View Full Version : Sandbox env. Prevent buying plat

02-07-2011, 06:34 PM
On an iPad: I couldn't just few minutes ago buy some plat.
There was mentions of and environment (sandbox).
iTunes and the app store works fine I think.

I'll try a tire time later, maybe that's just me but so you know...

02-07-2011, 06:36 PM
On an iPad: I couldn't just few minutes ago buy some plat.
There was mentions of and environment (sandbox).
iTunes and the app store works fine I think.

I'll try a tire time later, maybe that's just me but so you know...

Just so you know, here's how you fix it...



02-07-2011, 07:09 PM
Aw sorry. For once I didn't use the search function.
Doesn't seem I can delete my thread.
Assumed too fast it was related w the update.
My bad. And thank you.