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View Full Version : Names brought back unfairly

10-29-2014, 12:55 PM
No offense to all the players I list below,this is just a question a lot of us in the forums have.

Love, Fire, Scar, Faith, Spell, Goblin, Rage(when he was in karma), Ice, and many more granted to this one guild

(I may be wrong and maybe some of these people actually reserved these names)

I'm sorry sts and remiem but I sense a high amount of a favoritism, and when I asked for the name 'God'(lol) I was denied within an hour.

Please tell us why they have more rights than us.. Thank you

-Little Smurf :)

10-29-2014, 12:58 PM
I believe that a single person actually owned these names (reserved or not, I'm not certain) He then gave these names to his closest pals. There isn't really any favoritism taking place.

10-29-2014, 01:05 PM
I know for sure fire and rage was granted by a certain community manager on special request lims. This is unfair, do we have to make friends with the mods and be rich to be granted a name ? I know this game isn't perfect but I find that really out of balance since I don't have an arcane ring, hence a mod like remi wont be too prone to have a chat with someone like me, whereas they'd talk to someone like u or someone at karma or anyone else that's really impressive looking. That shouldn't matter.... And everyone knows about the ign 'Love'

10-29-2014, 01:07 PM
Does it matter?
And probably these names were released and those people happened to take them.

10-29-2014, 01:15 PM
I agree some players I have seen wanna act all nice and friendly with the mods and devs so that they can get free stuff maybe I should too.

10-29-2014, 01:30 PM
I saw a mage that had "Fire" before the current owner had it.

You shouldn't call out karma like that.

10-29-2014, 01:31 PM
You can email support asking for names and it is given on a case by case basis. There is no favoritism here. Either they say yes or they say no.

10-29-2014, 01:33 PM
You can email support asking for names and it is given on a case by case basis. There is no favoritism here. Either they say yes or they say no.

Please do NOT do this. I really don't like the practice of selling names, and I darn sure would not like it if our mods give them out to people.

10-29-2014, 01:34 PM
Love (inactive) gave Goblin to Samokkddad
Love (active one, was given her name by a twink who got it through support)
Fire (was previously a mage's name)
Scar (was owned by Venom)
Faith (given via Support case)
Spell (was owned by an old friend known as Sheriff on the forums)

I do not know how Rage got her name though.

There are many reasons one could be denied God, including religion. At least, that was the reason why God was denied to a friend that had asked.

10-29-2014, 01:35 PM
Please do NOT do this. I really don't like the practice of selling names, and I darn sure would not like it if our mods give them out to people.


I never said anything about selling names. In the past though, names have been given out via support in exchange for a fee to rename. Is this not the case anymore?

10-29-2014, 01:36 PM
If you are a new magnum member then gg. Many of Magnum members stopped blaming Karma over the forum... Move on.

This forum should be deleted now. Makes no sense. Pm support .. i dont see why you opened this forum here on General Discussion " Ew Karma always so unfair " .

10-29-2014, 01:40 PM
You can email support asking for names and it is given on a case by case basis. There is no favoritism here. Either they say yes or they say no.

Please do NOT do this. I really don't like the practice of selling names, and I darn sure would not like it if our mods give them out to people.

I have come to understand that stg doesn't support the Selling of names and I do agree that names shouldn't be given out anymore.

Only issue I have is even if i bought plat for a name change, stg doesn't allow me to switch around my name "Titan". I don't mind if names are bound to players from now on, but I think if I own the name I should be able to use plat and switch it to a different toon in my same account. (little off topic :p)

10-29-2014, 01:40 PM

I never said anything about selling names. In the past though, names have been given out via support. Is this not the case anymore?

It is definitely not a practice that I endorse.

10-29-2014, 01:43 PM
It is definitely not a practice that I endorse.

Okay, thank you for the clarification!

10-29-2014, 01:46 PM
You are welcome. I am not saying it has not happened in the past, but names inevitably become valuable as the game ages, and it does feel unfair (as the OP has pointed out).

10-29-2014, 01:48 PM
You are welcome. I am not saying it has not happened in the past, but names inevitably become valuable as the game ages, and it does feel unfair (as the OP has pointed out).

On a side note, I've came across a mage with the name "GaryGattis" in game. You might wanna check that one out before anything ensues.

10-29-2014, 01:50 PM
On a side note, I've came across a mage with the name "GaryGattis" in game. You might wanna check that one out before anything ensues.

Haha, I saw Samhanye the other day too. Definitely did a double take!

10-29-2014, 01:59 PM
You are welcome. I am not saying it has not happened in the past, but names inevitably become valuable as the game ages, and it does feel unfair (as the OP has pointed out).

You are very understanding sir, i thank you for that.

However that isnt the issue, the fact that these names have been handed out, and fire was the most recent case, handed out to topnotcher when he politely asked sts...

