View Full Version : Your PvP Story

11-10-2014, 09:11 AM
Your Pvp Story

Hey guys! I've realized that the SL PvP Discussion Forum has been rather dead, so I decided to make things interesting and add some fun.
So basically, you talk about your PvP story on this thread. You can say anything about your PvP career. Your friends, your journey, ANYTHING! :D
There are no word limits and make sure to make your story sound interesting! :)
Winner of the most interesting PvP Story will get a special prize :3 (Sorry I don't know if I should put this thread on PvP Discussion or SL Contests, because I think it fits here more since its about PvP)
Here is my story:
So I started playing this game since it was out which was 21 cap. Everything was cool and I loved pve a lot. There were loyal guilds and guild wars where we fight for the leaderboard. I was in a guild called Landstalkers, I was a proud officer and my guild master was Marsianx. I had lots of bros who were called Oalaran, Blurrrrr, Desperanzo, etc. I don't know why I remember their names but I think that means I have a great memory yay! We had lots of fun guild parties, events, etc. We shared items and credits like a family. Oh, the good old times! I remember the time when X-Rays were only the prices of shirts nowadays. It's funny when you think about it, have you ever wondered where all this money on auction came from? It's all from us finding mysteries leveling ourselves up in dungeons! Would you imagine that, we have made a lot of money as a society. Anyways, sorry for being digress :P
PvP was opened to us at level 31 cap. Everyone were so excited, but I didn't PvP at the time. Because I found it rather boring. So I went to farm for arbiter helms when it was level 36 cap. I decided to try it out when level 41 cap came. So I made a level 15 twink. I joined a guild called Project Twink which required a test to become a member. It was pretty fun to PvP with players like Rushmaster, Ultimatshadex, Burninglamp, etc. It was full of experience. But not for long, I quit PT. I found out the officer Peanutchu/Pureholy farmed members as he liked. He threatened us using his Level 20 and 25. I'm not trying to point fingers, but it was the truth. I decided that I couldn't stand him farming me. So I quit. I met a player called Teamosarah. She was a level 28 at the time. She taught me some skills and I thanked her. I soon leveled my 15 to level 30. Teamosarah also got to 30. We got ourselves some gears and started PvPing.
Wow! I couldn't believe my eyes, I owned every single one on there. I remember I was a rush team with Teamosarah, due to my anger in the past. I remember rushing a girl and then enik/eman attempted to farm me with his level 35. It was so funny how he failed. I also got my revenge on Peanutchu/Pureholy. I know this may sound dramatic and childish. But that's what makes the game fun? Am I right? I mean we ain't robots! We need some emotion and drama in anything even a game.
In the meantime, I had another level 40 which I forgot the name. I didn't have enough money to get gears. So I used some trash armor from the dungeons which were around Level 30-35. I sucked at first. But one day, I met this guy called Sixclaws or Sixclaw. He taught me how to play commando well, and I started to learn. And when I entered a PvP room, I started disabling people and proceeding to say "gf" even with trash armor! :D Big thanks to Sixclaw or that would've never happened. I also met some great friends in the arena, like Veorahio, Otatriucaboz, etc. And I still have no idea why I remember their name because it was like 3 years ago xD I quit at some point due to the fact that I had to study for my exams and I was pretty busy.
I came back to this marvelous game like a year later, since I forgot my account's email and password. So I decided to make a new one. It was level 51 cap and all the new maps confused me. And I didn't want to make a main either because I was lazy to level up. I also found out that all my old buddies quit. So I decided to come in the game as a new person. I leveled to 15 to PvP due to the fact that I have a brain to remember that people PvP at that level, duh! The first guy I met was Leveltwoone. He had his 15 and I kept fighting him. I found myself losing constantly. So I asked what was his tactics. He told me to first get the plat gear. LOL! I think I was using some trash gear, so I guess I don't have a good memory at all ;-; Anyways, he told me some tips on how to PvP. So I rose from the dead and decided to kick some bootay in PvP again :D He also told me that the most popular twink level was 20/21, so I got to level 20.
When I went to arenas in there, I saw a lot of people that I recognized before. I tried to ask them if they remember me by telling them my old toons, turns out they all forgot me BUHUHUHUHUUHU anyways, I remember that I was in a random ctf game and burn was in it. He forgot who was I, so I just let it go. He told me to get to level 21, since there are custom guns that I could use. So I did. But I was losing to a lot of people.
I remember when Criteria, Ramiro and all those people were farming me because I was easy and weak. I didn't gave up just yet. I knew that I must show them that I'm not weak and defenseless. So I practiced everyday and fought everyone, I challenged myself. Fought higher levels, while at the same time, changing builds and tactics, so that I could see what is best and what fits me. Weeks turned into months very quickly, I met them again. I managed to beat them in fights. I have earned their respect. I felt proud of myself, but I thought that wasn't enough. I wanted to be the best PvPer on twink. So I played everyday, Trained myself very hard. I gotta admit I was very, very, addicted to this game. I PvPed a lot, and thats how my kd rose wild like a lion. Through my adventurous journey, I met a lot of people. And also this guy called Rocky/Cix/Misconcept whatever you call him. I forgot who told me about him, I think it was Raptyle or Zen. Anyways, I remember chatting with him for hours in Delta dungeons when he was making his new pve kd toon. We became great friends and PvPed a lot together on twink. At the time, he was new to the twink nation, but he was pretty good and decent. And now he is known very well, people call him king twink too xD.
Time pasted, and PvP started to become dead. It wasn't as active as usual. And there were no more new updates for the game. I felt very sad and disappointed. I hope this game will rise from the dead and PvP will be active again. Thank you all for reading my story, I really liked my journey in PvP. Thank you to all those that have gave me a flawless and meaningful experience! :D

