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10-28-2014, 09:13 AM
Today I joined a guildie to kill Paracelsus using my sorc. One warrior appeared to be having some touch screen or lag issues, and the 4th person in the team kept getting disconnected. When we finally got another teammate, it was another warrior. I wasted precious minutes on that map because I didn't want to die and revive for a leech who was pretending to be lagging or having problems. He wasn't even positioned near the green pools, or else he would've helped somewhat in not letting the boss reset. Since my guildie's device was running out of battery, we went for the kill. After killing the boss, this "lagging" person was able to walk and get his tokens and loot. It's a despicable way of leeching and trolling event maps, and is no joke since we all spend on energy and ankhs/plats on Paracelsus.

Please have option to boot a person from map. There should be certain parameters, ofc for a person to be able to be booted. Perhaps if he doesn't inflict damage in a span of several seconds, the other members can have a vote to kick him from map? It needs to be refined, but I've seriously had enough of Paracelsus trolls so I hope this is taken into consideration so it doesn't happen in the next event.

10-28-2014, 10:36 PM
100% agree
I see mages that say ill guard since i dont have shield to get through the pools and when we all die occasionally i see a shield up to survive the mobs i and wonder why am i farming deaths if this guy is probably going to get the same trash as i do.

Edit: put in a bit more thought and actually his wouldn't be such a great idea. the trollers will now randomly boot someone making them waste energy. Even if there is energy redemption after boss is killed they will be booted and the system will be abused.

10-29-2014, 12:20 AM
100% agree
I see mages that say ill guard since i dont have shield to get through the pools and when we all die occasionally i see a shield up to survive the mobs i and wonder why am i farming deaths if this guy is probably going to get the same trash as i do.

Edit: put in a bit more thought and actually his wouldn't be such a great idea. the trollers will now randomly boot someone making them waste energy. Even if there is energy redemption after boss is killed they will be booted and the system will be abused.

If there's a party of four, make it a 3/4 vote to boot player from map. Same should happen to PvP - 3/5 majority vote to kick player from team. Best solution to blocking.

10-29-2014, 04:43 PM
If there's a party of four, make it a 3/4 vote to boot player from map. Same should happen to PvP - 3/5 majority vote to kick player from team. Best solution to blocking.
Problem with that is that the heavy geared players are gonna kick out less geared

10-29-2014, 06:51 PM
Problem with that is that the heavy geared players are gonna kick out less geared

There are more "less geared" players in game than "heavy geared" players. Besides, most "heavy geared" players run maps in parties, so I don't see how it would be a problem.

10-29-2014, 07:15 PM
There are more "less geared" players in game than "heavy geared" players. Besides, most "heavy geared" players run maps in parties, so I don't see how it would be a problem.
I meant pvp, pve is fine

10-29-2014, 07:33 PM
I meant pvp, pve is fine

So... You want them to get farmed then leave, or just leave?

10-29-2014, 07:36 PM
So... You want them to get farmed then leave, or just leave?
True...but still it could get exploited

10-29-2014, 07:38 PM
True...but still it could get exploited

How. Tell me.

10-29-2014, 09:01 PM
Ive had it twice so far where mages would stand outside of pools for para and not help at all. The worst part is one of them got a greater pumpkin chest while the rest of the hard working players got veggies. At least make it so non helpfull players dont recieve loot

10-29-2014, 09:30 PM
How. Tell me.
Player A joins a game. Player B and C hate A for some reason, so they tell D to vote him off. What if player A is innocent.

10-29-2014, 11:15 PM
Player A joins a game. Player B and C hate A for some reason, so they tell D to vote him off. What if player A is innocent.

Why would Player A join a team where they hate him? There must be some reasons, like previously blocking.

Any other "exploits"?

10-30-2014, 02:33 AM
Booting wouldn't work in AL's party system. It worked on PL because of their hosting system being able to privately run a map and still have players voluntarily join.

AL's PuG system is completely randomized and involuntary, meaning new players who dont have any friends to run with yet (being forced to PuG) could unexpectedly join a random game.

Trolls would be booting players like these after a long, hard map, right before the boss dies (completely unfair).

A booting system is completely unnecessary, and would actually do more damage than it can fix. If you don't want to run in a PuG and possibly deal with trolls, then run solo or find an organized party.

