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02-06-2011, 05:24 AM
I think bears need a 1 h range weapon
Maybe with high damage since uses strength no hit bonus to even it out
I think that would balance bear pretty good and would make it easier not to chase mages and archers into mobs making it easier solo.

02-06-2011, 05:27 AM
so, what you want is a lance/spear eh. melee based weapon with long range. I can dig that.

02-06-2011, 05:29 AM
I don't think its gonna happen. Thats the deal with the bears, they're melee, especially if they're strength.

What kind of weapons are you thinking about anyway? Strength type weapons that are ranged? The only ones I've heard about are Throwing Axes, which were more like a vanity or "cool" item, like the dual wields now.

02-06-2011, 05:32 AM
id be happy with an "air/vacuum slash" skill truthfully

02-06-2011, 06:07 AM
Throwing axes are good, throwing spears aswell dex has knives and throwing knives so why not this since bears already have regular spears.

A ranged damage skill would be good especially if it had low cooldown

02-06-2011, 06:09 AM
One ranged damage skill would be good, that I can definitely see.

02-06-2011, 06:11 AM
Really don't think its gonna happen :P, how often do you hear about soldiers "throwing" Their swords at a charging army.

02-06-2011, 06:24 AM
pretty often when they attach a piece of wood to em, i think it is even the expected response.

02-06-2011, 06:57 AM
Grenade Throw skill please - with flashbang disorientate / root effect !!!

Would be so usefull on keeper style boss's then you dont feel your like playing yo-yo with them and can actually hit it more than a couple of times lol

02-06-2011, 09:11 AM
Not the kind of range your thinking of, but I would love some weapons with a longer reach. Like a halberd or a 2 handed spear. Polearms!

02-06-2011, 09:24 AM
Really don't think its gonna happen :P, how often do you hear about soldiers "throwing" Their swords at a charging army.

Insert bad joke about French army here.

02-06-2011, 09:16 PM
2h spear or trident would be cool. A sword with a wooden handle is considered a spear and spears can be thrown.

02-06-2011, 11:27 PM
I think bear should be able to hold a rocket launcher instead of a skinny alien gun