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View Full Version : Spastic Glitch and display issues post

mala salerosa
10-28-2014, 12:10 AM
Hello STS. I am writing to give some feedback to ensure your attention is given to a couple of current technical issues. While I am certain you folks are well aware of all of these 3 issues, I post this to give some formal feedback in hopes of a speedy remedy to all of these issues.

The first one is a bug I am calling: The Spastic Glitch (Bugging Out). Characters in any given map are making spastic involuntary movements, "bugging out" rapidly without any physical control input from the user. I wonder what the technical explanation for the cause of this occurrence is. It has only been noticed after the last update or so.

Secondly, I would like to address a display issue with the new guild log. The display window is too small to accommodate all of the script in any given line making the end (dates specifically) illegible. Please adjust the window to accommodate all of the text, or allow for the long lines to carry over to another line so all the information can be viewed. Let me say though, that we love the new guild log. It will be a great guild management tool for officers and guild masters throughout the game. Thank you for providing us with this great management tool.

Lastly, I am writing to address an old display issue that I know has had at least one previous attempt at repair. The records box in the avatar/inspect window really needs to be adjusted to accommodate larger numbers in each field. As you know they all run together with text over text making records illegible. I do remember seeing a news post that the window was resized to accommodate larger numbers but it did not work obviously. This is a rather old issue, and frankly, I am surprised that the programmers have not addressed this one with a successful adjustment.

Thank you STS for all of your hard work on such a great game. Congratulations on making another fun and successful event. (I, for one, love the bosses.)


AL player and fan

10-28-2014, 05:21 AM
And this to much lag.

Lenna Drake
10-28-2014, 03:45 PM
When you use a ability like dash or walk and talk to some npc or jusy having lag this glitch is very annoying in battle make me die many times I really hope some developer take care of this

10-28-2014, 08:04 PM
Yep defiantly especially in wt4 when our group does big pulls (drawing 2 rooms to center) is when it is the most effective because for some reason my mage goes suicide mode walks straight in the middle while and if the tank doesn't have enough aggro it is gg. Have also seen this when typing to friends.
Occasionally in other maps but not very often.