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View Full Version : Nerf necropolis at lower lvl?

10-23-2014, 10:14 AM
I am almost silver tier so far, and I saw something intesting, they are very very hard for normal geared people. I am in a twink guild of lvl 25s with arcane pets and fully geared people and we still have problems to defeat bosses, but what about poor new players? Their gear worths about 35k with a 5k pet and they literally can't pass any boss that is not the first one (fire nekro that I forgot how is called) please don't come with "you have to find strategies" because a singe tank of lvl 25 with 5k hp died at 2nd, 3rd and 4th boss. And map is completely impossible without 100 pots at least
I never tried the 41s one so I wont comment about it but please, STG, get 4 devs lvl 25, buy Only gear of 35k and go defeat all bosses. This time disable god mode. New players have the right to run that map.

10-23-2014, 10:17 AM
Well maybe it's just you ama;) atleast at 41 the first 2 bosses are really easy:)

10-23-2014, 10:26 AM
I have no damage at lvl 7 on these bosses and I was running with 6 and 7 new players, the wolf is literally impossible

I did the eolf solo on my 33 and barely completed it after 6 solo tries(rogue)

Then I go try on my really high geared lvl 7 rogue who is definitely more pro than my 33 at her level, but I kept getting one shotted by the dumb wolf and the stuns are inevitable smh too tough I've wasted 2 energy points on my 7 and not a single point

10-23-2014, 10:34 AM
Agreed to this lol i have level 23 toon with hj but i got a team of newbies w/o goodgear vs the wolf but we died like 8 times and theybleft me aftr that i cant solo the wolf so i just leave waste of energy..pls atleast make it like goblin event when someone left the party just reset the hp of boss so other players can come in.

10-23-2014, 10:37 AM
Now it's change ti get on lb with twinks so why could they make easier?

10-23-2014, 10:39 AM
Never had any problem with these bosses at 13

10-23-2014, 11:00 AM
My experience at different levels:

Lv 15: Not too bad, players with top gear won't have any issue. Even higher-end geared players won't be overly taxed by these maps. Both my tank and rogue get through the maps fairly fast (even in PUGs).
Lv 22: Insanely difficult - I still haven't beaten the wolf yet (after 4 separate tries). I have high end gear on my Sorc (Top Druid/Spirit gear), and it's too tough!
Lv 41: Not too bad, even higher-end legendary gear won't find it too difficult.

Unfortunately, I don't have a toon at lv30/31, but in general, at the typical PvE twink level of 15, the difficulty is good (maybe even a tad easy). Mid-level 20's, these maps are impossible; still have a tough time on the first boss, let alone the others. End-game, again, with higher end gear, not too difficult, though there is the occasional one-hit death.

Dex Scene
10-23-2014, 11:33 AM
My experience at different levels:

Lv 15: Not too bad, players with top gear won't have any issue. Even higher-end geared players won't be overly taxed by these maps. Both my tank and rogue get through the maps fairly fast (even in PUGs).
Lv 22: Insanely difficult - I still haven't beaten the wolf yet (after 4 separate tries). I have high end gear on my Sorc (Top Druid/Spirit gear), and it's too tough!
Lv 41: Not too bad, even higher-end legendary gear won't find it too difficult.

Unfortunately, I don't have a toon at lv30/31, but in general, at the typical PvE twink level of 15, the difficulty is good (maybe even a tad easy). Mid-level 20's, these maps are impossible; still have a tough time on the first boss, let alone the others. End-game, again, with higher end gear, not too difficult, though there is the occasional one-hit death.
Level 30-34 bad too. Even valko gives quite a headache!

Dex Scene
10-23-2014, 11:35 AM
Well maybe it's just you ama;) atleast at 41 the first 2 bosses are really easy:)
Read well my friend. "Low level".
Op is right.
i have experienced aswel that
its easy 7-8
Its easy at 12-13
Its tough at 27
Its tough at 33-34
its easy at 41
These are just my experience while playing at different levels.

