View Full Version : Energy cost

10-29-2014, 09:30 AM
why do i have to waste 30k just for 1 energy point while platinum player have to waste 25 platinum for 5 energy ?

10-29-2014, 09:32 AM
Because that's the price... If you think it's to high you shouldn't have bought lol

10-29-2014, 09:36 AM
It costs platinum players roughly $0.30 per run. It costs free players gold. It can't get much fairer than that.

10-29-2014, 09:41 AM
why do i have to waste 30k just for 1 energy point while platinum player have to waste 25 platinum for 5 energy ?

Because there are soooo many options right now for converting plat to gold that a player will chose the one with the highest return, so all will stabilize around the same return. That is around 5 to 1 right now and growing.

10-30-2014, 02:57 AM
price is determined by demand---supply....................none can control it

10-30-2014, 05:22 AM
It will stay high till people stop paying that much or everyone starts selling them: supply demand

10-30-2014, 09:41 AM
You'd rather purchase those with 'platinum' if you're low on Gold. Gives you the opportunity to get more energy and sell some in the CS to make some Gold. :)