View Full Version : 2014-10-31 Content Update (162381)

10-31-2014, 03:40 PM
Platinum is on Sale, 40% off, now through Sunday!
New Savage Apathy gem item pack in the Store!
Lookout for a new Rare Boss: Grant Hauer! This is a boss werewolf that has a rare chance to appear. He can drop one of three new items: Petrified Fang, Teal Raver Top, Grant Hauer Mask!
Last weekend to hunt the rare spawn ghost!
New Raver helm added to the Store. The Raver tops and Raver leggings drop from rare bosses. Hunt them!

10-31-2014, 04:01 PM
New boss 😁

10-31-2014, 04:26 PM
Thank you for the update.

10-31-2014, 06:11 PM
thank you !

11-01-2014, 03:47 AM
Thanks I want that mask

11-01-2014, 04:45 AM
Fantastic show it was awsome love you guys keep up the great game !

11-01-2014, 07:16 AM
New Boss & Teal Color <3

11-01-2014, 08:12 AM
Also; Love The Mask & Gems, Of Course <3

A few friends & I noticed, 'Thursday The 11th' is no longer in the store...
I'm just curious, the original update stated the expiration date as November 3rd.
If this is the case, then where did the option to buy with platinum go?
Or, was it a mistake? Either way, can you fix this promptly before the end date?
I really hope so, it would be greatly appreciated... at least, in my views! lol
I've been relentlessly trying to get the 'Thursday The 11th' mask with no luck.
ONE more thing...
I also noticed that you had added the 'Blue & Green Wisps For 10 Platinum', but never mentioned an expiration date
(nor the option at all) in any of the recent updates. I find concern in this situation.
Fortunately; I was able to obtain the offer in the short time it existed, but many others did not.
I'm not complaining or saying it isn't fair, just curious because of the unknown information.
If you could quickly attend to these matters before the end dates of our events, that would be great.
Others & myself are grateful for the updates, (desperately needed, thank you) yet concerned...

11-01-2014, 10:25 AM
If someone gets the mask can they post a picture here. I wanna see how it looks like so badly

11-01-2014, 11:15 AM
OMG!!!This is too good to be true.

11-01-2014, 12:02 PM
petrified fang...killed obsidian crystal.-.

11-01-2014, 05:25 PM
If someone gets the mask can they post a picture here. I wanna see how it looks like so badly

I unfortunately haven't gotten the drop yet, but found the more detailed STS announcement with photos! ^.^


Hope This Helps! :D

11-01-2014, 06:09 PM
After searching for this new boss for over a day and not finding him ONCE and speaking with many players, I have to say the spawn rate of the boss is extremely low, and when he does spawn, the drop rate of one of the new items is also very low.

STS, what is the point of creating an event that only a lucky few can enjoy, while the rest of the players, who finally got some sort of a "new" event (even with recoloring of old vanities), get to spend hours and hours of their day and even money on platinum elixirs with nothing to show for it?

Please reset the spawn/drop rates to something better so that everyone can enjoy this event.

11-01-2014, 06:22 PM
I totally agree with Axania. I haven't even seen him once. And mostly of my guildies haven't too or maybe with an inv. So it's like 5% seen him but 95% haven't and really low rate drop/spawn him. In the other hand, thank you for this event tho, it was really nice to get something new after playing this game for years. But it could be nice if you reset tbe spawn/drop rates to something better, thank you for the time!

11-01-2014, 06:25 PM
Where can you find the boss anyone kniw?

11-01-2014, 06:51 PM
Same I have been farming all day and a few hours last night, I've got the Mad Doc but not once the wolf, and was only invited once by a friend...most everyone ik has not seen him at all...and then theirs ppl who have all the items and keep seeing him...
Great update but it seems like the drop rate is either too high or too low sometimes with these updates and after 2 days still no other map but the Woods that anyone has seen him...which is causing crazy lag and ppl dc'ing all day...please fix this sooo many ppl have come on to farm and now getting frustrated....

11-01-2014, 11:16 PM
Now this is an update ... Guess sts got tired of all the hate mail lol ..............

Hi unholyprince

11-01-2014, 11:48 PM
After searching for this new boss for over a day and not finding him ONCE and speaking with many players, I have to say the spawn rate of the boss is extremely low, and when he does spawn, the drop rate of one of the new items is also very low.

STS, what is the point of creating an event that only a lucky few can enjoy, while the rest of the players, who finally got some sort of a "new" event (even with recoloring of old vanities), get to spend hours and hours of their day and even money on platinum elixirs with nothing to show for it?

Please reset the spawn/drop rates to something better so that everyone can enjoy this event.

I thought the new boss, new gems, and raver outfit were permanent adds...not just here for a short event. If that is correct....makes sense to make it a harder drop.

thanks again for the update STS! ^_^

11-02-2014, 04:03 AM
I agree with Axania and Cleox . It's the first time when a new boss shows up rarely. I've been farming all day long and found him 2 times. And guess what ... He dropped nothing for me . It's so annoying to spend your whole day looking for this boss and when you finally find him once he doesn't give you anything . Anyways ,thank you for the new update .We really appreciate it.

