View Full Version : Shops are useless, and gold is pretty much the same

02-05-2011, 11:10 AM
I may not be a massively high level (30), but I have noticed a few things about the game and it's economy. Shops are USELESS! Nothing in them is worth buying! The only way to get equipment is to get them as drops. Don't put the really good stuff in the shops, but at least have some items in them that players would want to use.

Because of the worthlessness of shop items, gold is very easy to hoard. The only thing I would ever spend my gold on is health, and to a certain extent mana potions. Even when buying 25 health potions all the time, you can still keep thousands of gold. Enough gold to buy anything in the shops. Also, with the ability to literally have hundreds of health potions and mana potions, bears can survive for an infinite time. Even avians and elves can tank. I do it all the time.

So here's what I propose: force players to make a choice between health potions and equipment that you don't have to grind for. High level items would still be drops, but medium level items would be found in shops as well as drops. Low level items would still be available in both.

Hopefully, this would also help newbies (<lvl 13) get equipment better than orange. They could just buy it in the shop. Also, players of all levels would have new goals to work towards. Instead of just waiting for a level, they would also wait for enough money to get that item right after they leveled (not really a problem though, usually I have items for higher levels before I reach that level).

Tell me what you think, and if you would like gold to actually have worth. :D

02-05-2011, 11:14 AM
You can buy gear listed by other players in the consignment shop in Fort Blackstone, this is the gear from drops an includes the best gear in the game. NPC vendor gear is really just semi-crap for cheap to use for leveling when you have no other option.

02-05-2011, 11:17 AM
Shops are for players that haven't got a decent drop and to use premium items for looks rather than to use for battle. you need gold and lots of it to buy end game gear on the CS from other players. Also you will be using a lot more than 25 pots for some dungeons like the Shadow caves which depending on the group you can use over 500 pots in a few runs if tis a very good group you will use a lot less.

Once you play enough you will know you don't have as much gold as you think you have I have well over a million and I know that's not nearly enough to buy what I will need for 1.7.

02-05-2011, 11:18 AM
Ohhh. I haven't been to Fort Blackstone in months. I guess I should go back there!

02-05-2011, 11:19 AM
Ohhh. I haven't been to Fort Blackstone in months. I guess I should go back there!

/10 char

02-05-2011, 11:19 AM
Soon, shops will be selling crafting supplies. I'm almost positive that this will definitely provide a place to buy things. But you are right. Most of the shops sell nothing useful.

02-05-2011, 11:23 AM
This thread IMO deserves to be put in bag by a random night guy throw it to the dumpster and teach him to read all the new threads

02-05-2011, 11:38 AM
Bears don't tank for an infinite time, *sigh* when ao3 first came out. Anyways anybody can tank lost expedition- I did the first lvl solo on my lvl 10 with less than 250 pots lol.