knew it'd be useful as it is now.

10-22-2014, 03:53 AM
Yes to stun immunity.
Yes to sheild duration increase.

10-22-2014, 04:24 AM
You should all know by now no class balance is coming. But don't worry they'll create another official feedback thread for you.

10-22-2014, 04:29 AM
A big issue is that rogues are one shotting mages, and breaking our shields with one combo. Stun immunity is completely useless in those scenarios, while having more survivability is a win-win for every pvp situation.

Well im with Eric stun immunity is important! I played a lot of rogues last days who stunlocked me to death, i couldnt even move once.
What happens? I release my charged shield, rogues bow stuns me, rogue does lot of damage, rogue does terrify/panic with pet, rogue does a lot of damage and im nearly dead knowing at this point there is no chance to come back because the rogues have some stun immunity and i cant finish her with a gale/FB stun and a 1 combo of 3 attack skills. and the chance my terrify/panic from slag misses them is a factor... lol

10-22-2014, 06:52 AM
Thing is, stun immunity skills were not as popular many seasons ago. With the advent of the Samael era, and the fact that almost all endgame players have Slag now thanks to the egg weekend, PvP is just full of stuns. To make up for it, Juggernaut and Razor shield are increasingly being used. Nox isn't as useful in clashes because most of the time you'll be cursed and besides; Samaels do lots of damage (~10%?) on DoTs.

A stun immunity upgrade for a sorcerer skill is essential to even out the playing field, because right now the stunning class stuns only the stunning class, what's special about that?

10-22-2014, 08:41 AM
give mages shoes to wear...

10-22-2014, 01:05 PM
Mages have to be able to win the "stun war" in order to win a fight. Mages are the only class who must land more hits than their opponents to win a fight. If we fight a rogue, we must hit them 3-4 times to kill them, but they can kill us with 1-2 hits. If we fight a warrior, they can kill us with 4-5 hits, while we must land 10+ hits to kill a warrior. So the only way we can win a fight is if we are able to stun our opponents more than they can stun us. In seasons 2-4, that was how it was. But now with everyone running around with stun pets and warriors & rogues having weapons that stun with charged attacks, we actually get stunned more than our opponents do due to not having any kind of stun immunity skill.

10-22-2014, 01:11 PM
What Falmear said.

10-22-2014, 04:15 PM
I've never played a game where the Mage class is so weak.

The fact that we've been asking for buff for almost a year shows how STS really feels about it. Last thing they did was nerf the mythic gun. Just what we needed, being the most useless class.

If you guys want to play a real Mage I suggest finding a different game. STS doesn't care.

10-22-2014, 06:52 PM
Mages have to be able to win the "stun war" in order to win a fight. Mages are the only class who must land more hits than their opponents to win a fight. If we fight a rogue, we must hit them 3-4 times to kill them, but they can kill us with 1-2 hits. If we fight a warrior, they can kill us with 4-5 hits, while we must land 10+ hits to kill a warrior. So the only way we can win a fight is if we are able to stun our opponents more than they can stun us. In seasons 2-4, that was how it was. But now with everyone running around with stun pets and warriors & rogues having weapons that stun with charged attacks, we actually get stunned more than our opponents do due to not having any kind of stun immunity skill.

This is exactly why we need more survivability. Warriors shouldn't be able to kill us with 4 hits. Rogues shouldn't be able to kill us in one hit either. The bottom line for any situation is survivability.

10-22-2014, 09:34 PM
we do need stun immunity for sure but i also feel we need better survivability.
Reason for stun immunity: During fights in clash or 1v1 a mage is consistently stunned durkng the match and due to this our shield will quickly break due to people aiming for mages and rogues and we are dead without dealing any dmg or maybe letting off 1-2 skills. Rogues not only have stun immunity but the dodge chance is high enough to dodge pet panic/stun/terrify.
Reasons for survivability: We need more armor than rogues or more hp(without buffs from skills). Rogues beat mages in damage, crit, armor, health, and dodge(not as relevant). Even though our stat says we have more dmg it really isnt true. If we did mages would ko rogues easily. I prefer a health boost because it also helps our shield which is essential to our survival. Bottom line: we shouldn't be koed or combo-ed by rogues.

Another awesome upgrade which could be pretty cool but way to op could be like Paracelsus dragon death thing. Once we die we summon a gigantic dragon that has 1000 hp and does 5% dmg per hit.(charge time is 2 seconds). If you dont kill the dragon fast enough the mage revives with 30% health and 20% mana and it doesn't count as a death.

10-22-2014, 09:53 PM
ok lets just go on the topic seriously...apologies...

what do MAGES need?

simple what we need is an EXNTENSION of our shield as well as more of hp/armor and as instant said , we need more survivability thats just llike buffing our armor or hp or both, our class has just gotten squishier , if you craefully look into our class we just get like 1022armor from fully mythic gears wheres the armor lol? what we mages need is all in your hands STS but what do we get ? simple we just get deaths thanks to your "awesome" weapons...

why is it our class is the SQUISHIEST?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i need a buff in gears or just adjust our weapons so that we just don't "keep complaining"

10-23-2014, 01:47 AM
Charging shield in PvP, rogues waiting 2 seconds, combo aimed nox with high critical, shield gone..
Charging shield in PvE (elite & arena), boss hit, still dead with the shield..

Yes to the stunt imunity, Yes to the duration, but please we must analyst it first before STS take a look of the issues so many of Arcane players knew it soon before go further ^^
Nice review Ener ;)