11-10-2014, 10:48 AM
Your Pvp Story

Hey guys! I've realized that the SL PvP Discussion Forum has been rather dead, so I decided to make things interesting and add some fun.
So basically, you talk about your PvP story on this thread. You can say anything about your PvP career. Your friends, your journey, ANYTHING! :D
There are no word limits and make sure to make your story sound interesting! :)
Winner of the most interesting PvP Story will get a special prize :3 (Sorry I don't know if I should put this thread on PvP Discussion or SL Contests, because I think it fits here more since its about PvP)
Here is my story:
So I started playing this game since it was out which was 21 cap. Everything was cool and I loved pve a lot. There were loyal guilds and guild wars where we fight for the leaderboard. I was in a guild called Landstalkers, I was a proud officer and my guild master was Marsianx. I had lots of bros who were called Oalaran, Blurrrrr, Desperanzo, etc. I don't know why I remember their names but I think that means I have a great memory yay! We had lots of fun guild parties, events, etc. We shared items and credits like a family. Oh, the good old times! I remember the time when X-Rays were only the prices of shirts nowadays. It's funny when you think about it, have you ever wondered where all this money on auction came from? It's all from us finding mysteries leveling ourselves up in dungeons! Would you imagine that, we have made a lot of money as a society. Anyways, sorry for being digress :P
PvP was opened to us at level 31 cap. Everyone were so excited, but I didn't PvP at the time. Because I found it rather boring. So I went to farm for arbiter helms when it was level 36 cap. I decided to try it out when level 41 cap came. So I made a level 15 twink. I joined a guild called Project Twink which required a test to become a member. It was pretty fun to PvP with players like Rushmaster, Ultimatshadex, Burninglamp, etc. It was full of experience. But not for long, I quit PT. I found out the officer Peanutchu/Pureholy farmed members as he liked. He threatened us using his Level 20 and 25. I'm not trying to point fingers, but it was the truth. I decided that I couldn't stand him farming me. So I quit. I met a player called Teamosarah. She was a level 28 at the time. She taught me some skills and I thanked her. I soon leveled my 15 to level 30. Teamosarah also got to 30. We got ourselves some gears and started PvPing.
Wow! I couldn't believe my eyes, I owned every single one on there. I remember I was a rush team with Teamosarah, due to my anger in the past. I remember rushing a girl and then enik/eman attempted to farm me with his level 35. It was so funny how he failed. I also got my revenge on Peanutchu/Pureholy. I know this may sound dramatic and childish. But that's what makes the game fun? Am I right? I mean we ain't robots! We need some emotion and drama in anything even a game.
In the meantime, I had another level 40 which I forgot the name. I didn't have enough money to get gears. So I used some trash armor from the dungeons which were around Level 30-35. I sucked at first. But one day, I met this guy called Sixclaws or Sixclaw. He taught me how to play commando well, and I started to learn. And when I entered a PvP room, I started disabling people and proceeding to say "gf" even with trash armor! :D Big thanks to Sixclaw or that would've never happened. I also met some great friends in the arena, like Veorahio, Otatriucaboz, etc. And I still have no idea why I remember their name because it was like 3 years ago xD I quit at some point due to the fact that I had to study for my exams and I was pretty busy.
I came back to this marvelous game like a year later, since I forgot my account's email and password. So I decided to make a new one. It was level 51 cap and all the new maps confused me. And I didn't want to make a main either because I was lazy to level up. I also found out that all my old buddies quit. So I decided to come in the game as a new person. I leveled to 15 to PvP due to the fact that I have a brain to remember that people PvP at that level, duh! The first guy I met was Leveltwoone. He had his 15 and I kept fighting him. I found myself losing constantly. So I asked what was his tactics. He told me to first get the plat gear. LOL! I think I was using some trash gear, so I guess I don't have a good memory at all ;-; Anyways, he told me some tips on how to PvP. So I rose from the dead and decided to kick some bootay in PvP again :D He also told me that the most popular twink level was 20/21, so I got to level 20.
When I went to arenas in there, I saw a lot of people that I recognized before. I tried to ask them if they remember me by telling them my old toons, turns out they all forgot me BUHUHUHUHUUHU anyways, I remember that I was in a random ctf game and burn was in it. He forgot who was I, so I just let it go. He told me to get to level 21, since there are custom guns that I could use. So I did. But I was losing to a lot of people.
I remember when Criteria, Ramiro and all those people were farming me because I was easy and weak. I didn't gave up just yet. I knew that I must show them that I'm not weak and defenseless. So I practiced everyday and fought everyone, I challenged myself. Fought higher levels, while at the same time, changing builds and tactics, so that I could see what is best and what fits me. Weeks turned into months very quickly, I met them again. I managed to beat them in fights. I have earned their respect. I felt proud of myself, but I thought that wasn't enough. I wanted to be the best PvPer on twink. So I played everyday, Trained myself very hard. I gotta admit I was very, very, addicted to this game. I PvPed a lot, and thats how my kd rose wild like a lion. Through my adventurous journey, I met a lot of people. And also this guy called Rocky/Cix/Misconcept whatever you call him. I forgot who told me about him, I think it was Raptyle or Zen. Anyways, I remember chatting with him for hours in Delta dungeons when he was making his new pve kd toon. We became great friends and PvPed a lot together on twink. At the time, he was new to the twink nation, but he was pretty good and decent. And now he is known very well, people call him king twink too xD.
Time pasted, and PvP started to become dead. It wasn't as active as usual. And there were no more new updates for the game. I felt very sad and disappointed. I hope this game will rise from the dead and PvP will be active again. Thank you all for reading my story, I really liked my journey in PvP. Thank you to all those that have gave me a flawless and meaningful experience! :D

