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View Full Version : Changes That I Hope to See

02-05-2011, 07:35 PM
First of all I love this game, so this is simply constructive criticism!

1. Damage numbers. I can barely see how much damage I hit my enemies with. One of the greatest feelings of playing an mmo/rpg comes with leveling up and finding new and better equipment that increase your stats. Unfortunately I have to have my Ipod touch (4G-Retina Display) Zoomed in on my character just so I can barely make out what Im hitting with! Games that do it right: Dungeon Hunter, WoW, Borderlands!

Note: I know that the games tend to get pretty intense and a lot goes on the screen, especially at higher levels, but maybe just a bit thicker font please?

2. Potions: Honestly this feels very cheap to me. I buy potions by the hundreds and just spam the heck out of the button. I think something needs to change here. Maybe have a limited amount of potions? Perhaps Limit the amount of potions and then increase the effectiveness of the healing spells for the 3 races (I dont know if Bird has a healing spell).

3. The Spells on screen can cause a lot of clutter. Why not make something similar to the "wheel/slide" system in Dungeon Hunter? It involves 3 spells stacked on top of each other (you can see the other two spells slightly to the left and right of the top most spell) and then the player can swipe the top most spell to switch to the other two spells! Imaging if we had 3 of these "stacked" spells instead of 9 spells cluttering the screen! Keep in mind that i spam most of the spells as I know most people do so the clear disadvantage of this is having to slide to get the spell and then tapping on it-takes time. HOWEVER, this might be a good thing! It can cause players to produce specific strategies for different situations as opposed to pressing all the spells you have as fast as you can! For example, A Healing mage could focus on protecting people, while the other mage can focus on dealing with mobs!

4. Maybe the mage should get exp for healing other team mates? That way we could see more healers actually healing people.

What do you guys think?

02-05-2011, 07:38 PM
With you 100% on the damage numbers. It adds a little bit more excitement to going through dungeons.

02-05-2011, 07:38 PM
It depends what lvl are you? And you can check if a items better. Look in your invent at your stats. As for pots- at the higher lvls u can die even when using pots- and elixirs.

02-05-2011, 07:40 PM
It depends what lvl are you? And you can check if a items better. Look in your invent at your stats. As for pots- at the higher lvls u can die even when using pots- and elixirs.

shadow witch... *shudders*

02-05-2011, 07:41 PM
shadow witch... *shudders*

My thoughts exactly professor kossi.

02-05-2011, 07:42 PM
shadow witch... *shudders*

ugh.... I havent gone back to shadow caves after the triple boss update thing...
played it once; assumption=I got my hate and sentinel already.. why am I back here? (excuses to leave...)

02-05-2011, 07:44 PM
I would still love to see healing spells come more into play. Right now, a regular enchantress hardly ever uses her healing spell for the entire group, mostly for her own benefit. If pots were reduced or maybe even not allowed during combat, an enchantress would take on an entirely new perspective.

02-05-2011, 07:45 PM
I would still love to see healing spells come more into play. Right now, a regular enchantress hardly ever uses her healing spell for the entire group, mostly for her own benefit. If pots were reduced or maybe even not allowed during combat, an enchantress would take on an entirely new perspective.

Thats true! I heal for myself only, but when I remember, I always heal for other, but thats only when I remember :D

02-05-2011, 07:49 PM
I would still love to see healing spells come more into play. Right now, a regular enchantress hardly ever uses her healing spell for the entire group, mostly for her own benefit. If pots were reduced or maybe even not allowed during combat, an enchantress would take on an entirely new perspective.
Ya thats why I don't play my mage much cool down on the healing spell is to long to be affective they need to shorten it or add more than one healing spell so you can chain heal different spells. So a mage can heal all the moderate damage and only rely on health pots for massive damage.

02-05-2011, 07:50 PM
Maybe I was trained on the WoW interface, but healing on this game I always either forget either to heal me or the rest of the party. It would be nice to have everyone listed, along with the player, to the left like it is now. I guess that size difference throws me off.

02-05-2011, 07:52 PM
Ya thats why I don't play my mage much cool down on the healing spell is to long to be affective they need to shorten it or add more than one healing spell so you can chain heal different spells. So a mage can heal all the moderate damage and only rely on health pots for massive damage.

? lvl5 heal is fast enough! hehe.. What do you expect? automatic heal? heal rate would be another skill or something.. acitvate it and.. OMG GREAT IDEA!
could the devs make an option where we can use heal as soon as it cools down automatically? i hate having to press the heal button repeatedly.. so annoying

02-05-2011, 07:58 PM
I believe this should be in the Suggestions and Feedback forum:

Anywho, I quite enjoy spamming the buy potions button, makes my life easier when running through a dungeon solo.

And with the damage points on an enemy, it gets quite hectic sometimes, most of it may just get confusing and laggy! lol

And thicker fonts maybe, yes sometimes its hard to see your own name, but I never really had trouble with seeing anything else =)
I like the suggestions though!

02-05-2011, 07:58 PM
Lotz u havnt had the chance to play with you yet, how are u progressing?

02-05-2011, 08:02 PM
It depends what lvl are you? And you can check if a items better. Look in your invent at your stats. As for pots- at the higher lvls u can die even when using pots- and elixirs.

No, mean as in Seeing how much damage you do on the enemy During combat! Not in the stat menu. I know How much Im capable of, but I can barely see how much Im actually doing during the fighting.

02-05-2011, 08:04 PM
First of all I love this game, so this is simply constructive criticism!

1. Damage numbers. I can barely see how much damage I hit my enemies with. One of the greatest feelings of playing an mmo/rpg comes with leveling up and finding new and better equipment that increase your stats. Unfortunately I have to have my Ipod touch (4G-Retina Display) Zoomed in on my character just so I can barely make out what Im hitting with! Games that do it right: Dungeon Hunter, WoW, Borderlands!

Note: I know that the games tend to get pretty intense and a lot goes on the screen, especially at higher levels, but maybe just a bit thicker font please?

2. Potions: Honestly this feels very cheap to me. I buy potions by the hundreds and just spam the heck out of the button. I think something needs to change here. Maybe have a limited amount of potions? Perhaps Limit the amount of potions and then increase the effectiveness of the healing spells for the 3 races (I dont know if Bird has a healing spell).

What do you guys think?

1.) Couldn't agree more, I played a game called Tales of Pirates. You start off with really small hits that berly even show on the screen. But once you reach end game with god gear, you basically throw nuke hits that light the place up, very very addicting.

2.) You will think very differently about potions once you start end game farming. End game usually requires thousands of potions, and making profit is based totally on epic loot drop luck. I usually loose a good 3-4k every day I farm alien oasis, (mob drops - potion price).

02-05-2011, 08:15 PM
My thoughts exactly professor kossi.


02-05-2011, 08:27 PM

lmao way to make my day Kossi!!!!!!!

02-05-2011, 08:33 PM
Kossi remember when we were farming even before the 3 bosses it was harrrrd

02-05-2011, 08:33 PM
Lotz u havnt had the chance to play with you yet, how are u progressing?

Been trying to play as much as I can, not much during weekdays but on weekends usually for a few hours a day =)

Ive purchased a few campaigns like Fathom Crypts and Lost expedtion so I can continue to level up =)

02-05-2011, 08:40 PM
Kossi remember when we were farming even before the 3 bosses it was harrrrd

i think eeyored was afk, and 2 others just left when they saw 3 bosses.

me and goliath just made a joke out of it