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02-04-2011, 07:26 PM
Teamwork guide

First a little rant to set the scene- Now I don’t consider myself particularly a noob, but I do get slightly irritated by noobs who accuse and criticise the more experienced player during a game (not that I’m a pro or anything). For example, this evening during an AO3 level, this player (below L 50) kept dying and accused me of not healing. Now as my main player is a mage, I do try very hard to keep healing and reviving where possible; but there are limits. I had to point out to this player that “Heal” has a cool down and so I cannot cast it constantly (therefore you may need to use potions, heaven forbid!) and secondly if you keep running on ahead and getting killed, then don’t expect me to keep chasing after you all the time to keep healing you - You are not the only player in the game, so take some responsibility. Rant over!!! This has led me to construct the following guide on teamwork:

Some VERY basic take home messages for players working in a group:

1. Learn your own character well and their limitations. There are plenty of guides on the forum to learn more about your chosen character. With experience and time you will come to predict certain circumstances that could lead your character to have an early death. Knowing your own chosen character inside out will benefit the team as a whole.

2. Learn about other character’s skills and abilities as well as your own as this will enhance teamwork.

3. Learn to work well in a group and use skills and try out the following:

Generally, bears should be at the front, not behind! At this point other players should let the bear get in front! When up front use the abilities Taunt to gain agro and Beckon to pull enemies in together. Following this, bears please don’t go straight for stomp or use beckon inappropriately, as it just scatters mobs around. Mages get in behind and try out novel ways of dispatching mobs quickly. A couple of examples - such as a mage can use ice storm/frostbite + firestorm. Alternatively Birds could use thorn root/wall, followed by mage’s lightning, or the birds own combo, Shattering scream + Blast shot. Or the Mage can cast ice storm followed by bears using stomp.

Very important is not to forget to use buffs and debuffs at all times. These will significantly affect the effectiveness of the team, so take some time to learn them well.

Common mistakes that impairs good teamwork:

Bears: are not using Taunt enough to take the agro away from other players. Although the skill doesn’t work all the time, bears have good health and armour in order to take the agro. So use it!

Mages: I see time and time again, fragile mages are always trying to get up front (birds are just as bad). Result – death! Obviously, if there is no tank, then someone has to go in front!

Mages appear to forget/don’t realize that mana is in plentiful supply. It will rarely reduce to zero (apart from when using mana shield) – so don’t rely on the wand/staff to deal damage. All too often I see mages hardly ever using their skills. – use your skills all the time to deal damage.

You should be using heal frequently, even if you are not damaged, your team members might be, so heal them! It cost’s so little. Other players need to realize that heal and revive have cool down times, and so they cannot be cast constantly. Heal becomes even more important against bosses. So use heal even more frequently to keep the team alive, and in between times, other players should be using potions. If there is a team fighting a difficult boss, it is completely insane to believe that if there is only one mage in the group, then that mage should be able to keep all players alive! This is virtually impossible. Very likely more often, in poor teams, the mage will be taking agro and will probably be struggling to stay alive themselves.

Birds: Birds are especially helpful against bosses and so please remember to especially use these skills: break armour/thorn root/blinding shot.

Birds are also very good at setting up combos (eg. The combo Thorn root/wall and lightning). Birds sometimes appear to be doing nothing in a team until they face the boss (where they come into their own), please bear in mind that there are plenty of other skills you could be using for the good of the team (e.g. the combo Shattering scream + Blast shot).

Other points to remember are to make use of elixirs, particularly against difficult bosses.
Eg. Overlord – often requires the use of Tanker’s Ale Elixir (this is a controversial topic in itself)!

4. Rushing on ahead of everybody else frequently results in deaths (in difficult levels) and makes it difficult for mages to revive. When fighting difficult mobs, stay close together and deal with the surrounding area before trying to move on. It is not a race. You may be surprised at how little damage you take when you stick together.

5. You are working as a team (not independently), so try not to think that you have to win by outdoing others. There are other places for that.

6. The group should ideally have a leader who directs the others (usually the host). The host should ideally make it known asap what their aim’s are in that game.

7. Host to use boot constructively and fairly; with the aim that it will aid the rest of the team and not just themselves.

8. Try not to criticize and berate others, as this can be hurtful and is seldom helpful or useful. Never get angry or abusive (it is after all only a game and you could get banned)

9. If your character is dying frequently during a game, then all to often, players blame each other. Think about the following points before making these accusations:

a. Are there too few players in the game?
c. Are the mix of characters hindering the game. For example, when facing Gurgox, it is pretty naff having one mage try and do all the reviving or having four bears against the keeper.
d. Are players using abilities appropriately?
d. Are players too low in order to cope with the required level of the map? If so, this could potentially put strain on other players
e. Are you are taking too many risks during the game?
f. Do you think you know how to play your character well? Are you using combos? Are you using potions/elixirs? Are you circling the bear/mage? Are you using freeze related abilites etc?
g. Do you have the best equipment?
h. Have you correctly placed attributes points and allocated stats appropriately?

