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View Full Version : Itoopeos new guild!

10-28-2014, 10:03 AM
I made a new guild for everyone who is playing PvP.
This time its not meant just for me, now everyone can join and get promoted now.


Name is pretty unique and does not give out any information about our guilds targets (Like dissidents of go = rush)
If you get rushed by someone, sort it out by yourself, I'm not going to help you, but I can give you tips, build, teach you (all classes Except mage) and tell you which gear to use for certain opponents.

Make friends, not haters. By acting pro or "best" or just annoying people, you make haters and get rushed -> Its your problem. Get friends and you will never get rushed in game.

I dont take kdr farmers in my guild ( as an example lvl50 is usually used to rush 45s because 50 cant have a fair fight with 51 player and they cant join 40 games.) or very annoying "3v1 for fun" day ruiners.

PM me in game (or forums) IGN: Itoopeo and I will invite you
No instant promotes, I want to get known first

10-29-2014, 05:02 AM
Good luck but...

11-05-2014, 04:15 AM
I made a new guild for everyone who is playing PvP.
This time its not meant just for me, now everyone can join and get promoted now.


Name is pretty unique and does not give out any information about our guilds targets (Like dissidents of go = rush)
If you get rushed by someone, sort it out by yourself, I'm not going to help you, but I can give you tips, build, teach you (all classes Except mage) and tell you which gear to use for certain opponents.

Make friends, not haters. By acting pro or "best" or just annoying people, you make haters and get rushed -> Its your problem. Get friends and you will never get rushed in game.

I dont take kdr farmers in my guild ( as an example lvl50 is usually used to rush 45s because 50 cant have a fair fight with 51 player and they cant join 40 games.) or very annoying "3v1 for fun" day ruiners.

PM me in game (or forums) IGN: Itoopeo and I will invite you
No instant promotes, I want to get known first

Nice guild bro! Good luck recruiting;)

11-10-2014, 08:47 AM
what is the name of the guild?