View Full Version : An epithay

11-01-2014, 12:19 PM
So mages look great standig with staffs but horrible holding guns. Tho guns better damage but staffs are faster...

Why not then... have a mage with...

Wait for it....


Yes I said pistols... they can hold one in each hand... shoot as fast as staff but not as much damage as gun but will also look so good standing no more hunchback umpalumpa!!!

11-01-2014, 02:13 PM
:O barooooon ur a genius !! That's smart And would surely help the class imbalance, tho I think it'll make mages too op.

11-01-2014, 03:47 PM
:O barooooon ur a genius !! That's smart And would surely help the class imbalance, tho I think it'll make mages too op.
Naa as we still squishy with plastic armor that stops nothing lol.

But at least with pistols you can fire quickly with a auto aim just lil less damage but speed of attacks shpuld make up for it....

An how frickin cool would a mage look with a gun holster omg!!

11-01-2014, 10:24 PM
That a mage looks ugly with gun is a matter of opinion, lol. Personally, I think its a pretty cool look!

how on earth
11-01-2014, 11:53 PM
give us the guns ...hahhahaha!!!!

+ 100

maybe there could be a bullet potion refill needed if you equip these fun guns!!!

you get a certain amount of shots and then you gotta refill just like you would with health or mana potions hahahh!!!

make that two genius's ...lol!!!!!!!

11-02-2014, 03:35 AM
And all mages would look like James Bond :D

11-02-2014, 12:21 PM
yes to pistols!!!! i also wanna see mages with a bazooka
very slow rate of fire but massive explosive damage

11-02-2014, 12:42 PM
haha who needs magic when you have every type of gun that exists.