The above points will enhance teamwork!

10. The easiest solution is to inform your group that it is not working and to attempt to resolve matters, or more simply to just leave!

Like I mentioned earlier – very basic! Sorry it turned out much longer than I anticipated. lol.

02-04-2011, 07:34 PM
Tell us how you really feel! Jkjk 100% agree with you

02-04-2011, 07:34 PM
You'll always find these types of players...ones that have no sense of strategy whatsoever or ones that don't understand things like "cooldown time" for skills and whatnot. Some people just aren't that good at PL nor do they care as much :/

02-04-2011, 09:06 PM
Some players think it's always somebody else's fault. How dare the bear NOT rev. The nerve!

When really, if you are dying a lot, you should be working on two problems:
(1) What can the group do to work better? What can you suggest to get the group to work better?
(2) What can YOU do to help yourself? If you play your own character better, you help your own playing. Maybe this means leveling, spamming pots, buying elixirs, getting better EQ, kiting, circle the bear, circle the mage, letting the bear go first, using ice, using combos, etc.

02-04-2011, 09:28 PM
while in time for 1.7, i cannot read another team/player suggestion thread. my eyes hurt from snow glare and i can only say tl;dr

apart from that, to stay on track, and not get funny looks from devs, i agree!

02-05-2011, 12:00 PM
Well to be honest I was pretty ****** o** but then I had better not swear as I speak the Queen's English! lol.

02-05-2011, 12:58 PM
This might be a rant as well, because I think most people here know this stuff already, but I'll rant anyway, heh.

As a mage:

*I've been in groups in which I'm the only mage and have taken heat for hanging back instead of rushing into big fights like I'm a freaking bear or something. Hello, I'm the only one who can rez, if I die and it's a long walk back, the rest of the group could wipe. Additionally, I don't need to get close to do damage, I don't do hand-to-hand for goodness sake's, I'm a mage.

*If I'm the only mage in a group, don't wander off, die, and spam "rez rez rez". If I have to look for you instead of sticking with the group who is also counting on me, forget it. Take the walk of shame and stick with us next time.

*Holy moly, it can't be said enough: heal has a cool down. The other day someone yelled at me because they died, even though I was spamming heal. In a tough battle heal helps, and when clearing mobs it helps save pots, but don't expect me to be able to save you if you're not watching your health and refuse to use pots. Sounds like this is a common complaint amongst mages!

It's getting difficult to find decent people to play with. It's a PITA to know I'm working to the best of my abilities and then have others make mistakes and unload on me. I'm by no means a perfect player, but I use my skills and combos and I stick with a group and I don't look to others to keep me alive if I act stupid.


This is why I've kept to locked solo gold farming games. I really need to expand my friends list and just never do PUGs again.

02-05-2011, 01:06 PM
Wuxi - Nice job lol :)

I would live it if you could write a teamwork guide for the PLGuide.info!

Although I would need it from a 3rd person view...

If you would like to write it please msg mr :)

02-05-2011, 01:41 PM
Well in an idea of order warriors should be in front mages in the middle and archers behind mages have to be in the middle to use there aeo attacks cause it's range isn't far just wide while archers are better behind since they only have one buff for less hits on them and archer skills are long range but can't get mobbed so they have to be behind

02-05-2011, 02:11 PM
I agree for the most part, but in the case of being the solo mage in a tough fight, staying alive to heal and rez is more important than whatever damage you might do.

Mages are awesome in trash mobs because they do so much aeo damage, but in a boss battle, aeo doesn't matter much. I'm not going to aggro a boss and risk a one-hit kill that will leave my group without healing or rez'ing for as long as it takes me to walk back. Of course I still spam buffs and debuffs, but I don't have to tank to do that. And if there's no risk to being one-hit killed, I'll attack as well. But again I don't have to be right up against whoever I'm fighting to score damage. One guy said I wasn't aggressive enough and made everyone else work harder to make up for my "hanging back" (as if I didn't clear most of the mobs before we hit the boss). I'm sorry, I'm not a tank, and I'm not going to charge into a boss battle guns a'blazin'. I feel a responsiblity to keep myself alive so I can rez and heal. Int mages should not act like tanks in a group, and it's silly to expect them to. That's a bear's job.

The problem of course is many people only play one class and have no idea how other classes work. (Heck, a lot of people don't even understand the class they play.) If you're a bear and you always tank, it's easy to think that's how the game is played and everyone needs to rush the bosses. An int mage who doesn't lead the charge isn't being a wimp, they're playing the class the way it should be played.

02-05-2011, 03:59 PM
This is a great post and it should be stickied for newbies.

I've not been playing long, but when I started playing it would have been so much better to have some idea of the various roles each character type take on.