10-30-2014, 02:40 AM
Booting wouldn't work in AL's party system. It worked on PL because of their hosting system being able to privately run a map and still have players voluntarily join.

AL's PuG system is completely randomized and involuntary, meaning new players who dont have any friends to run with yet (being forced to PuG) could unexpectedly join a random game.

Trolls would be booting players like these after a long, hard map, right before the boss dies (completely unfair).

A booting system is completely unnecessary, and would actually do more damage than it can fix. If you don't want to run in a PuG and possibly deal with trolls, then run solo or find an organized party.

So since a 3/4 majority vote is needed to boot someone from a pve map (as suggested), you think 3 people are going to waste their time doing that? Going from one map to the next, running maps, etc. I think people have better things to do honestly...

10-30-2014, 02:49 AM
So since a 3/4 majority vote is needed to boot someone from a pve map (as suggested), you think 3 people are going to waste their time doing that? Going from one map to the next, running maps, etc. I think people have better things to do honestly...

As a former troll, i can tell you that trolls are irrational, and there is no such thing as "wasting time".

And the point is: we dont NEED a boot system as it is replaced by a party system.

10-30-2014, 03:11 AM
As a former troll, i can tell you that trolls are irrational, and there is no such thing as "wasting time".

And the point is: we dont NEED a boot system as it is replaced by a party system.

For PvP? Boot system is needed to get rid of blockers. I don't see it getting done any other way.

10-30-2014, 03:30 AM
This is not fair!
I worked my way to the platinum tier using that strategy (pretending I'm lagged so they kill paracelsus without me).

But +1 to kick/boot via voting system if the player will get back his energy when voted out, Or else its unfair. Most only have legendary gears (like me), when paired with 3 mythic geared they will start to ask me to leave (most of the time).

10-30-2014, 03:54 AM
if the player will get back his energy when voted out, Or else its unfair. Most only have legendary gears (like me), when paired with 3 mythic geared they will start to ask me to leave (most of the time).

Maybe... get rid of energy? HAHA so funny

10-30-2014, 06:56 AM
This is not fair!
I worked my way to the platinum tier using that strategy (pretending I'm lagged so they kill paracelsus without me).

But +1 to kick/boot via voting system if the player will get back his energy when voted out, Or else its unfair. Most only have legendary gears (like me), when paired with 3 mythic geared they will start to ask me to leave (most of the time).

I just woke up so I'm finding it hard to distinguish if you are being sarcastic, sir.

Like I said, there has to be certain parameters before one can be voted off a map. If for example Player A does not deal damage to the boss in a specific amount of time (e.g. 30 secs) and Players B-D feel that A is leeching off them, then a boot button will appear next to the players name on the party list. The boot will only occur if all 3 players voted him off. Since STS already made a kill count meter for the event bosses, I think it's possible that they could set up this boot option based on whether a player is doing damage (no matter how little) to the boss.

10-30-2014, 07:46 AM
I just woke up so I'm finding it hard to distinguish if you are being sarcastic, sir.

Like I said, there has to be certain parameters before one can be voted off a map. If for example Player A does not deal damage to the boss in a specific amount of time (e.g. 30 secs) and Players B-D feel that A is leeching off them, then a boot button will appear next to the players name on the party list. The boot will only occur if all 3 players voted him off. Since STS already made a kill count meter for the event bosses, I think it's possible that they could set up this boot option based on whether a player is doing damage (no matter how little) to the boss.

I dont think his being sarcastic, but your idea has many flaws. Let me explain some of my options if you don't mind :)

1. If that toon is really leeching, he still can hit every now and then just to not be voted out.
2. If that toon is playing on pc and he had to pee, sometimes it would take more than a minute to do that :). When he returned to play his already voted-out.
3. In levels 20 to 24 drakeula is very very hard to kill. When your the only one with decent gears and all the rest are not, mostly you'll AFK and wait for them to leave so that you can call your guild/friends to join you. Apparently this will not be an option in your suggestion so you'll end up leaving and wasted your energy/time.
4. Inan'hesh's post is valid! The voted-out player should reclaim his energy wasted due to voting system.
5. What happens if you only have 2 votes and the other one refuses to vote out?
6. What happens if, because your talking to all those guys in the room to vote someone out you spend 30 secs or so doing that? Even your name on the partylist will have a kick/boot button too.
7. Scenario: You entered a room with 3 people in the same guild. They didn't start the game because there waiting for thier other guildmate. In this case you blocked the spot for there guildmate. And since they didn'nt started or move, you are forced to not to start either. Now they can vote to kick you out and call their guildmate on (unless you solo the boss without them). You therefore wasted an energy.

