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11-04-2014, 02:41 PM
Hello guys and ladies.
Thank you for amazing game experience.

Will be good if you will make client of the game (for Win, Mac, Linux OS ofc)
Will be supa dupa good if you will add gamepad-support at the desktop version (rly impossible to play by keyboard+mouse)
Will be gyga cool if you will make tradeable platinum currency.
Will be if you will make FFA PvP (Free for all) but with limited players count.
Will be amazing if you will make PvP-tournaments (Party vs. Party and 1 vs 1) once at week for example.

Sincerely, GrandmaDude.

Make the elixirs (free from klaas/shazbot also) non using when the server is shutdown.
Now im just wasting it

realize the mailbox system. For offline sending messages and exchange some items.

11-04-2014, 03:04 PM
Ya I like sum of these :) +1

11-04-2014, 07:08 PM
If you have google chrome installed on your computer, you could download the AL client from Google Play store and play AL from there

11-04-2014, 07:30 PM
If you have google chrome installed on your computer, you could download the AL client from Google Play store and play AL from there

and how ya imagine play by gamepad?
also google chrome very bad browser.
alltime crashes and reload pages.
also google chrome was closed my game if ima stay few minutes in another table...
Very bad...

11-04-2014, 08:00 PM
plat being tradable is not a good idea but everything else seems awesome.

11-04-2014, 08:30 PM
plat being tradable is not a good idea but everything else seems awesome.
ty for feedback. but.
why? tell me why ya guess that?

11-04-2014, 08:42 PM
ty for feedback. but.
why? tell me why ya guess that?
Well you give gold a specific value in comparison to plat.
25,000=25 plat in the plat to gold window.
This make plat a more desired currency.
Also if people want plat for there items they cant place it in ac house. Also it will make lock crates much less valuable as mythic items can now be bought with plat. I believe there was a thread on this and ill post it if i fine it.

Here is one of the links

11-04-2014, 09:02 PM
Well you give gold a specific value in comparison to plat.
25,000=25 plat in the plat to gold window.
This make plat a more desired currency.
Also if people want plat for there items they cant place it in ac house. Also it will make lock crates much less valuable as mythic items can now be bought with plat. I believe there was a thread on this and ill post it if i fine it.

Here is one of the links
Hi! Ty for the answer!
a lot of colours. looks like rainbow...
cannot read that :)
so... plat currency will make price itself.
for start 1 plat will be have price about 10k gold. ima sure
but with time.... count of gold will be decrease...
and plat purchases will grown up.
why gold be decreased?
cos ima will buy 15 plat for open one locked crate. Ill gonna spend some gold. And it will never return.
and that plat will be never return.
1. Gold count will decrease (its regular procedure for any MMO project)
2. Plat purchases will gonna grown up (STS will be happy)
3. Prices for myth and arcane gear will decrease. (Players, who didnt like spend money to the game will be happy)
All of us will be happy.
also 90% any MMORPG have a tradeable donate currency.

11-07-2014, 06:03 AM
I surely hope these things be implemented. Esp the offline messaging. +1 !