View Full Version : New items- flail, javlin, guantlets.

02-06-2011, 01:55 PM
Here are some ideas foe 3 new items, one for each class (I only have a pic of javlin ATM). Sorry for the quality of the javelin- I can't draw on my iPod- if you can draw any of Hess items better pm me.

Does more damage, and farther range than a talon, but is slower. Not as slow as a 2h bow, or as much damage. They could have break armor proc, bleed, and a chance for stun. again sry the pic sucks.

Flail (picture coming)
The str aoe str weapon. Since it has a spiked ball on chain- it can attack enemies that are farther away. It is a slow but huge damage weapon that stuns when hits. It also has the chance for fear proc- which makes enemies flee in terror right to the edge of your attack radius. Also this wep has the chance to be swung I a circle- doing aoe.

Gauntlets (pics soon)
These are a mages all out damage. They hit harder than staffs, wands etc. Alot harder. However they make te Mage vulnerable. They actually take away armor. They come in: fire, ice, dark, and lightning and all have chance for aoe. The are close ranged so u can't snipe from afar with them- have to be a dew feet away.

Suggestions, illustrations, feedback?

02-06-2011, 09:38 PM
Runescape really? >.>

02-06-2011, 09:43 PM
I think you thought of gauntlets by seeing amira she seems like she has shiny gloves but it's her sleeve

King Richie
02-06-2011, 09:44 PM
I have been asking for spears for so long =)

02-06-2011, 09:46 PM
There not spears! There dex flying thingy spear archer weapon

02-06-2011, 09:56 PM
I believe ericB has some good flail and guantlets designs. I personally like the flail as a warrior's weapon, javelin hmm maybe, I really don't know how gauntlets will do both in pvp and pve.

02-06-2011, 10:06 PM
I really don't think STR needs any more weapons. I mean, come one. They get a 2h Battlesword, 2h Battleaxe, Vibra Sword, Sunblessed Scimitar and the hard-hitting Gurgox Hammer, all lv50 rift weapons. And the harpoon and shock lance are still good weapons for level 50's.

Archers have... the Laser Talon, Sunblessed Bow, and Mega Blaster as the only realistically useful lv50 weapons. Mages only have the Keeper Staff, Mirage Staff, and Laser Wand.

They all have their Cyber and Shadow Caves counterparts, but you get the idea. Archers and Mages need a wider variety of weapons.

02-06-2011, 11:41 PM
I dont mean flowing hands for gauntlets- I want big spiky flaming boxing glove type gauntlets.

02-06-2011, 11:56 PM
i have been wanting a flail for ever i was talking to thelostarrow and zux about it and what do u mean runescape its AN MMO so every mmo with a flail or a javalin is copying rs seriously no offence conradian but its not like theyre never be there they look good flail will look beast