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View Full Version : No understand

10-31-2014, 12:12 PM
I have fang super gem, elondria bow of potency, armor mythic full grand, and mythic helmet only 9+ fire.

I the last week put paracelsus gem in my blood this have only 1 super grand fire and 1 normal.
With the paracelsus gem i get +23.6 damage
I said ok go for the second gem!
when I put the second in my bow this only up 6.2 damage
and ??????????

what happend?

Stats after without paracelsus: 604.0
with my first paracelsus in blood ruby : 627.6
with the second paracelsus gem in my bow : 636??? this no will be 650??'

10-31-2014, 12:43 PM
I've had to make an adjustment to the Paracelsus Stone given some internal calculations. The idea and way it works are the same, however the base damage is now 2.0 instead of 1.5, to keep things playing nicely.

so from the examples stated before:

1 - 2 + 5.5 = 7.5
2 - 2+ 7.5 = 9.5
3 - 2 + 9.5 = 11.5


This is across all gear, not per piece of gear. If you managed to slot everything you own (and give up all those stats?!?!) You would be looking at:

15 * 2 + 5.5, or 35.5

I think mathematically it doesn't balance out if you neglect your primary stat over these, and may end up having equal damage or less, I'm sure someone will figure it out ;)

Sorry for the changes, but I'm keeping everyone informed best as we can, as relevantly as we can within our means.

Thats what devs said about it..
What I dont understand is why one gem gives ~20dmg though..?
Lol maybe im missing something, but I thought it would be just 7dmg? :-/

10-31-2014, 12:47 PM
With one Para gem you get 7+ (in a lvl 41 item), as Cray said when you stack them they only add 2+ Dmg (on lvl 41 item). You put one on a Ruby (lvl 31 item) so the Dmg will be less than if it was a 41 item.

10-31-2014, 01:06 PM
Stacking the Para gem isn't that great - by design.

11-02-2014, 11:27 AM
Just read the description of para gem.

It gives you +2 dmg and +5,5 dmg effect WHICH DOES NOT STACK. So if you uprade smth for the 2nd time - you'll receive only +2 dmg, without +5,5 dmg effect.