Its just my opinion though, Its a beautiful world because we had different ones :)

10-30-2014, 07:58 AM
And the point is: we dont NEED a boot system as it is replaced by a party system.

This ^

I think people spend too much time watching Survivor.

10-30-2014, 08:07 AM
This ^

I think people spend too much time watching Survivor.

Hahaha! Good idea for the next winter event! :)


Arlor Islands

10-30-2014, 11:12 AM
For PvP? Boot system is needed to get rid of blockers. I don't see it getting done any other way.
Leave if you dont want to deal with blockers. You'll have good-geared kicking out noobs which imo is unfair.

10-30-2014, 12:36 PM
Leave if you dont want to deal with blockers. You'll have good-geared kicking out noobs which imo is unfair.

I said this before, would you rather have people farm those newbs until they leave, or just make them leave? I'm not sure if you even pvp, but I haven't seen a newb enter endgame pvp in ages, so the real purpose of the boot system would be to get rid of blockers. You try 4v5ing or 3v4ing someone, tell me how you feel about that.

10-30-2014, 12:40 PM
I said this before, would you rather have people farm those newbs until they leave, or just make them leave? I'm not sure if you even pvp, but I haven't seen a newb enter endgame pvp in ages, so the real purpose of the boot system would be to get rid of blockers. You try 4v5ing or 3v4ing someone, tell me how you feel about that.
There's also twink pvp and im not sure if you've ever had a low-level twink, but there are a lot of noobs who do have the right to PvP if they choose and it's unfair for them to have that right taken away just because the twinks dont want gearly-challenged players on their team.

10-30-2014, 02:22 PM
bad idea in the first place, even worse idea in pvp, just leave the map, why force anyone else off @instanthumor

as for the first one, what if that noob is excited he finally got para, and is afraid he keeps dying(thats what my guess is everytime i see a noob standing), then maybe u shd wait till he leaves(its worked for me everytime 5 times) , just shouldnt force someone out, or you will always be scared someone will be booting you off a map

As for blockers, we should have an option to buy plat boot, if u want it badly enough, u will plat boot them, one player buys plat boot and raises it up, 3 other team members agree, we have a plat boot, that player shouldnt receive a death while he is "escorted out", either..

10-30-2014, 08:02 PM
There's also twink pvp and im not sure if you've ever had a low-level twink, but there are a lot of noobs who do have the right to PvP if they choose and it's unfair for them to have that right taken away just because the twinks dont want gearly-challenged players on their team.

Won't have a major effect on those guys. Twinks would rather call guildies to join opposing team to farm kills on them.

10-30-2014, 08:07 PM
Won't have a major effect on those guys. Twinks would rather call guildies to join opposing team to farm kills on them.
And if the other team is full of players from a different guild?

10-30-2014, 08:13 PM
And if the other team is full of players from a different guild?

make friends real fast, thats what i do

10-30-2014, 08:48 PM
I said this before, would you rather have people farm those newbs until they leave, or just make them leave? I'm not sure if you even pvp, but I haven't seen a newb enter endgame pvp in ages, so the real purpose of the boot system would be to get rid of blockers. You try 4v5ing or 3v4ing someone, tell me how you feel about that.Its a game chill out. And "noob" isn't nice

10-30-2014, 08:49 PM
Won't have a major effect on those guys. Twinks would rather call guildies to join opposing team to farm kills on them.
People are just gonna abuse the PVP things. First of all, there shouldn't be farming in Pvp, since this is CAPTURE THE FLAG (unless you are playing tdm)

10-30-2014, 08:50 PM
In PVP, it's super easy to just leave a map. Honestly. I think it's selfish booting someone else for your personal gain

10-30-2014, 11:16 PM
And if the other team is full of players from a different guild?

Then what are they going to do? Feed? Not fight? I think that categorizes in blocking if you ask me.