11-02-2014, 09:21 AM
I thought the new boss, new gems, and raver outfit were permanent adds...not just here for a short event. If that is correct....makes sense to make it a harder drop.

thanks again for the update STS! ^_^

I dont know if its a permanent drop or not, but even if it is, I disagree with what you're saying. With such low drop rates, all STS is doing is re-enforcing the already out of proportions mentality of selling things for tens of millions of gold, thus making all new items inaccessible to all players who haven't collected dozens and hundreds of millions of gold, which is more than 90% of players. And at the same time they are helping the few rich players who already have more than they could ever use get even richer. The game's economy is already ruined, many vanities and items can never be accessed by new players since they are priced at ridiculous prices by the few greedy old players, so new items with so low drop rates only make things worse.

Shannon Ross
11-02-2014, 01:28 PM
Agreed...I have been farming spots I know for sure the boss appears and I have seen him one time. Now I would also like to add that I have put in at least 20,000 kills since this boss update only to see the boss one time and he drops absolute garbage gems. If he is gonna be this GD hard to find at least have him drop the rare item each time. It is bad enough this game gets the worse updates ....

11-03-2014, 03:07 AM
I dont know if its a permanent drop or not, but even if it is, I disagree with what you're saying. With such low drop rates, all STS is doing is re-enforcing the already out of proportions mentality of selling things for tens of millions of gold, thus making all new items inaccessible to all players who haven't collected dozens and hundreds of millions of gold, which is more than 90% of players. And at the same time they are helping the few rich players who already have more than they could ever use get even richer. The game's economy is already ruined, many vanities and items can never be accessed by new players since they are priced at ridiculous prices by the few greedy old players, so new items with so low drop rates only make things worse.

The greedy old players don't make the prices. It's the Economy itself, it's all about demand and supply. There are those few items that everyone wants to have but actually no one has, so of cuz their prices are worth dozens of millions. Beside just being a veteran player doesn't make you greedy, newbies are just as greedy as veterans. The difference is that they are so poor that you can't realize if they are greedy or not.

11-03-2014, 06:52 AM
The greedy old players don't make the prices. It's the Economy itself, it's all about demand and supply. There are those few items that everyone wants to have but actually no one has, so of cuz their prices are worth dozens of millions. Beside just being a veteran player doesn't make you greedy, newbies are just as greedy as veterans. The difference is that they are so poor that you can't realize if they are greedy or not.

I actually know of at least one case where a price of an item was raised by about 20m in a little more than a week. That's not supply and demand. Also, many items, even though rare, still drop in the game in rates that haven't changed in years. And yet their prices keep being raised at huge amounts.

I don't think the issue is supply and demand, but rather that since older players have had a chance to make millions of gold, when they sell something, they expect to make good money for it. So if they have managed to save 100 million, they won't want to sell stuff for 500k. Two years ago the maximum price for a rare item was 1-2 million. Now its up to 700 million! Don't tell me that's supply and demand. Back when bats were a new item and almost nobody had them they were worth 2m. Now many many people have them and they are worth 12m. That's 6 times more! Their drop rate hasn't changed, more bats keep dropping so more and more are in the market. But still, they become more expensive. Why?

Like you said, its the economy, the fact that people now work with millions instead of thousands, because old players have had a chance to collect millions, whereas 2 years ago nobody had many millions. But the economy is made by the players, and doesn't have to be this way. Why sell something at 50 million and not 2 million? Especially since there are a number of old players who have every item, collect many copies of all rare items, have millions of gold, and still sell stuff for these ridiculous prices. I'm sorry, but that's just being greedy.

It has become so that even old players who haven't made a fortune can't ever get some items (including items that may drop, but its impossible to get them). Imagine what its like for the new players. How do you expect them to make dozens and hundreds of millions? They never will. Many items are simply unavailable due to prices, so its like 25% of the game is just not there for them. DL is in trouble as it is, it has been without any completely new updates in over a year, this economy situation just makes it worse. But yes, its due to the players. What can we do about it? We can all refuse to buy anything for more than 9.9m (max gold, which is there for a reason). Then the economy might become accessible to all.

11-03-2014, 09:03 PM
Axa is right...day 3 I have seen him 2x's farming with someone but not at all solo which I do more than anything...I watched ppl get relic in front of me and it's 3rd or 4th...and just of relic...they have at least one of everything else.
If I am farming the same amount as them why do they have one of everything at least and see him spawn...this isn't luck or part of the drop rate...
I've never played another game that doesn't tell you when it's events end either...like what kind of crap is that? Let us just guess...Idk why no one can give us any info ever about anything...it's a bunch of bs

11-04-2014, 02:12 PM
Agreed; Multiplayer, Spawn Rate, Drop Rate, Drop Receivers & End Date -> Sketchy! o.O

11-05-2014, 05:58 PM
It is all about demand and supply
About time more and more players join the game and like the majority of the players they want those few elusive items like albinos and black Druid and of cause most of them won't get them. So the demand is keep raising over time which makes up the price. Simple as that

11-17-2014, 09:08 AM

11-18-2014, 11:34 PM
I have encountered him 4 times and all I got were green gems, 1 per encounter. It may be beating my head against a wall but I want the teal set and while I'm not broke. I damn sure are not a millionaire.

As for complaining about DL here I won't because of the fact you can get private penalties for breaking the terms of use. They get to decide what is or isn't and you can't fight it and even talk about what happened. So I would suggest to everyone who criticizes, is critical, openly complain whether or not you have a point-or feel like you are justified and have a rational complaint. IT DOES NOT MATTER.
I'm risking a penalty(I'm sure)by warning other forum users about how you complain about anything on here. I would suggest reading the extensive list you can look up.