CAK Vader
11-10-2014, 11:29 AM
I stopped halfway through because I have other things to do, but awesome xD Peanutchu is crazy, but he just does it..because..he's peanut ._____.
Oh and my story! Well. I came in the game as a noob eng and got farmed by random people who said I was rushing, and I was confused as to why moving quickly was an offense! Sooo I made Opvader my L15 nab and I did great, I have sickle then lost my 15 build so I sux. Anyway Opvader is (obviously to those who know me!) 21 now e.e aaaaand I used to have some skills, but now I suck. K BAI.

11-10-2014, 12:12 PM
I entered the world of star legends around the ending of cap 41 or 36 idk which one but most likely 41 and so I leveled my NOOB engi to level 14 his name was xxxphoenixxx and then I got it banned for non-important reasons. at the beginning of cap 51 I capped my op toon which is (pm me) and so I joined this one a,axing guild.... Which was called rampage :) it was an amazing guild I had so many friends in there like cool and kuro and Raww and supahboy and chaos and chaoz and many amazing friends they all gave me something which I have become from today for example eternalglory taught me pvp and walling and many more builds and tactics Tokyoo also taught me about sets and how they can effect what damage you cause to your enemy kuro taught me how to wait and be patient and supahboy well.... I just watched him and learned from how he fought but right now chaowuze is the biggest helping hand out there for me right now he may seem chill and relaxed but my god just ask him about the mechanics of this game and how skills work and how to manipulate them And also Raww is a true friend LUV that brother so much and chaosfighter he taught me how to but a determined mofo xD ah I miss those times when I was a noob :) but YA that all I have to say really (I'm so sorry if I haven't put u down in this thing I just made)

11-10-2014, 12:27 PM
ah honk too long and no color in the font! Boring!

11-10-2014, 02:42 PM
I agree with the clown really long ;-; I read like half and I liked it but it went downhill. Anyway interesting!

11-10-2014, 03:28 PM

11-10-2014, 03:31 PM
I can barely remember when I started TWINK!

11-10-2014, 03:54 PM
Love the effort u put into your threads and try to light up the pvp discussion. Gj

11-10-2014, 04:04 PM
MY STORY BUHUHU.....started around 2012 back in 41 cap. I was a noob that saw this game in the appstore. I tried it and it was amazing. My first alt was a noob xD..... starnitroxxx I think. It went all the way to 41 but then I forgot email and pass.... ; (. Anyways... during my time with that alt... I heard about "twink" by some people in my old guild (idk name). I started to twink when peanut was still apparently "pro". My first twink was callmemabeee..... I got farmed alot buhuhuhu. Yeah... anyways I made that alt to 3000 kills... then quit and then forgot email and pass again! SO.... I made another twink called twinkstripezzzzz and it was a descent rushing alt. I rushed with ana and Pete in pk when it first began. It was hilarious making quan and burn so mad. Very fun alt.... but sadly.... IT GOD SCAMMED BUHUHUHU.i think it was occurring but I'm not sure ._.". So.... I made an alt called surplusiscool... and that was prob my best alt ever... mostly cause I was a clutch bugger, glitcher, and kiter. People said it was no skill.... but it is more skill than tank.many great pvpers emerged then... like raidonn, drao, hobo,deathplague, and allowance. Great times... BUT.... I was hated everywhere xD... so I changed mah name to hydb! Nobody knew who I waz... till yall thirsty nubs were begging for who I was cause I was "pro"(I'm not buhuhuhu). So I did that.... and I rush! The end!