10-23-2014, 12:52 PM
So its not just me, i think STG didn't made well the level 20-35. We are all humans, we can fail but I think it's time to nerf it a lil'bit cus newbies can't do event like this.

10-23-2014, 12:59 PM
I agree with this.
Please STS make something i have 34 lvl half mythic Gear and I just cant beat wolf.
We know you guys want to earn some money from plat bought by players for elixirs and necro omni..
But nerf this f.. wolf.
Its impossible to kill nim on 25-35 lvl.
Nerf his minions and his special ability. (Over 10k with 1.6k def!)

10-23-2014, 01:44 PM
Yeah, the wolf is really tough at twink levels. He just keeps stunning you over and over. At level 8 it is near impossible to beat him. I had to wait until everyone else quit and he scaled down to be easier since I was alone, and even then it took about 15 minutes for me to beat him, and I have good gear.

10-23-2014, 01:52 PM
Yes, the wolf looks like the new Helena, the killa of the forest. It's the first which should be nerfed.

10-23-2014, 03:07 PM
Agreed they should nerf it on 21 my twink is almost best geared and i have no chance

10-23-2014, 07:38 PM
If the necro nom instead stopped the panics and stuns from these bosses, it would be easier for us. Most times I'm insta killed is when I'm stun or panicked in the red.

10-23-2014, 07:50 PM
I died 10 times in a row for the wolf...

10-24-2014, 12:04 AM
its hard so difficult

Sent from Apple

10-24-2014, 12:17 AM
Lvl 8 : Not hard at all, I did it great with 2 mages ( I am rogue )
Lvl 10-15 : Easiest lvls for bosses
Lvl 20-30 : Hard, but not impossible, Wolf is impossible tho.
Lvl 31-39 : Almost like 20-30 but here its not impossible to beat the wolf.
Lvl 40-41 : Easy, almost like lvl 10-15, You don't need myths.

10-24-2014, 04:47 AM
I don't mind the bosses. It's the chain stun from bats/wolves when your team is useless.

I can deal with that though, IF I'm not a lvl 11 and getting in a team with a lvl 13, 15, and 17 and the team sucks. Which means I have to pretty much solo a lvl 17 boss with a lvl 11 char. Used 1k HP pots or someting! Not to mention it takes forever and you die easy.

10-24-2014, 06:57 AM
Now it's change ti get on lb with twinks so why could they make easier?twink hater??whats wrong if twinks also in lb???and not everyone wants fame and lots of golds some just play just to have fun..;)

10-24-2014, 08:57 AM
Maybe this is sts' way of saying "either lvl up or create a lower lvl toon for this event."

Yeah, i cant even really use my 16-17 lvls, if they get matched up with random people and there is someone over lvl 18-23, the team al most always breeaks up when we encounter bosses 2-4.

10-24-2014, 09:05 AM
I have a nice story since I was encouraged to post it here regarding my complaint. Names have been removed to keep privacy. I do believe there is many players with the same issues and its not cool.

OCT 23, 2014 | 05:41PM CDT
Original message
PL(Ghosts) wrote:

Tried posting on forums and really tying to keep my cool. I've been playing this event, and now i'm giving up because I cant play it anymore on 2 of my characters. Its killing my energy that I have to wait for 8hrs at a time for over powered monsters on my low levels.

1st issue-
I don't know if its my account but essences drop are really rare for me this event. I go to low levels high levels... and drops are not as random as before all I keep getting is these necro bones or 1 or 2 regular essences. You can see threw my account on these characters specifically how much time in-game i've been playing since this event came out.

2nd issue-
On my twinks lv 21 Zelda and Link, I purchased 2 necronomicons. This is supposed to help me kill better but as I do damage to enemies, the effects are low. This is not an issue for my lv 41 ghost character because the mobs scale perfectly. Its the low levels where my team just gets waisted and tired of being killed by over powered creatures this event (even with latest update 2014-10-23 Content Update (161593)). I would like a refund on 2 necronomicons I purchased for these 3 but since I cant use them for there intended purpose. i'm not going to use them anymore on these players.