10-30-2014, 11:17 PM
Its a game chill out. And "noob" isn't nice

there are a lot of noobs

I wrote "noobs" only after he did, figured it was ok to write.

Lol, I'm chill :) doesn't mean I can't argue out my point.

In PVP, it's super easy to just leave a map. Honestly. I think it's selfish booting someone else for your personal gain

Some people don't know how to leave a map.

10-30-2014, 11:31 PM
Then what are they going to do? Feed? Not fight? I think that categorizes in blocking if you ask me.
I still stand by my point that people will abuse this feature by kicking out the clueless new players just so their guild-mates can join and help them gang.

If you want a "boot system" in the case of guild clashes, then you need to ask for a completely new PvP mode where same members of a guild can only join one team and the teams are composed of two guilds (like a guild-war should be), rather than makeshift a guild clash out of a CTF game.

I wrote "noobs" only after he did, figured it was ok to write.

Lol, I'm chill :) doesn't mean I can't argue out my point.

Some people don't know how to leave a map.
I wrote "noob" cuz i didnt know what else to call them haha :P

10-30-2014, 11:59 PM
I still stand by my point that people will abuse this feature by kicking out the clueless new players just so their guild-mates can join and help them gang.

If you want a "boot system" in the case of guild clashes, then you need to ask for a completely new PvP mode where same members of a guild can only join one team and the teams are composed of two guilds (like a guild-war should be), rather than makeshift a guild clash out of a CTF game.

I wrote "noob" cuz i didnt know what else to call them haha :P

lmao , just call them with some appropriate word lol

10-31-2014, 12:18 AM
I still stand by my point that people will abuse this feature by kicking out the clueless new players just so their guild-mates can join and help them gang.

If there was a kick system, there would be no ganging because each team would have a full team of 5 players. I honestly feel, however, that these "newbies" (I think newbie is the proper term) should not even be entering PvP.

10-31-2014, 12:45 AM
If there was a kick system, there would be no ganging because each team would have a full team of 5 players. I honestly feel, however, that these "newbies" (I think newbie is the proper term) should not even be entering PvP.
That doesn't make much sense. How exactly would adding a boot system remove ganging or guarantee that each team would have 5 players?

And newbies want to fight players too, so why can't they PvP?

10-31-2014, 01:49 AM
That doesn't make much sense. How exactly would adding a boot system remove ganging or guarantee that each team would have 5 players?

And newbies want to fight players too, so why can't they PvP?

bro :) , i think i know why instant said that , maybe not exactly but he might mean:

The newbies indeed wanna fight players in PvP zones , but they are forgetting there are builds for pvP if u go in a pve , pure pve build , you can do nothing , there are deadly players, they might know about which gears suit for a pvp purpose and so on , there can or can't be several reasons

they can be called "inexperienced" or newbie prcisely i think inexperienced would rather sadden them or anger them newbie is common and polite way too!

10-31-2014, 02:17 AM
That doesn't make much sense. How exactly would adding a boot system remove ganging or guarantee that each team would have 5 players?

It makes sense if you understand. With the boot system, there won't be blockers. I'm not going to guarantee a team has 5 players each, but from experience, I can tell you twinks travel to pvp in groups. With equal players on each side of the team, I don't see how ganging would take place unless one guy didn't get a memo then that's his problem. That's how boot system would remove ganging.

And newbies want to fight players too, so why can't they PvP?

If you have any experience in twinks, you wouldn't have written this sentence. Any newbie can pvp if he/she wants to, but tell me. Is it really practical? Someone coming in pvp with low leveled, low quality gear against a group of maxed, arcane pet players? Be realistic. That's just horrible playing experiences which result in eventual leave of game lmao

10-31-2014, 02:38 AM
If you have any experience in twinks, you wouldn't have written this sentence. Any newbie can pvp if he/she wants to, but tell me. Is it really practical? Someone coming in pvp with low leveled, low quality gear against a group of maxed, arcane pet players? Be realistic. That's just horrible playing experiences which result in eventual leave of game lmao

If that were true, then there would be no newbies in the twink levels because why would a zebra get in a fight with a lion? They dont go out searching for a fight with inevitable death, they go out finding prey, someone who is even worse than them so that they can gain a few kills. Trust me, i've been there.