11-10-2014, 04:13 PM
The memories.. Nostalgia!!!

11-10-2014, 05:33 PM
Some ppl that I would be interested in hearing from would be navy/chaosfighter/Supahboy/octavos/prosecute/and of course the clown brothers especially

11-10-2014, 05:49 PM
Some ppl that I would be interested in hearing from would be navy/chaosfighter/Supahboy/octavos/prosecute/and of course the clown brothers especially
Why would you want to hear from yourself

11-10-2014, 06:15 PM
I started in guild called Neon Genesis at 26cap till 31 cap. Then I moved to Vengeance and then to Rampage. I was in rampage until I quit.

I always played engineer, started at 36 cap with engineer epic set, shield and Nova Blaster. I did not do well because I didnt dodge anything. I tried to kite ops and comms as well as I could and use my heal for my favour. It was damn hard. Same contiunes to 41 cap where I finally found a Napalm! Engineer nuke build was ready lol I ran around with dm and primed napalm and burned every operative I saw. Same goes on at 46cap and finally I got to 51. I never capped becaue no arbiter and no skillpoint advantage there. Dodge set and regen gauntlets did well against every class but commando fights took 20-30minutes. I got bored and noticed pocket legends is much better game and moved there.
Deleted my engineer with 6000 something pvp kills (3500 ctf kills and 4 flags lol)

11-10-2014, 06:34 PM
Why would you want to hear from yourself

I wanted to say that xD and nice stories y'all have there. I'm glad to hear them.

11-10-2014, 07:10 PM
ok heres my story. Ill use smaller font to not hurt peoples eyes (itoopeoclown). Sorry honkers if this is long. You may not understand all of it, most people dont understand me.

ok so i started when my best friend said you should play this game called pocket legends. Ok i thought sounds cool cause i just bought this tablet and it was my first touch screen item! Woohoo! It was the samsung galaxy tab 2 10.1 it was new back then but now its laggy kind of. So i got the game and boy was it a blast! I got too play with my friend! But my brother didnt have his tablet yet until a week later! Then he got his and we all played pocket legends! My name was THEREALJOKE i was a bird and my brother was a bear, his name was THESKYBEAR. But we all got bored pretty soon. I was like lvl 26 and i thought that was high! So we got star legends, my first character was an operative called THEREALJOKE. My brother was a commando called THESKYBEAR. My friends name was soakkrackon. All our names had a meaning they were like our own jokes. Skybear was a made up term we all made up for when playing this game xmen legends, when you fly as a character, you can glitch the game and fly into blackness and basically leave the game haha. So that was that. Therealjoke, i was trying to use THEREALJOKER. but it was too long or taken i think. Soakkrackon was because we always played tag a lot and it was fun. When one of us was it we would say do you have that "soaking feeling" of being it. He added krackon just for the heck of it. So we joined star legends during the 41 cap. It was fun!! The scorn armor was so cool looking! I loved the 41cap the most. I loved pvp the most but i didnt understand something when i joined a pvp game. I would do what everyone does and shoot the enemies (being the players) but they said "rusher". I and my brother thought it meant not to use all your skills at once. Rusher was so weird to me that i hated then and i hate it now. My name has changed throughout my life. THEREALJOKE to LOSTLEGENDSS and my brother was LOSTLEGENDS. I was the lostlegendss with 2 s. Then we went to LOSTTAPES and THEYETI. But one day we bought an old game we loved called marvel ultimate alliance, we loved that game as kids so we bought it and played it. There was a level on it where we had to fight clowns. The clowns were called ARCADECLOWN. And we always loved clowns since we watched batman the dark knight with the joker in it. So then we got excited and decided to BE CLOWNS! We both wanted the name arcadeclown, but that cant happen so we basically did rock, paper, scissors. My brother took arcadeclown so i thought of another clown... CARNIVALCLOWN. Then we thought of the perfect guild! THE FUN HOUSE! Then we got our catch phrases. Everything just went uphill from there. Being a clown was more fun than i thought. We told our friend and he became KINGCLOWN and BUFFCLOWN. We also had old clown names like fatclown and thinclown also stupidclown. Yeah thats my story, not really about pvp but yup.

