View Full Version : Regarding Name Sales.

11-02-2014, 08:31 PM
First off, devs/mods, please do not remove this thread ;) It is a suggestion thread and not a single ign is mentioned throughout the whole post.

With the recent controversy over selling names, STS has made it quite clear that they will not help you if you attempt to buy/sell/trade a name(s) and something happens because there is such a high scam risk. Also, they do not even want mentions of it on forums. This has upset quite a few people who make gold by selling names or want to buy a new, cool name.

The main reason STS does not condone it is that there is such a large scam risk involved with trades not in the auction or the trade window. You guessed it, I'm proposing adding names as an item. You can "liquidate a character" (with confirm screen notifying you that you may have aps, pets, etc) from the character menu. This is only doable after you remove all items/gold and close all auction listings with it. Of course you must have at least one other character for it to work. After liquidating, you would obtain a chest called "Baby Hero [username]" in your stash. This chest would be a legendary item that is tradable, stashable, and listable at auction. One needs 12 plat or an available character slot to open this chest. After opening, the name would be added to their account as a lv1 and they would have to select class/pet/looks.

Overall, this would be a great way to help stimulate the AL economy and help players obtain usernames much more easily without scam risk. I have quite a few possibly valuable names that I would love to sell myself (I won't mention them here xD) and this idea would definitely help buyers be sure that I am not scamming and it would help me feel comfortable selling the name.

Thanks for reading and leave comments below.

11-02-2014, 09:47 PM
What if some rich player buys all the chests, and obtains all the names? And because of listing fees, some players will still trade names another way. Here are my suggestions:

Have 50 buyers attempt to pay for it, and a random buyer will receive it. This will be like a lottery, and if a buyer does not win it, they won't lose their money. Problems are that people could enter with several alts, therefore messing up the odds and everything.
If you change names, the chest that you said will enter your inventory. This will prevent trading names. If you delete a name, it will randomly go on the auction house for x amount of platinum, if you want your name to go on the house.

Also, I think a player should have a choice to have their name "retired". This means that no one can obtain that name, even when the character is deleted.

11-02-2014, 10:09 PM
hummm interesting topic..since an MMO does have a life span and names are very desirable after a long span. Somehow to make a name trade-able or errr profitable to sts and the player is the real question. Solutions just like all these kits is something that comes to mind. eg: you have a character (like mine it's Merlin)..using plat to make the "name" stash-able (obliviously then the name becomes re-named by the AL name generator)..and then being able to be sold in the AH. Just like the re-name option on the main screen, having another option to stash the "name" in a kit form.

This is a complicated idea and solution. But to make this a secure trade..its the only way. this can protect the seller and bring names that are not being used..available to the public. I could use something like this since I have many names...but it would be nice if sts implemented some solution to this so it can give players new and old a chance at a great name. I know many names can fetch for millions...but after a name is done being used..it can then be sold.

The other issue with names is that's one way devs can also catch scamers and people who abuse the TOS. So constantly having names fly from one account to another can mean the wrong person can be banned. Accounts don't have an account number so emails and ign are the ways the devs link the people. I could be completely wrong about this..but usually devs need both items to link the player with that account.

11-02-2014, 10:13 PM
I'm not a fan of this. Your name should always be your name no matter how long you are inactive. As for the name campers - I'll see you guys in hell.

11-02-2014, 10:37 PM
Your name should always be your name no matter how long you are inactive

You have a choice to sell it. Names will not be sold due to inactivity or quitting.

As for the name campers - I'll see you guys in hell.

How I feel about people who buy and sell domain names. I really want aquarium.com xD

I also want ign aquarist, but a legit person (not seller) has it and does pvp (23, I think)

11-02-2014, 10:47 PM
The other issue with names is that's one way devs can also catch scamers and people who abuse the TOS. So constantly having names fly from one account to another can mean the wrong person can be banned. Accounts don't have an account number so emails and ign are the ways the devs link the people. I could be completely wrong about this..but usually devs need both items to link the player with that account.

Great point. Maybe sts should limit selling igns to 1 per week as well as buying (per account) to cut down on the amount of scam account swaps

11-03-2014, 04:58 PM
I don't like it though, when certain people like ask others for a rare name. Like my friend, (not saying the name)saw this dude with a rare name, and basically bribed him for the name. He asked repetitively over and over again. I mean, dude this is crazy

11-04-2014, 12:34 AM
You have a choice to sell it. Names will not be sold due to inactivity or quitting.

How I feel about people who buy and sell domain names. I really want aquarium.com xD

I also want ign aquarist, but a legit person (not seller) has it and does pvp (23, I think)

3/4 of great cool names are twinks common words that we use

i think i would use 50-60% since it would be enough , believe it or not i've travellled far enough and say that these "cool name" people are either 10-15 and a handful 20-27

11-04-2014, 04:45 PM
Hey guys. We do not have any plans to make names a profitable item, due to many of the concerns you all have expressed above. We've tossed around some ideas for possible ways to automate releasing the names of banned or inactive trial accounts back to the community, but with all that is going on it is not on our priority list just yet. In the meantime, and as a reminder, we do not condone the sale of names in game. It presents a serious scam risk, and we at STS can not help with scams that take place outside of the trade window. Get creative, folks! There are pleeenty of names out there that aren't taken yet. :)