View Full Version : Guild Member Kicked Other Members and Leaves Guild

11-08-2014, 06:14 AM
I'm just checking to see if there is anything we can do other than reporting the player.

Thanks for reading.

11-08-2014, 06:21 AM
Report him to support.

If he kicked "Members" and/or "Recruiters" of your guild in such a way that it jeopardizes the whole guild,
then that crime is called "Guild Booting". Guild booting is a bannable offense. Luckily you had a
"Guild log" now that you can use as evidence.
Take a screen-shot of the guild log and attached it to your email contacting support.

I hoped this helped, and good luck with your guild.

11-08-2014, 06:21 AM
Sorry to hear. At least with the new guildlog you know who it did and who got kicked :)
Also officer isn't a rank which can be earned. It's guild maintenance, be aware.

The only solution i know for bad people like these, are good people.

11-08-2014, 06:42 AM
Just dont get "everyone" in the guild officer status! Imho nearly every guild has to many!

11-08-2014, 07:22 AM
Thanks for your replies. I have sent a support email.

Thanks again and have a great weekend!

11-08-2014, 07:24 AM
This guild log has become very handy indeed

11-08-2014, 09:14 AM
This happened to my previous guild when there was no guild log so we cant report the one who is responsible

11-08-2014, 11:05 AM
Thank sts for the guild log

Know who to trust, all my officers are either funny/trustworthy or really mature people you know wont go kamikaze on your guild :)..

11-12-2014, 03:32 PM
Happend to my old guild too... Why would anyone do something like that...? I really dont understand... Just leave the guild if u dont like it anymore xD isnt that hard...

11-12-2014, 04:29 PM
Imho nearly every guild has to many!

I totally agree with this. Of course, every GM has a different style and philosophy, which is a large reason why some guilds suit certain people and others suit other people. This being said, there are some basic things that should be considered to prevent problems.

Sera's views on guild rank management

What not to do
Ranks should never be used as a method of rewarding members, and in turn members should not expect promotions as rewards. I had similar thoughts to many at one point: "player x, y and z have been in the guild forever, and participate, therefore we should really make them officers". It was not a success (understatement).

Something that happens very frequently is that once people get made officer, suddenly they stop participating or even playing much at all. I believe this is part of the problem with "rank as reward" systems. When people achieve their "goal" of becoming officer, they feel no more need to make an effort.

Best Practices
There should be only enough officers to manage the guild, and preferably spread out geographically to make sure there's a couple online most of the time.

Those who are officers need to have 100% trust level. I base it on the midas touch concept. If I am not completely comfortable with the person, to the point where I would be willing to hand them 100mill (a figurative number, as I am not that rich) and know without any shadow of a doubt that it would be returned, then why would I trust them with my guild? When you give someone a boot button, you're handing them a serious amount of control.

Being trustworthy is only part of it. There are a number of players in my guild who have reached that trust level, and who I believe would make excellent officers, but ranks are for guild management purposes only, so we only maintain the number we need to keep the guild running well, and not more than that. For a guild of 300, we have 12 officers (although the list looks much longer with alts added in).

By using this type of management style, you keep the chances of a mass booting close to 0%, as well as minimizing segregation within the membership.