11-10-2014, 07:18 PM
Best story hands down

11-10-2014, 09:31 PM
My pvp story

It all started with my comm with the name of "Anezha", who is now "Carcinogen". Of course, I didn't take my name that seriously so I picked the random ones you get provided in the whole big fat list of the most worst, foreign, random, and stupid names in history. I did a lot of PvE and I was a total nub cuz i didnt know how to kill the bosses and stuff, especially that big fat Miner McGuirk the booger monster. that lug always blasted my butt across the zone with his one-shot KO explosive boogers, followed by his other crawling booger minions exploding their snotty boogers across my face. So everyday ended with "curse you booger monster!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and i stomped out of the house and threw my tablet across the block. After my dad bought my 32nd tablet, I found pvp. I just went to the pvp terminal and joined some random game. I was a total nub butt, so I always got killed by sum pro or nub idk. I was horrible as butt and i always got killed like butt and it ruined my pvp kd like butt. But i didnt want to stay a butt, so I got my butt on a butt comfortable person, put on my tryhard butt pants, and went to a game, only to quit once again because i was butthurt because of the butt players who always rekt me like butt. then I quit pvp and went to pve and lvled my butt comm to 50 and changed my name to Beseech, then Carcinogen. I was butt rich with good butt armor with the full vakryall 50 set with a butt warmer and a primitive napper and a pinkie implant with an additional butt booster for better butt resistance. Followed by a green shirt to keep my butt warm and an executioner's mask to keep my buttcheek face warm. Then i went back to pvp. I started to rek more ppl with my smexy primed napamamamamalm, and i grilled butts to crisp butt ashes. but i was still nub. then I watched videos and learned little bit from other players and got butt, butt better at pvp. Then i fried up more butts everyday to butt crisp deep-fried followed by another butt pvper butt-grilled. i still pvp with my comm. then i heard of twink so i made op and lvled to 15. there i twinked a little bit but there were too much butt-naked 21 twink meanies rushing me so i lvl up to 21 and i still got rekt by the butt-naked butt 21 twinkies with stuffed cream. so i got gud build and learned tactics like walling and such, mostly on my own because every butt twinks were to secretive for their butt skills which were apparently too butt for my butt. then i got better and blasted every booger butt with my butt skills, but not enough to blast raidonnclown. what a twink. he was a butt serious player with a butt skilled experience. i only blasted his butt a few times but he always blasted my butt countless times. then i said i never become butt gud like raidie and he said be like criteria he is butt gud and idk who the butt is criteria and i saw the word "crit" on his name and i went like ohhhhh thats gud name and ya i never seen the dude maybe seen that butt by chance but idk rly then i lvled to 22 cuz i felt like it dont ask you butt or else u turn to butt motha assszzzzzzzzhhhh0000lllllly. holy i said holy ok? dont be a butt. anyways idk wut to say now so idk rly so but butt butt butt butt butt butt all the way because that was my butt pvp story. now get outta here u butt before u turn to butt u butt!

11-10-2014, 10:02 PM
Good to know i'm the lazy one.

11-11-2014, 01:23 AM
Wow carcinogenclown that was quite a story, maybe as you would say "buttastic"

11-11-2014, 03:31 AM
My pvp story

It all started with my comm with the name of "Anezha", who is now "Carcinogen". Of course, I didn't take my name that seriously so I picked the random ones you get provided in the whole big fat list of the most worst, foreign, random, and stupid names in history. I did a lot of PvE and I was a total nub cuz i didnt know how to kill the bosses and stuff, especially that big fat Miner McGuirk the booger monster. that lug always blasted my butt across the zone with his one-shot KO explosive boogers, followed by his other crawling booger minions exploding their snotty boogers across my face. So everyday ended with "curse you booger monster!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and i stomped out of the house and threw my tablet across the block. After my dad bought my 32nd tablet, I found pvp. I just went to the pvp terminal and joined some random game. I was a total nub butt, so I always got killed by sum pro or nub idk. I was horrible as butt and i always got killed like butt and it ruined my pvp kd like butt. But i didnt want to stay a butt, so I got my butt on a butt comfortable person, put on my tryhard butt pants, and went to a game, only to quit once again because i was butthurt because of the butt players who always rekt me like butt. then I quit pvp and went to pve and lvled my butt comm to 50 and changed my name to Beseech, then Carcinogen. I was butt rich with good butt armor with the full vakryall 50 set with a butt warmer and a primitive napper and a pinkie implant with an additional butt booster for better butt resistance. Followed by a green shirt to keep my butt warm and an executioner's mask to keep my buttcheek face warm. Then i went back to pvp. I started to rek more ppl with my smexy primed napamamamamalm, and i grilled butts to crisp butt ashes. but i was still nub. then I watched videos and learned little bit from other players and got butt, butt better at pvp. Then i fried up more butts everyday to butt crisp deep-fried followed by another butt pvper butt-grilled. i still pvp with my comm. then i heard of twink so i made op and lvled to 15. there i twinked a little bit but there were too much butt-naked 21 twink meanies rushing me so i lvl up to 21 and i still got rekt by the butt-naked butt 21 twinkies with stuffed cream. so i got gud build and learned tactics like walling and such, mostly on my own because every butt twinks were to secretive for their butt skills which were apparently too butt for my butt. then i got better and blasted every booger butt with my butt skills, but not enough to blast raidonnclown. what a twink. he was a butt serious player with a butt skilled experience. i only blasted his butt a few times but he always blasted my butt countless times. then i said i never become butt gud like raidie and he said be like criteria he is butt gud and idk who the butt is criteria and i saw the word "crit" on his name and i went like ohhhhh thats gud name and ya i never seen the dude maybe seen that butt by chance but idk rly then i lvled to 22 cuz i felt like it dont ask you butt or else u turn to butt motha assszzzzzzzzhhhh0000lllllly. holy i said holy ok? dont be a butt. anyways idk wut to say now so idk rly so but butt butt butt butt butt butt all the way because that was my butt pvp story. now get outta here u butt before u turn to butt u butt!

