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View Full Version : Changes That I Hope to See

02-05-2011, 08:08 PM
* Originally Posted on General Discussion Board*
First of all I love this game, so this is simply constructive criticism!

1. Combat Damage Numbers. I can barely see how much damage I hit my enemies with. One of the greatest feelings of playing an mmo/rpg comes with leveling up and finding new and better equipment that increase your stats. Unfortunately I have to have my Ipod touch (4G-Retina Display) Zoomed in on my character just so I can barely make out what Im hitting with! Games that do it right: Dungeon Hunter, WoW, Borderlands! I know I can see how much damage I am capable of in the stats menu, but Im talking about during the actual gameplay!

Note: I know that the games tend to get pretty intense and a lot goes on the screen, especially at higher levels, but maybe just a bit thicker font please?

2. Potions: Honestly this feels very cheap to me. I buy potions by the hundreds and just spam the heck out of the button. I think something needs to change here. Maybe have a limited amount of potions? Perhaps Limit the amount of potions and then increase the effectiveness of the healing spells for the 3 races (I dont know if Bird has a healing spell).

What do you guys think?

02-10-2011, 04:47 PM
I agree :)
(bye the way avians,or birds, do have a healing spell, it doesn't really heal it just increases the health recover rate for a few seconds)