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View Full Version : Need help w shadow quest

02-07-2011, 11:48 AM
I've been working on shadow quest and either soloing or pugging. Soloings taking longer than I'd like (and is lonely lol) and the pugs I find are enough to make me gouge out my eyeballs (which is saying a lot bc I'm typically a laid back player). Sooooo if u know how to play captive audience w out opening every capsule at the same time, u can handle clearing the middle first and then can handle letting just one person open each tank while u wait in the middle rather than charging in only to lure the boss out and would like to help me get my last few shadows, please add and message me!

02-07-2011, 02:03 PM
LOLOLOL. Learn to run your own group with your own friends.

Try to take over the PUG by suggesting how to run it; clear mid, then let long range guy open capsule. You might set up a couple quick chats for this. You can also tell people to head toward respawn to reset a prisoner that's after them. Some will listen and some won't. Friend the ones that do listen, start your game and invite the ones you like. If you are fast enough, they will come.

02-07-2011, 02:31 PM
I just unlocked CA today, so I can give you a hand later if we get bored with the update. :D

Two caveats: I've only run CA a couple of times as a solo. I think I know what you mean about opening the capsules, but I'm not sure what you mean about luring out the boss because even when opening the capsule with a ranged attack, I still aggro'd the boss from within. But not being an idiot, I'm sure you can show me in game and I'll get it, heh.

Secondly, my phone has a poor frame rate in later AO levels, so I have to move a little slower. It's sort of like lag, but not quite. Learning to compensate for it, but still can't rush too fast.

If you can handle my game issues, I'll be there. Also, just FYI, I splurged and got full Shadow and Keeper sets, so I'm geared up and not as squishy as I was before.

Oh, and I'll be on all night, but after 2am central I'll be more distracted because that's when my best friend gets on IM and I get sucked into chat, heh.

02-07-2011, 03:00 PM
Easiest way to open the capsules is to use a Megablaster or a ranged attack that can attack as far as a MB can.


Excuse my crap diagram. So this is what the hall looks like where a capsule is. The [] are support columns and the (] is the capsule. Stand on the X between the columns and shoot the capsule. As you shoot, run away from the capsule. It should open and not aggro the prisoner. Make sure everyone is in the center of the hallway and only have one person opening to prevent confusion.

02-07-2011, 04:12 PM
LOLOLOL. Learn to run your own group with your own friends.

Try to take over the PUG by suggesting how to run it; clear mid, then let long range guy open capsule. You might set up a couple quick chats for this. You can also tell people to head toward respawn to reset a prisoner that's after them. Some will listen and some won't. Friend the ones that do listen, start your game and invite the ones you like. If you are fast enough, they will come.

Yeah, good luck with people listening when you suggest.

Fortunately a few of my friends came on line and helped but then we did a bunch of runs with NO shadows! grrrr (kind of perplexed as to what you mean by learn to run my own group with my own friends. That's kind of a no brainer but not a lot of my capable friends were on)

I only needed 7 and wanted to get it done before the release today. :/

Ellie, thanks for the offer! I'm finally done but when you need to run it if you want I'll help! It's much faster with even one other person!

ptoast, thanks for the tips. I was soloing it fine and know how to make sure things go well to open capsules and avoid aggro but it was taking long soloing. After doing countless runs where people refused to stay in hallway, etc, I was ready to lose my s*(%&^.

02-07-2011, 05:13 PM
I mean try to take over the PUG. Friend the ones that listen and run with them. Yes, many of them won't listen but you really only need one to friend.

To open capsules (there's a guide some place, BTW), use weapons/skills with 12m range. You should know by now what the long range skills/weapons are. Trigger your weapon/skill and step back. Most times the prisoner will not be triggered.

Clear mid, then open capsules on way back towards respawn. You should be able to stay ahead of the few/no prisoners you trigger and you can reset them before confronting any shadows. If you don't mind dealing w/ prisoners and aliens at same time, you can go the other way, towards top of the map. I usually see lots of deaths that way and it's messy, so I like heading towards respawn better.

02-07-2011, 07:09 PM
Cool Pandamoni. :)

And thanks for the diagram Ptoast, makes perfect sense. I figured out pretty quickly that if you run from the buggers they come off you pretty quick, and if you stay in the center of the aisle once they're out you don't aggro them, but I guess my problem was as Fyrce said, I didn't use a big enough range attack to open the capsules.

Rages are something I'm still working on. I have a pretty good idea when fighting where my different skills will hit, but for this quest I didn't consider the distance, I just targeted and fired. I'm going to go read up on ranges now so they're in my head where they might do some use, hehe.