wow you would throw your tablet across the block for a game? *claps* bring in a round of applause.

11-11-2014, 04:45 AM
MY PVP STORY, Well, i started in 2009 or 2010 playing Pocket Legends, in da moments i was with a Samsung Galaxy Ace, i was too exited with my Galaxy Ace, soo i made a Character Called Galaxyantonio, i was a bear, i remember my bet was lvl 21. Some day when i tried to click on inventory i seen the announcement of Star Legends, and i thinked "Why not?". Yea, installed that game. The first i remember was what i was thinking the fisrt who open the box get a rare item. Then i prefered opening boxes than killing, i was a Engineer " Galaxyantonio", i uped to lvl 13 and i was lost in blackstar always, played some but always lost. Some day Pocket Legends app and Star Legends app needed a update, when i tried: "Ur phone is incompatible with this application". I was a guest soo, i lost my PL and SL accs. I been 4 years with the Galaxy Ace. In February 2014 i got new phone, i was like crazy fan of "Doflamingo" of One Piece, i tried but the name was taken, then tried Doframingo, how japanese people say it. I was a eng, again. I didnt start pvp till lvl 50, i pvped only with friends, i never liked pvp, i got various farms in pvp, and big scams too, when i got 51 i started winning both of people, i made a com, when i was 50 started pvpeing, some day killed supah by dodge luck, then i thinked if i can supah i can with other coms, cuz in these moments supah was the "Com". Then i tried op, i leveled to 50 and started practising with various friends, some day i was in 1v1 room, Chaosfigther joined in the room. (in these moments i was his fan). I said: wow chaos! He didnt say nothing, and started burning me.. I done the skill what makes u fly soo far then i understood he trying to get kills. I gone for him and keep him with fire skill, he tried to move and i made him fly again etc.. and killed him. He got mad, and come again with rage i tried to survive but i died, when i respawned i killed him 2 times keeping him far. Match result was 5 -3 i won. I thinked i was suficient skilled to fight wirth all classes. When i got scammed my Primed Napalm i left SL, And tried DL, and got bored soo tried PL again, now i'm in PL. Sometimes i'm checking Auction in SL. That's my history, i compressed it.

11-11-2014, 05:37 AM
MY PVP STORY, Well, i started in 2009 or 2010 playing Pocket Legends, in da moments i was with a Samsung Galaxy Ace, i was too exited with my Galaxy Ace, soo i made a Character Called Galaxyantonio, i was a bear, i remember my bet was lvl 21. Some day when i tried to click on inventory i seen the announcement of Star Legends, and i thinked "Why not?". Yea, installed that game. The first i remember was what i was thinking the fisrt who open the box get a rare item. Then i prefered opening boxes than killing, i was a Engineer " Galaxyantonio", i uped to lvl 13 and i was lost in blackstar always, played some but always lost. Some day Pocket Legends app and Star Legends app needed a update, when i tried: "Ur phone is incompatible with this application". I was a guest soo, i lost my PL and SL accs. I been 4 years with the Galaxy Ace. In February 2014 i got new phone, i was like crazy fan of "Doflamingo" of One Piece, i tried but the name was taken, then tried Doframingo, how japanese people say it. I was a eng, again. I didnt start pvp till lvl 50, i pvped only with friends, i never liked pvp, i got various farms in pvp, and big scams too, when i got 51 i started winning both of people, i made a com, when i was 50 started pvpeing, some day killed supah by dodge luck, then i thinked if i can supah i can with other coms, cuz in these moments supah was the "Com". Then i tried op, i leveled to 50 and started practising with various friends, some day i was in 1v1 room, Chaosfigther joined in the room. (in these moments i was his fan). I said: wow chaos! He didnt say nothing, and started burning me.. I done the skill what makes u fly soo far then i understood he trying to get kills. I gone for him and keep him with fire skill, he tried to move and i made him fly again etc.. and killed him. He got mad, and come again with rage i tried to survive but i died, when i respawned i killed him 2 times keeping him far. Match result was 5 -3 i won. I thinked i was suficient skilled to fight wirth all classes. When i got scammed my Primed Napalm i left SL, And tried DL, and got bored soo tried PL again, now i'm in PL. Sometimes i'm checking Auction in SL. That's my history, i compressed it.