3rd Issue-
Now if its not enough for the hard monsters for my low levels, I have had disconnects. Looks like they might have been fixed. but still costed me a bit.

All I wanted from this event was to earn one vanity of each kind for each character I have mentioned in this post (ghost, link, zelda)...not the plat tier or even the new LB vanities...just enough tokens to get the ones from the token shop. Im sorry if I sound frustrated, but I do like the event, i'm just not sure its for low characters. Thank you for your time.... -*******

******* replied:

Thank you for your ticket! I’m sorry you are unhappy with the event. While we do sympathize with you it is important to understand that the Customer Support department exists to help players with account issues, premium currency problems, and technical issues. We cannot change details of the event for you, nor will we be able to provide such broad compensations for the events design. Not to mention that there are plenty of players (even at the levels you mentioned) not having issues with these bosses or anything else. That is not to say that the situation will not be reviewed, it is just far from something that is actually “broken” as other users are not experiencing the difficulties that you have mentioned.

I will definitely forward your feedback to the designers, but we highly recommend you post your feedback and complaints on our public forums here:


The forums are monitored by developers and they are sensitive to player complaints such as yours. Again, thank you for your ticket and we appreciate your understanding!

If you have any further issues please don’t hesitate to ask!



10-24-2014, 09:25 AM
Well that's not the problem, anyone thinking its easy for lower levels should make a rogue lvl 7 or 20 or 32, it is insane because the boss doesn't reset normally, u constantly get stunned and he keeps calling wolves as soon as u barely kill the first 3 and your health goes down insanely fast, I've burned 70% of all my pots just on valko, too op and the scale isn't right for below lvl 10, especially when ur running with 3 noobs who could barely find their way to the event map smh, after they leave now jve got the problem of no one taking dmg for me or taking the stuns for me because they're all gone so I'm running around shooting at it getting stunned evry 8 seconds and the dumb wolf keeps charging its one hit kill attack everytime jt sees me stunned, and If I manage to dodge it, it just lashes out at me and takes 60% of my health ..............

..... Seriously too op, I should be able to solo this on my best twink, the best lvl 7 rogue in game(plz vs me if u think ur better)
I can kill lvl 8 Sam tanks(killed two just yesterday !) but I can't kill a dumb dog with his buddies

10-24-2014, 12:02 PM
Lvl 32 rogue and I have not beaten valko once. Over 100 deaths at the hands of this wolf. 6 energy down the drain because teams just break up and leave. Most of the time I die so fast that I don't even know what hit me. They also charge you before you can get back to the fight. This boss is super over powered and impossible for me to beat yet I seem to keep getting it over and over. Please need this over the top boss.

10-24-2014, 12:51 PM
We have another refinement patch that is coming together for today that includes some boss tweaks.

So does this mean I was right in being broken because support tell me otherwise. Its not cool being told that i don't know what i'm talking about. stuff like this and what I sent to support is one reason why people are posting there complaints here.

10-24-2014, 01:37 PM
no, you were correct there. your posts and others' posts gave sts a "heads up" that somethings not right with the lower twink lvls. This is better for all of us and we get another week and a half to enjoy with our twinks now.

10-24-2014, 01:55 PM
I would really appreciate a reply from a mod/dev on this thread to see what they think, thanks!

Also, does the refinement patch was implemented or it gonna be soon? I didn't noticed any difference on my twink today... Maybe it's just because we had no tank

10-24-2014, 03:06 PM
I would really appreciate a reply from a mod/dev on this thread to see what they think, thanks!

Also, does the refinement patch was implemented or it gonna be soon? I didn't noticed any difference on my twink today... Maybe it's just because we had no tank

I would too :)

10-24-2014, 03:26 PM
these bosses need the nerf wand at lower levels, it's no joke how stressed I got.

10-24-2014, 03:29 PM
As with everything else in the game, the bosses are way way way harder with a warrior present.