10-31-2014, 02:39 AM
When I first started pvp in season 3, I used epics. I was a...whatever is appropriate to call them.
I then grew stronger, made some friends who saw potential in me helped me make a level 13 twink. It was nothing special honestly, used a level 12 storm sword with the basic items. I bought some plats grew stronger only because I love pvping.
To this day I still pvp - however I went to level 8/9 the bracket after and I continue playing a 9 rogue to this day and many more to come.
Now to the point of the discussion, imagine if a booting system was implemented back than...twinking guilds wouldnt want me on their team they would have kicked me after one look at my gears - I was the guy who thought that the chain pull upgrade on a warriors axe throw was really a 1m Vanity chain as someone had told (trulled) me.
When I was a "noob" people helped me come to what I am today, imagine if we took that opportunity away from them now. Its not fair to them so this should not be implemented. People have to start somewhere right? Yet if they keep getting booted from a map they cant start anywhere at all.
Sorry but NO.

10-31-2014, 02:49 AM
If that were true, then there would be no newbies in the twink levels because why would a zebra get in a fight with a lion? They dont go out searching for a fight with inevitable death, they go out finding prey, someone who is even worse than them so that they can gain a few kills. Trust me, i've been there.

These random newbies don't even know what they're in for, much less know how to leave a room. So they would join rooms not knowing what's in for them.

When I first started pvp in season 3, I used epics. I was a...whatever is appropriate to call them.
I then grew stronger, made some friends who saw potential in me helped me make a level 13 twink. It was nothing special honestly, used a level 12 storm sword with the basic items. I bought some plats grew stronger only because I love pvping.
To this day I still pvp - however I went to level 8/9 the bracket after and I continue playing a 9 rogue to this day and many more to come.
Now to the point of the discussion, imagine if a booting system was implemented back than...twinking guilds wouldnt want me on their team they would have kicked me after one look at my gears - I was the guy who thought that the chain pull upgrade on a warriors axe throw was really a 1m Vanity chain as someone had told (trulled) me.
When I was a "noob" people helped me come to what I am today, imagine if we took that opportunity away from them now. Its not fair to them so this should not be implemented. People have to start somewhere right? Yet if they keep getting booted from a map they cant start anywhere at all.
Sorry but NO.

I applaud you for your journey and effort to make yourself who you are today, but be realistic. The same thing happening again to a random newb is close to 0. I'm pretty sure you weren't a complete newbie, there had to be a reason someone would help you out. If you look at the twink community today, no one gives a crap about anything other than their own guildmates. IMO, people should level up to endgame first, then pvp. That's the ideal route. Then make a twink after you know BASIC mechanics.

Note, I'm not doing anything to make the boot option implemented in AL. If I wanted it that badly, I would've made countless threads about it already. I'm just saying that this system might be the only way to get rid of blocking.

Prynce, make yourself a lv 10 newbie account. Enter a pvp room and share your experience. :) When you do, PM me your ign so I can witness everything.

10-31-2014, 02:53 AM
When I first started pvp in season 3, I used epics. I was a...whatever is appropriate to call them.
I then grew stronger, made some friends who saw potential in me helped me make a level 13 twink. It was nothing special honestly, used a level 12 storm sword with the basic items. I bought some plats grew stronger only because I love pvping.
To this day I still pvp - however I went to level 8/9 the bracket after and I continue playing a 9 rogue to this day and many more to come.
Now to the point of the discussion, imagine if a booting system was implemented back than...twinking guilds wouldnt want me on their team they would have kicked me after one look at my gears - I was the guy who thought that the chain pull upgrade on a warriors axe throw was really a 1m Vanity chain as someone had told (trulled) me.
When I was a "noob" people helped me come to what I am today, imagine if we took that opportunity away from them now. Its not fair to them so this should not be implemented. People have to start somewhere right? Yet if they keep getting booted from a map they cant start anywhere at all.
Sorry but NO.

Right before i went on a twinking craze about a year ago, i went into PvP as a total noob (yes, noob, a well-geared noob, i was terrible lol) and i fought a twink with my rogue and lost, lost, lost, lost, and lost again. He ended up befriending me and showed me how to twink. He gave me build advice, showed me a few tricks, and gave a few tips. Then, as a totally new rogue, with a new build and new skills, i went up against him 1v1 and won. He invited me to his guild (elite twinks) and i went on a twinking craze for a couple months meeting tons of new friends, theni retired and pursued a goal to reach the 36 cap on my mage. Had i've never gone into PvP as a noob, i would've never gotten the experience and tutoring i needed to become one of the best PvPers in that level. I met a really cool dude as well, whom i am still in contact with today.