Nice story bro u also showed who chaos really is.

11-11-2014, 11:11 AM
Nice story bro u also showed who chaos really is.

Thx bro:)

11-11-2014, 06:19 PM
Chaos is a true friend unlike allowance ova here xD

11-11-2014, 07:07 PM
Chaos is a true friend unlike allowance ova here xD

Nah chaos a disgraceful bastard I respect my friends.

CAK Vader
11-11-2014, 08:59 PM
Nah chaos a disgraceful bastard I respect my friends.

Have fun on SL, I'm gone C:

11-11-2014, 11:33 PM
Stopped reading once he said cap was 21 when released... Lol

CAK Vader
11-12-2014, 12:12 AM
Stopped reading once he said cap was 21 when released... Lol
It was >_>

11-12-2014, 03:45 AM
Stopped reading once he said cap was 21 when released... Lol

Cuz i don't remember good the year.

11-12-2014, 06:28 AM
Your Pvp Story

PvP was opened to us at level 31 cap.
Pvp at l31... I thought it was 36

11-12-2014, 06:49 AM
Pvp at l31... I thought it was 36

I don't remember things clear >.>

11-12-2014, 09:55 AM
Pvp at l31... I thought it was 36

._. turn dat kik on been a while ;-;....

11-12-2014, 10:08 AM
._. turn dat kik on been a while ;-;....

Uafod ;-;

11-12-2014, 12:02 PM
Uafod ;-;

hai der bro

11-12-2014, 03:16 PM
Pvp at l31... I thought it was 36

. . . . hi

11-12-2014, 05:49 PM
. . . . hi

Ure retired =_= off the forums NAO!

P.s will i see you for xmas?

11-12-2014, 06:23 PM
Ure retired =_= off the forums NAO!

P.s will i see you for xmas?



11-12-2014, 07:08 PM


11-12-2014, 08:32 PM
I thought it was cap 26..... Then 31..... Then 36.... Then 41...... Then 46....... Then 51...... I'm sure there's no 56.......

11-13-2014, 02:09 AM
I thought it was cap 26..... Then 31..... Then 36.... Then 41...... Then 46....... Then 51...... I'm sure there's no 56.......


11-13-2014, 06:19 PM
Gramps👴 Story,When I was a younger age💁,I was looking for a multiplayer game🎮 I could play with my cousin👬. After looking for a while😤 I found Pl. I played Pl until I reached lvl 1⃣7⃣and quit. I tried to download Sl after I found it but it wouldn't let me download😭. After a month,I tried to download it again and this is where it all started😱. It was around 3⃣6⃣ cap and I joined with an engineer named Jomosapien and started off in a guild called TKOL👼. I started pvping when I reached lvl 2⃣8⃣ and met a lot of ppl who farmed me like Lewismc, Hunterdoll, Launan,Offlion, and Vanhelssings. After I hadn't won in a while I quit for around 7⃣ months😡.When I finally came back I made xxxumadbroxxx which was decent👌👍👏. I met some of the ppl who farmed me and some new friends like allowance, smexyman💪, Keanus, playtwink, delicaterose🌹, and doubleop. Whenever I came back with Bionicgrandpa I had some help with getting better at pvp. No one ever taught me basic pvp stuff but Keanus mainly guided me and burninglamp gave me some tips. Afterwards I made fudgecakesz🎂 a lvl 1⃣5⃣ op and only fought lvl 2⃣0⃣+. I made a new 2⃣0⃣ after I was good with my 15 which my new 2⃣0⃣ was named Tbt. I later deleted Tbt and somebody took the name so I recreated Bionicgrandpa. And this is where I am at now.

11-14-2014, 04:04 AM
Gramps�� Story,When I was a younger age��,I was looking for a multiplayer game�� I could play with my cousin��. After looking for a while�� I found Pl. I played Pl until I reached lvl 1⃣7⃣and quit. I tried to download Sl after I found it but it wouldn't let me download��. After a month,I tried to download it again and this is where it all started��. It was around 3⃣6⃣ cap and I joined with an engineer named Jomosapien and started off in a guild called TKOL��. I started pvping when I reached lvl 2⃣8⃣ and met a lot of ppl who farmed me like Lewismc, Hunterdoll, Launan,Offlion, and Vanhelssings. After I hadn't won in a while I quit for around 7⃣ months��.When I finally came back I made xxxumadbroxxx which was decent������. I met some of the ppl who farmed me and some new friends like allowance, smexyman��, Keanus, playtwink, delicaterose��, and doubleop. Whenever I came back with Bionicgrandpa I had some help with getting better at pvp. No one ever taught me basic pvp stuff but Keanus mainly guided me and burninglamp gave me some tips. Afterwards I made fudgecakesz�� a lvl 1⃣5⃣ op and only fought lvl 2⃣0⃣+. I made a new 2⃣0⃣ after I was good with my 15 which my new 2⃣0⃣ was named Tbt. I later deleted Tbt and somebody took the name so I recreated Bionicgrandpa. And this is where I am at now.

