View Full Version : Irritating Players

10-27-2014, 01:11 AM
Inkfectious and Ticklish are major problems in Dark Legends, as well as Caragh. They are a nuisance and are not allowing other players to enjoy the game. Ignoring them does not work anymore. They will follow you around and stand on your avatar. I am of the opinion that they need to be removed from the game for disturbing others. Here are some screenshots of a recent issue.





CAK Vader
10-27-2014, 07:44 AM
Welcome to what SL looks like every day.

10-27-2014, 09:45 AM
Have you contacted STS directly about it? They don't handle issues like this on a public forum.

10-27-2014, 11:18 AM
im suprised no one made a thread of the "how much ur account", threads. I get PM'd every 3 minutes when wearing green druid so thats why i try to look normal lol

11-03-2014, 02:18 AM
Smh what a great players play dark legend so times stuff awlays cross limit even with me lots of irritating people in game

Lenna Drake
11-03-2014, 12:53 PM
this is just a some bad players of the million in game they just trolling, insulting, anothers just a perverts, scammers I'm very disappointed about the game and moderators cuz this game is going bad and low then maybe we have to do a special threat about this bad people with names and screenshots
Never do what you don't want to others do with you

11-03-2014, 02:16 PM
I think people are just getting bored.... they make alts, they spam people, trying to find any kind of rouse to spice up whatever DL life they do or don't have... even at the expense of the others enjoyment. :(

11-03-2014, 10:39 PM
Noob player named Jeffhardyrules. Does nothing but to pissed people off everyday. :/ i saw him annoy an old player. Even I was called a scammer for no reason and even though im not. Grr. Cant believe he got the guts to do that. :/ I know these type of people should be ignored but i think my patience cant hold any longer.

11-03-2014, 11:32 PM
Ignoring doesn't always work... sometimes they just go make new characters and do the same thing. I have someone who, whenever they see me, begs, accuses my officer of scamming, and is outright rude to people who didn't join her guild that only lasted like a week. Oh, and trade spamming.

11-04-2014, 06:42 AM
i was remember a character name megan who always insult people and trash talk i still dont know why great Mods tolerate them.I mean its not a big issue but those irritates people are increasing and keep trolling.DL is fun but these people keep running game i wish great Mods do something put these peeps on ignore list but still trade spam irritates alots.

11-04-2014, 08:01 AM
:( Ehh...

CAK Vader
11-04-2014, 12:55 PM
Perhaps we could get mods for specific games that just monitor these types of things...even something simple as having un payed people just to watch this go on and report it to the super moderators :/

Lenna Drake
11-05-2014, 11:42 AM
Yeah just remain sending the screenshots we can made of this no life peoples who just try to be someone's in a virtual game I feel some pity for this type or persons maybe they are nobody's or get bully in real life and they just come to game to get they frustration away lol well that's not the way, others looks like they never see a woman in his life's think virtual s** is good on a game lol sorry but that is very pathetic, others are very gross language not a good image for a game under sts logo.

11-10-2014, 05:08 AM