View Full Version : Massive giveaway!

10-27-2014, 02:08 AM
So i based this on Randomdude's thread, i mind to make a give away to the new people around in PL, i started giving away some items and ancient coin shields, i'd like you guys help them with some stuff to make them sell it (tell them also to go balefort and announce it) or give them gold or potions, 10k-50k maybe isn't much for us but for a starter is pretty much, let's give them a hand and make PL grow. Try also to not fall on those kind of scammers who look like starters. :) Give a hand to those who need it.

10-27-2014, 02:18 AM
I do my fair share of help during Halloween runs. As a low level I see high lvls running through the map without waiting for the lower lvls. Whenever I'm doing runs I wait for the Lowe levels at the boss room so they get a chance at the drops

10-27-2014, 02:37 AM
That's great but we can also explain which items they can sell, keep or save :3 it can be tough but it's for something good.

10-27-2014, 05:02 AM
I get all this "Help PL it's dieing" but just going round chucking gold etc at new players is just... Just help them do runs of maps etc

10-27-2014, 05:13 AM
First way to help "noobs" is to not call them "noobs."

I applaud your efforts, but I am afraid you are late to the party. The game will continue to dwindle, not because of helpful vs. non-helpful community members, but because STS will continue to put their resources into their newer projects. We started "The Movement" to hopefully "recharge" the community (see my sig), but with the lack of updates and recycled gear during peak events, the game will never return to what it use to be.

As James Hatfield loves to belt out: "Sad, but true."

Idk if you saw this but crimson summarized everything.

10-27-2014, 05:54 AM
great idea +1 guys

10-27-2014, 04:31 PM
Idk if you saw this but crimson summarized everything.
Probably but yet the game continues, is it also like the bamboo, the seed takes 6 months to start growing in that time the desperate people just leave it but the people who had hope kept taking care of it until one day they finally saw the bamboo.
That might be one person opinion but if it starts going it can be something big, every big action starts with something little.

10-28-2014, 11:03 AM
Thanks for such a thread (just you might have chosen a different name for it). No matter how many times was this already discussed - it's always good to bring back these inspirational toppics. I'm used to do what you suggest since I realized I had more items/golds than I actually needed, and I can only hope that some members of the huge community of rich players may get inspired by this.

Eventhough it may look like that PL player basis only consist of merchants and old veterans flood by their richness, I believe it's not true. Whoever has such an impression, you guys do search for some random AO/Frozen/skelles games and I'm sure you meet the new peeps digging their way up. Important fact on this is, that you meet more asuspicious new players in dungeons, rather than in townes. And it's also a good way to filter skilled crooks pretending to be new players.

Sometimes I do enjoy running some maps with these guys, which I'd never happen to join myself. And as Booked mentioned, there is a good oportunity to teach them some game principles, tactics and mechanisms, as well as some basic knowledge about item values etc. For sure, It's not everyones cup of tea, but I definitely find it entertaining when I meet a good listener (apprentice), not to mention the feeling of good deed and well spent time.

Regarding Mager's quote, I can't disprove what CrimsonTider wrote. It's for sure that you can't make the game grow just by being kind and helpful to new players. But on the other hand, I believe it helps to keep it alive, and even if this effort was not worth much, it's simply nice to do so. And for me, it's one of the last few enjoyable things in PL.

10-28-2014, 12:21 PM
Thanks for such a thread (just you might have chosen a different name for it). No matter how many times was this already discussed - it's always good to bring back these inspirational toppics. I'm used to do what you suggest since I realized I had more items/golds than I actually needed, and I can only hope that some members of the huge community of rich players may get inspired by this.

Eventhough it may look like that PL player basis only consist of merchants and old veterans flood by their richness, I believe it's not true. Whoever has such an impression, you guys do search for some random AO/Frozen/skelles games and I'm sure you meet the new peeps digging their way up. Important fact on this is, that you meet more asuspicious new players in dungeons, rather than in townes. And it's also a good way to filter skilled crooks pretending to be new players.

Sometimes I do enjoy running some maps with these guys, which I'd never happen to join myself. And as Booked mentioned, there is a good oportunity to teach them some game principles, tactics and mechanisms, as well as some basic knowledge about item values etc. For sure, It's not everyones cup of tea, but I definitely find it entertaining when I meet a good listener (apprentice), not to mention the feeling of good deed and well spent time.

Regarding Mager's quote, I can't disprove what CrimsonTider wrote. It's for sure that you can't make the game grow just by being kind and helpful to new players. But on the other hand, I believe it helps to keep it alive, and even if this effort was not worth much, it's simply nice to do so. And for me, it's one of the last few enjoyable things in PL.
That's something nice you just wrote, i really think helping new players can inspire them to invite more people to play and keep playing, i'm pretty sure all of here were called before "noob" and also scammed in any MMO, and those bad experiences made you try to leave, but why not this time give them a chance to keep going and what else can be great than a "veteran" explaining an starter how to do some stuff?