I like the effort how you put emojis lol cuz u have to actually switch using the global icon thingy. And I did guide you to pvp and defended you from rushers when u came in with bionicgrandpa as a level 15 ��

11-14-2014, 07:33 AM
why all of you came in 36/41 or even lesser caps o.0 and still name people who didn't play during those caps

11-14-2014, 01:22 PM
why all of you came in 36/41 or even lesser caps o.0 and still name people who didn't play during those caps


11-15-2014, 12:52 PM
yeah.. i came during lvl1 cap. my name was auhgufh.. but i deleted it so icnt show u guis it.. but yeah.. after the lvl1 cap i was like.. pro... 3k kills in tdm.. 3 deaths. #yolo. but yeh..i quit for a bit.. came back lvl31 cap.. met sum cool guis named deathplague.. deathplaguey.. donkeysurf.. etc. all the pros in sl after the 31 i beilv it wuz teh 45 cap but yeah at teh 45 cap i go my arb helm and chest. deen endgumie when dunin et for me.. so i made a twink named hauhsuahd. cant show u it.. had all the avgenrs van and wel.. evry van in sl. got scammed for being tu pru. then i mad anoter twank. and tats mah pvppvp stroy... ##noobs

11-15-2014, 01:31 PM
I guess I'll go since my other colleagues won't ... So yeah I have a bad memory but I started playing prob around 2012 I played cause my gaming station was broken and my friend invited me to play... I started out a newb I only talked on there for about 2months and then I lost my iPod and forgot about it..... Then in the summer of 2013 I was laying down playing some game on Xbox and I looked at my phone and remembered my friend telling me about this fun game...so I tried to remember the name after 1hr I remembered it and made a new account called killerdash long story short that account got restarted so I made dashbro I didn't like the name I was just in a hurry.. I started lvling with a bunch of cool peeps and we didn't care about pvp until one day I was lvl 40 something and I picked up my gun and low armor it was really bad I couldn't win I sucked people got mad at me I started becoming friends wth rushers I didn't think it was a big deal my k/d was like 100/1000 until

11-15-2014, 01:37 PM
I met some really good pros like supah who I hated at that time he would always beat me.. Then one day from the donation of some friends I got a full vak this was at 46 cap I even got a hard 6 and the now inactive baus tought me some tricks and I finally started killing I still couldn't kill supah or anyone "pro" but then I realized it was cause I didn't have auto on and just kept pressing the shooting button... I made my own guild which went to a war with pheonix we lost of course but at 51 cap everything changed I killed napalm "pros" with the pistol I started becoming almost even with supah and baus I started getting my k/d up I went from 100-4000 to 5000/4000 something like it and became a beast and this is me no

11-15-2014, 01:39 PM
Now bout to enter the competition for 1mil after beating pros after pros and making a name for myself and entering competitions and winning along side friends me and pheonix are cool now I gtg so that's it the end

11-15-2014, 01:51 PM
Came out longer than I tought no h0m0

11-15-2014, 02:37 PM
"pros after pros" lululululul

11-15-2014, 03:05 PM
And this is why I don't come on forums

11-15-2014, 07:31 PM
Nice lie u got there 100-4000 to 5000-4000 u think someone is going to believe you for getting 4.9k kills without getting a single death?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-15-2014, 11:48 PM
Another reason why I don't come on forums someone always wanna be smart no honk that's not possible maybe 100-2000 to 5000-3000 it's not perfect zeros I'm just rounding up anymore questions

11-16-2014, 12:23 AM
Not being smart it's just not realistic.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-16-2014, 12:30 AM
And if you think people are annoying on forums, why do you bother replying?

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11-16-2014, 12:31 AM
If you post stuff on forums, you expect replies lol

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11-16-2014, 09:06 AM
Me no have time for twinks

11-16-2014, 09:07 AM
Me no have time for twinks

Me have no time for endgame people who think they're the ones that rule the game

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-16-2014, 11:17 AM
yah endgamers suk badly! BUHUHUHUHUH

11-16-2014, 02:18 PM

11-21-2014, 01:48 PM
Another reason why I don't come on forums someone always wanna be smart no honk that's not possible maybe 100-2000 to 5000-3000 it's not perfect zeros I'm just rounding up anymore questions
