View Full Version : Drop rates in cave

02-06-2011, 05:23 PM
I think drop rates are to exagerated in shadow cave, the drop rates should be higher
IMO Its better if it does get a higher drop rate for various reason
1)we work so hard on clearing VL
2)we have to kill tough enemy mobs that equivocate the power of yellow aliens
3)we yave to beat really strong bosses that need the bestest of players
I think we deserve some slack and have 20-30% drop rates

Please don't troll or flame me for an opinion

02-06-2011, 06:24 PM
Well when it was 100% people complained so the devs changed it so thank the complainers for it.

02-06-2011, 06:32 PM
100% was way too high. It should be harder to get than the non-elite pinks, but not so bad hardly anyone will bother, which may be the current situation, especially after the cap goes up. I think the drop rate should be, and probably will be, increased a bit, but I hope they keep it closer to the current rate than the previous one ;)

02-06-2011, 06:38 PM
I didn't attend the free for all pinks caves party. Too bad.
I did spent some time there when the Party was over though. Time, efforts and gold.
I got a void item, loads of whites and few purples and ended up buying like everybody else.

Now I couldn't agree more.
But STS is well aware of how hard it is to get some whites, and the fact that it's pretty much deserted now.
Elite but no incentive to spend xxKs in pots and damage your stats.

so I'm guessing there's a reason behind this. We'll know with v 1.7...

Or We'll come back here.

02-06-2011, 06:42 PM
Case in point. I haven't played the caves in weeks. After wasting over 50k on pots and not having anything to show for it I decided there's other ways I'd rather spend my time in game.

02-06-2011, 07:14 PM
i tried to get to caves last night... fail... i ran VL 3 times and no portal.... there are no cave games anymore and i only go when invited now.... caves = fail.

I was there at the beginning when it was a shopping spree, thank god I got my set when it was 100% drop.

The new map will be like everything else that gets released... will be collecting drops for the forst 3 days before they nerf it... anyone want to bet on that?