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View Full Version : make elite maps more fun ...

11-04-2014, 05:48 PM
Hi this just an idea to make people want to run elite maps more cause no one ever wants to run them ...
Give us elite quests for each map like kill a boss or just any mob for gold or a item thats my idea

11-04-2014, 07:55 PM
Expanding on this would be helpful but if you think about it this cant be implemented because these gold amounts would have to be small or else prices will inflate very high.

A different suggestion with the same jist could be like the nordr quests where the quests farmed only would take an incredibly long time but is like a prize for playing so often.
Beat elite rendtail 15 times and get 5 teeth and one elite dragon scale chest of random rarity (like it wouldnt be you always get gold or else the market will be flooded but make it like 20% chance for gold 50% chance for silver 30% chance at bronze. (nobody runs something that many times for a bronze chest half the time)

Kill 800 elite mobs in Shuyal and receive an archon ring random type. (dont want super high chance for the best type of this ring)

The numbers are completely made up as i dont really pay attention to this and havent run these maps for about 4 weeks.

11-04-2014, 11:19 PM
You want fun?

Run Elite Jagged Trail using only two pulls.....THAT is fun :-P

Make a full on leader board assault, and actually see your name up there (if only for a few days).

Test a new pull strategy in normal maps and discover that it is super-pro in elite.

There are things you can do to make elites a bit more fun, but I agree, the reward is very limited, and kind of restricts you to just a couple of maps. Getting runs isn't really much of an issue, rather, being profitable from those runs is the real problem.

I'm just kind of holding my breath and waiting to see what Planar Tombs holds in store for us and whether the new mythic amulet questline actually generates interest and is realistically attainable for elite junkies (unlike the Fossil that supposedly pops out of Arena Chests zzzz).

11-07-2014, 07:49 PM
Running elites actually bring out more challenge for me.