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View Full Version : hinhinbabe, gracekor, waterfairy, and the warrior...

05-15-2010, 10:07 AM
So I join a pug in swamps, and as soon as i walk in I see this crazy bird go running through the swamp aggroing everything in sight... i mean, pulls that would generally wipe your group in LE... and with a sigh, i got ready to have to respawn at the entrance or find a new room.

... and then we killed them all. what followed was probably the best group i have played with thus far in this game, and it went to prove just what a good group could do. we never wiped, even though we would sometimes pull more than one boss at a time, along with all their cronies. During the entire swamps campaign, my character died maybe once... and there was an 'accept revive' icon on my screen before i hit the ground. the healers were healing, while still throwing out AE damage. the archer was not only throwing out DPS, but he would continue to draw off groups and then kite them through the enchantresses AEs. the warriors would draw aggro, while at the same time stomping stacks off of the enchantresses. in short, everyone did their job, and well.

so, i had to come on here and give some serious props to one of the best groups i have played with thus far. well done.

(and i am sorry, but I cannot remember the warriors name...)

05-15-2010, 03:14 PM
This is, by far, the cheesiest thing I've ever read

05-15-2010, 03:45 PM
Nice. What you have just experienced is group work. I like it too.

05-15-2010, 06:02 PM
AE (area of effect?)
stomping stacks
Explain plz.

05-15-2010, 06:12 PM
Agro = Monster aggression. Mobs have concept of attention - damaging the monster, letting it damage you, or healing are ways of raising agro from said mob towards you. If you are the player with the highest agro, the monster will focus on killing you. Agro is a fundamental concept to any PvE and class based MMORPG.

Pulls = Pulling is drawing specific targeted enemies away from their own friends, area, etc. It is a way of controlling the environment and situation as the fight begins. Bad players are people who run willy nilly into groups of mobs, then chase those mobs into other groups of mobs. This is the opposite of pulling, this is rushing. You always want to pull because it is safer and more controlled.

LE = abbreviated name of the map set Lost Expedition.

AoE/AE = Area of Effect. Lotta AoE spells/skills in this game. Occasionally people refer to R[ange]oE as AoE.

Kite = Kiting is a tactic used to keep a mob at range. This includes actions like running in wide circles while slowing, stunning, rooting [etc] a mob to effectively keep it from doing damage. Most effective towards melee but still very useful against ranged. Important for PvE and PvP.

Stomping stacks = No idea. Spamming spells, aka mana dumping perhaps?

05-15-2010, 06:19 PM
Maybe when a mage has all of the aggro, a warrior stomps to get all of the baddies off of him? And thanks for explaining, lol.

05-15-2010, 08:59 PM
Maybe when a mage has all of the aggro, a warrior stomps to get all of the baddies off of him? And thanks for explaining, lol.
Yeah. Considering the original context:

the warriors would draw aggro, while at the same time stomping stacks off of the enchantresses.
... I think that's exactly what was meant. An Enchantress can draw a lot of aggro through AoE nukes and healing spells. When she draws enough aggro, she gets a whole mess o' crocs waiting to bite off her face. If the Ursan comes along and uses Stomp (or Beckon!) to get the mobs off of her, then the Enchantress just might live to nuke/heal again.

This message has been brought to you by the Ursan Appreciation Alliance. Have you hugged your meatshield today?

05-15-2010, 10:03 PM
Glad you like us ... LOL
P.S. The warrior is "Monqi".

05-16-2010, 12:00 AM
yes, Monqi... thank you.
and in the old days, back when MMORPGS were called MUDs ;) giving shout outs to good group work in forums was a common theme. it is a practice i have tried to maintain.

and as to "stomping stacks"
by stack i refer to groups of mobs that all stand on top of each other trying to bite their target... in this case, the enchantress. in a number of MMOs i have played, a group standing on top of one another was referred to as "stacking," and the group itself was called a "stack." in this case, a group of monsters. when a warrior jumps in the middle of that pile and uses stomp, they go flying out in all directions, doing damage, stunning, creating distance between the monster and the enchantress, drawing aggro, and essentially keeping the enchantress alive.

05-16-2010, 12:04 AM
oh, and flaimduded... "wiped" refers to when the entire group gets killed and has to respawn at the beginning. that is generally referred to as a "wipe," or as "getting wiped"

05-16-2010, 12:51 AM
Sounds like a completely efficient group that I'd love to be in ._.

Pl0x? XD But in all seriousness sounds like a great group you ran with.

05-16-2010, 11:36 AM
Explain plz.


Not really. Good questions, I was wondering as well...I've never played a "PvE and class based MMORPG" before. (NOOB!)

Anyone know if there is a guide of some sort on how to play "right"?

05-16-2010, 11:52 AM
Great post it seens it is really hard to get a good working group...

Every time I try and "do my job", tanking and holding agro, it seems the beakers don't heal and everyone kills everything besides the boss I'm holding. It like why do I even bother hehe. Nice to know there are people that know how to play.

05-16-2010, 12:45 PM
Great post it seens it is really hard to get a good working group...

Every time I try and "do my job", tanking and holding agro, it seems the beakers don't heal and everyone kills everything besides the boss I'm holding. It like why do I even bother hehe. Nice to know there are people that know how to play.

Although, in all fairness, if you hold aggro and have a group of mobs stacked on you, it is really difficult to target the boss sitting in the middle of all that...

But I agree. What really drives me nuts are when Enchantresses rush into the middle of a group and draw all the aggro, and then get ticked off when they get one rounded (or go on to complain about how hard the game is). Or when a large pull gets drawn in, and you see no heals going off whatsoever, and before you know it three people are calling for a rev and the enchantress suddenly decides to exit the map. There is just an astonishing number of people who don't know their classes, and try to play in a contradictory style that winds up getting themselves and their group killed... as a result, when you finally do catch a good group, the entire play experience changes dramatically.

05-16-2010, 12:47 PM
Good thread. Will hopefully encourage people to make an effort.

05-16-2010, 09:22 PM
Although, in all fairness, if you hold aggro and have a group of mobs stacked on you, it is really difficult to target the boss sitting in the middle of all that...

Yes indeed it is very hard to grab the boss as you want for PL.. it often pull a group with boss in and out. unless the boss is left the last..

05-16-2010, 10:17 PM
Wow, I learned more just now than I have in the past 16 weeks.

I wrote an entire bragging page about my warrior right here, but then deleted it after realizing how off-topic and douchey it was.