This difficulty is not, as STS has previously suggested, due to the warrior's lack of damage, since the ones I ran with were max geared with close to 500 damage in a normal map - with a nom nom, I believe they are in the 800 range. With a warrior I would get one-hit with a paw swipe from Parc, and his minions would take me out with no problem. When I run with the same size party with just rogues, he is unable to do that, and I can take out the minions without them killing me.

Poor fatties. Something needs to be done to balance runs so they are not way harder with this class present. This is a game-wide issue though, so tweaking the event won't fix it. Twinks, try running without a warrior and see if this helps.


Sir Lubo Penev
10-24-2014, 04:15 PM
As with everything else in the game, the bosses are way way way harder with a warrior present.

This difficulty is not, as STS has previously suggested, due to the warrior's lack of damage, since the ones I ran with were max geared with close to 500 damage in a normal map - with a nom nom, I believe they are in the 800 range. With a warrior I would get one-hit with a paw swipe from Parc, and his minions would take me out with no problem. When I run with the same size party with just rogues, he is unable to do that, and I can take out the minions without them killing me.

Poor fatties. Something needs to be done to balance runs so they are not way harder with this class present. This is a game-wide issue though, so tweaking the event won't fix it. Twinks, try running without a warrior and see if this helps.


True. Did a few runs (myself a rogue) with two tanks and then even with three tanks (bad idea in principle but still). Two of them arcane rings. I don't want to say how many deaths I farmed, both from Para himself and his minions. :)

Then did five or six runs with a party of two rogues and two smurfs (part myth, part pink, no arcanes whatsoever). Died exactly three times.

So, the issue persists...

10-25-2014, 02:03 AM
As with everything else in the game, the bosses are way way way harder with a warrior present.

This difficulty is not, as STS has previously suggested, due to the warrior's lack of damage, since the ones I ran with were max geared with close to 500 damage in a normal map - with a nom nom, I believe they are in the 800 range. With a warrior I would get one-hit with a paw swipe from Parc, and his minions would take me out with no problem. When I run with the same size party with just rogues, he is unable to do that, and I can take out the minions without them killing me.

Poor fatties. Something needs to be done to balance runs so they are not way harder with this class present. This is a game-wide issue though, so tweaking the event won't fix it. Twinks, try running without a warrior and see if this helps.


True. Did a few runs (myself a rogue) with two tanks and then even with three tanks (bad idea in principle but still). Two of them arcane rings. I don't want to say how many deaths I farmed, both from Para himself and his minions. :)

Then did five or six runs with a party of two rogues and two smurfs (part myth, part pink, no arcanes whatsoever). Died exactly three times.

So, the issue persists...

I don't know guys... I did paracelsus only with a mage and a rogue but it reseted 5 times till we found a strategy... With a tank it didn't reseted or anything, and we didn't died (stayed far far away ofc). I don't think that the "exclude the fatty" it's the solution to this. The second boss is harder than the third and they are just too OP for that level. Also I kinda find it very rude that you guys say that to do it good we have to don't get warriors. They can't run timing maps, they PvP hardly vs rogues, they are not wanted for farming and now you say that they can't run event in a decent party too? Nice of you.

Thanks for replying to my thread :)

10-28-2014, 10:41 AM
*EDIT* Changed my opinion.

The reason I struggle is when randoms at different levels get together in the map. The bats alone can 1 hit some people and can take too long time to kill before new wave spawns.

This is actually really easy to fix with a tiny amount of programming. Hope you listen as it ruins the game.

I can solo bosses 1-3 IF there is no player on the map on a higher level than me (I have good gear). If a guy higher level joins and he's "useless", then he can't kill the continually spawning bats/wolves. And since they are tougher because of the higher level guy, I cannot kill the bats/wolves either. This happens 95% of the time. This will result in people leaving map, or people forcing others to leave map intentionally.

So to propose a solution: Make only players on map available to join at +1 level of the lowest level player in there.
In current form, a lvl 11 can be joined by a lvl 13 and then a 15 and a 17. (or is it 11,14,17,20?)