10-31-2014, 02:53 AM
If you wanted to get rid of blocking the most simple thing to do is leave - it amazes me when people do not understand that.
And what I meant from my "story" is that if people randomly booted me from a map I would have never seen how fun it was. Furthermore I would have never bought plats to increase my gears and skills.

10-31-2014, 02:55 AM

Right before i went on a twinking craze about a year ago, i went into PvP as a total noob (yes, noob, a well-geared noob, i was terrible lol) and i fought a twink with my rogue and lost, lost, lost, lost, and lost again. He ended up befriending me and showed me how to twink. He gave me build advice, showed me a few tricks, and gave a few tips. Then, as a totally new rogue, with a new build and new skills, i went up against him 1v1 and won. He invited me to his guild (elite twinks) and i went on a twinking craze for a couple months meeting tons of new friends, theni retired and pursued a goal to reach the 36 cap on my mage. Had i've never gone into PvP as a noob, i would've never gotten the experience and tutoring i needed to become one of the best PvPers in that level. I met a really cool dude as well, whom i am still in contact with today.

Person I met brought me into Elite Twinks also and now I stand there as an Officer.

10-31-2014, 03:15 AM

Right before i went on a twinking craze about a year ago, i went into PvP as a total noob (yes, noob, a well-geared noob, i was terrible lol) and i fought a twink with my rogue and lost, lost, lost, lost, and lost again. He ended up befriending me and showed me how to twink. He gave me build advice, showed me a few tricks, and gave a few tips. Then, as a totally new rogue, with a new build and new skills, i went up against him 1v1 and won. He invited me to his guild (elite twinks) and i went on a twinking craze for a couple months meeting tons of new friends, theni retired and pursued a goal to reach the 36 cap on my mage. Had i've never gone into PvP as a noob, i would've never gotten the experience and tutoring i needed to become one of the best PvPers in that level. I met a really cool dude as well, whom i am still in contact with today.

Do again with no vanities, gear of the rare rarity. Maybe weaponless. Ask for build and advice.

If you wanted to get rid of blocking the most simple thing to do is leave - it amazes me when people do not understand that.
And what I meant from my "story" is that if people randomly booted me from a map I would have never seen how fun it was. Furthermore I would have never bought plats to increase my gears and skills.

Leaving is always an option, but why leave when you can have a nice game? .-.

10-31-2014, 06:52 AM
+1 good idea

10-31-2014, 09:37 PM
I wrote "noobs" only after he did, figured it was ok to write.

Lol, I'm chill :) doesn't mean I can't argue out my point.

Some people don't know how to leave a map.

What do you mean some players don't know how to leave a map? That's their problem honestly

10-31-2014, 09:49 PM
i dont think his being sarcastic, but your idea has many flaws. Let me explain some of my options if you don't mind :)

1. If that toon is really leeching, he still can hit every now and then just to not be voted out.
2. If that toon is playing on pc and he had to pee, sometimes it would take more than a minute to do that :). When he returned to play his already voted-out.
3. In levels 20 to 24 drakeula is very very hard to kill. When your the only one with decent gears and all the rest are not, mostly you'll afk and wait for them to leave so that you can call your guild/friends to join you. Apparently this will not be an option in your suggestion so you'll end up leaving and wasted your energy/time.
4. Inan'hesh's post is valid! The voted-out player should reclaim his energy wasted due to voting system.
5. What happens if you only have 2 votes and the other one refuses to vote out?
6. What happens if, because your talking to all those guys in the room to vote someone out you spend 30 secs or so doing that? Even your name on the partylist will have a kick/boot button too.
7. Scenario: You entered a room with 3 people in the same guild. They didn't start the game because there waiting for thier other guildmate. In this case you blocked the spot for there guildmate. And since they didn'nt started or move, you are forced to not to start either. Now they can vote to kick you out and call their guildmate on (unless you solo the boss without them). You therefore wasted an energy.
this ^