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View Full Version : HoR is being nerf?

10-29-2014, 04:59 PM
Did you guys notice warrior heal is not 8 metters now its max 4 metters.

And the shield now is 1 second .. Hmmm sts why you nerf warrior HoR?

10-29-2014, 05:02 PM
lol i just noticed the range has decreased , they didnt announce it tho.

10-29-2014, 05:56 PM
I hope its a bug if not good bye al

Remember Me
10-29-2014, 07:51 PM
Shield has always been 2 seconds... What are you talking about man

10-29-2014, 08:14 PM
The AOE in Mages wind was taken out

10-29-2014, 11:25 PM
charged gale has no aoe

10-30-2014, 12:36 AM
Shield has always been 2 seconds... What are you talking about man

my bad now its 1 second... dude all warriors notice it...

Dex Scene
10-30-2014, 01:25 AM
My shield stays for 2 seconds fine.
The range seem to be nerfed tho. Its says 6 m and 8m with upgrade. What was the range before? (I never noticed well what was the range before in metre)

10-30-2014, 01:31 AM
Is all they do give something but take something else..
Thank you for the soul gems but unfortunately you had to nerf heal.. heal skills has always been the same and never changed..
What else are you planing to nerf.. why not try to nerf skysmash he jumps 8 mtrs to the sky or maybe nerf axe skill it pulls you from one country to another..
seriously if you guys want to introduce something new to the game like those damage gems don't involve primary skills by nerfing it just to keep the balance.. not to mention the bulwark which I really don't care about but you have caused a great loss for those who put gold into it..
make up your mind this is totally unprofessional..

10-30-2014, 01:46 AM
Is all they do give something but take something else..
Thank you for the soul gems but unfortunately you had to nerf heal.. heal skills has always been the same and never changed..
What else are you planing to nerf.. why not try to nerf skysmash he jumps 8 mtrs to the sky or maybe nerf axe skill it pulls you from one country to another..
seriously if you guys want to introduce something new to the game like those damage gems don't involve primary skills by nerfing it just to keep the balance.. not to mention the bulwark which I really don't care about but you have caused a great loss for those who put gold into it..
make up your mind this is totally unprofessional..

HI! We don't really know if this is a 'nerf' or a 'bug'. Please don't jump into conclusions that they really nerf the warrior's HoR. Sometimes there were bugs coming up when they update something, please bear with them. There are some bugs that is remaining unfix. So please relax :D

10-30-2014, 06:07 AM
HI! We don't really know if this is a 'nerf' or a 'bug'. Please don't jump into conclusions that they really nerf the warrior's HoR. Sometimes there were bugs coming up when they update something, please bear with them. There are some bugs that is remaining unfix. So please relax :D

Hehe how can we relax if every other update theres something " changing " in game unannounced?? so in order for me to know if something happened before an update i always take screenshot of my character then compare it to my stats after the update..
Im like a pilot who's doing a before flight check before taking off and its tidious..
We havent heard anything from STS so perhaps they dont consider this as a bug, all we know we will see a message like " The dev team thinks this is good change for the warrior class ". ( like what they did with bulwark, i hope not )

10-30-2014, 07:02 AM
Hehe how can we relax if every other update theres something " changing " in game unannounced?? so in order for me to know if something happened before an update i always take screenshot of my character then compare it to my stats after the update..
Im like a pilot who's doing a before flight check before taking off and its tidious..
We havent heard anything from STS so perhaps they dont consider this as a bug, all we know we will see a message like " The dev team thinks this is good change for the warrior class ". ( like what they did with bulwark, i hope not )

Chill bro, if they will nerf something, they will announced the change, even not informing us about it, they will announced it after the update, They didn't. It means that this is a bug. Come on, there are wayyyyyyy too many bugs in AL at the moment, the biggest is the lag issues that is not easy to fixed (you can see their efforts, every update, improvement in stability of the game). And not only warriors is having issues even us mages having problem with the aoe of wind and most of the ranged upgrades are not working. Warriors is not the favorite of sts neither any class. They are working on what they can. So please relax and deal with it at the moment and wait for the fix. :D

10-30-2014, 08:11 AM
Noticed the shield duration and the healing range has been reduced.
You cant just keep nerfing warriors... first the bulwark ( ik it was OP but now is useless ) , now the HoR nerf...like please lol

10-30-2014, 09:01 AM
The heal radius is the same, its a visual bug; I've tested. As for the invulnerability, I'm pretty sure its the same as usual!

10-30-2014, 09:16 AM
Is all they do give something but take something else..
Thank you for the soul gems but unfortunately you had to nerf heal.. heal skills has always been the same and never changed..
What else are you planing to nerf.. why not try to nerf skysmash he jumps 8 mtrs to the sky or maybe nerf axe skill it pulls you from one country to another..
seriously if you guys want to introduce something new to the game like those damage gems don't involve primary skills by nerfing it just to keep the balance.. not to mention the bulwark which I really don't care about but you have caused a great loss for those who put gold into it..
make up your mind this is totally unprofessional..

totally agree , things like this must be studied and tested on Experimental server so they dont have to change stuff later bcs it rly hurt players and the economy , sns , bulwark ,warrior skills its just not right and it looks unprofessional :/.

i dont use bulwark or glaive lvl41 atm bcs im afraid sts nerf it later and price drop down its getting annoying tbh they gotta make a decision and never change again.

10-30-2014, 09:20 AM
The heal radius is the same, its a visual bug; I've tested. As for the invulnerability, I'm pretty sure its the same as usual!

busted ! duplicated lines :b .

10-30-2014, 11:23 AM
This is a bug. We're working to fix it asap.

10-30-2014, 08:45 PM
busted ! duplicated lines :b .

WOW, thanks a lot! -_-

10-30-2014, 08:57 PM
WOW, thanks a lot! -_-lol