Why cant we have the same option? I sure as heck would love to be running around called Zeus or Water or Smurf, of course zeus has had his from the start, but did Fire and Scar have theirs? Did faith join this game in season 4-5 and just message on of her friends?

As for titaniums post, i am ex-karma, but now am running around guildless as soon as someone showed me how our guild officers(who commanded me around) made their money to buy their ring. tyvm but i dont want to comment on this, nor turn it into an argument, my question is different and has nothing to do with ur rivalry whatsoever.

Why can they do it and receive a new name within 24 hours, whereas(I have tried many many times to get a cool name, or at least a real word) the rest of the population has names like iojgregojer and giojerigeorgj


10-29-2014, 02:02 PM
Maybe I shouldn't be calling out karma "like that", but I havent noticed Magnum or Unified committing this "fraudulence", sorry for my use of words

10-29-2014, 02:06 PM
Love (inactive) gave Goblin to Samokkddad
Love (active one, was given her name by a twink who got it through support)
Fire (was previously a mage's name)
Scar (was owned by Venom)
Faith (given via Support case)
Spell (was owned by an old friend known as Sheriff on the forums)

I do not know how Rage got her name though.

There are many reasons one could be denied God, including religion. At least, that was the reason why God was denied to a friend that had asked.

SINce you know so much, kindly explain what exactly those support cases were zeus. ty

10-29-2014, 02:07 PM
SINce you know so much, kindly explain what exactly those support cases were zeus. ty

A support case is private information between the customer and employee. I could not tell you exactly what happened - all I know is how they were obtained. :)

10-29-2014, 02:09 PM
A support case is private information between the customer and employee. I could not tell you exactly what happened - all I know is how they were obtained. :)

thats very convenient, zeus.

*falls out of chair laughing*

10-29-2014, 02:10 PM
thats very convenient, zeus.

*falls out of chair laughing*

I'm just following their ToS? What do you want me to do...?

10-29-2014, 02:17 PM
I was sure there is something to do for create a short character name popular

In summary if I want a character name like: Thor, Chanel, Water or something like that
I need to write a message for support case, it is dependent on the goodwill of sts employee

I think sts want to make this discret and you explain to everyone how to do x)

10-29-2014, 02:19 PM
You can email support asking for names and it is given on a case by case basis. There is no favoritism here. Either they say yes or they say no.
That is support greatest problem. That is the why i dislike support so much.

If you say you don't discuss bans why listen to appeals. If you say you don't release banned names why release it to a player that asks you politely today and refuse to listen to other 100 before him/her. If you say banned players are banned why allow them to come back.

Or it is black or it is white.

10-29-2014, 02:25 PM
I was sure there is something to do for create a short character name popular

In summary if I want a character name like: Thor, Chanel, Water or something like that
I need to write a message for support case, it is dependent on the goodwill of sts employee

I think sts want to make this discret and you explain to everyone how to do x)

This, its not hidden that there arent favorites, I know that zeus is close friends with remiem too, a karma officer told me that one, and what zeus did to 'get in' however, that doesnt matter, we should all be able to get in, like zeus and fire and all these(coincidentially) Karma officers have, is it bcause i dont buy as much plat as some of them do??(some of them dont buy plat, but have rings #supportdidntcheckkarma, hint hint)

we should all have this option, and as soon as i get a response i will be, either moving back to DL or requesting 'Smurf' again, since i have no doubt in a couple of months a new officer in karma(or wherever theyre merging next) will yearn for this specific name and our helpful mods will be there to rescue these poor souls.

gf and ty

10-29-2014, 02:32 PM
I was sure there is something to do for create a short character name popular

In summary if I want a character name like: Thor, Chanel, Water or something like that
I need to write a message for support case, it is dependent on the goodwill of sts employee

I think sts want to make this discret and you explain to everyone how to do x)

This, its not hidden that there arent favorites, I know that zeus is close friends with remiem too, a karma officer told me that one, and what zeus did to 'get in' however, that doesnt matter, we should all be able to get in, like zeus and fire and all these(coincidentially) Karma officers have, is it bcause i dont buy as much plat as some of them do??(some of them dont buy plat, but have rings #supportdidntcheckkarma, hint hint)

we should all have this option, and as soon as i get a response i will be, either moving back to DL or requesting 'Smurf' again, since i have no doubt in a couple of months a new officer in karma(or wherever theyre merging next) will yearn for this specific name and our helpful mods will be there to rescue these poor souls. ty

Too many false accusations, and from where I see it you seem to generate a lot of hate towards karma which will get you nowhere. This will just create more drama between you, karma, and possibly stg.
Thread should be closed

10-29-2014, 02:32 PM
It is black and white. I have clarified internally, and we won't be doing this. Support has not done it for a couple of years. I am very sorry that it has led to feelings of unfairness.