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View Full Version : Me = Confused... so where are these things: ?

02-07-2011, 10:54 PM
If you go to the Balefort Sewers... we get to talk to Farrow the Forger and he's all like hey go back to forest haven and learn how to craft because i'm not going to give you the time of day you noob...

OK, so we go to forest haven and run to the left... meeting up with Burke the Blacksmith gives us crafting quests! sweet right? yeah! um not really?

So i did all the quests and got a pile of:

Chain Scraps
Scraps of Cloth
Scraps of Leather and a Mage's Hat Recipe

I run to every map and look for more people with ! above their heads but dont see anyone and i run back to the Sewers to meet up with the good ol' forger again. Maybe he's gonna give me a quest... um nope.

BUT!!!! He's like hey u got some skills now right? wanna craft some cool stuff, and i'm all like OH YEAH bring it on bubs...

but he's telling me i need:

FINE cloth scraps...
PREMIUM weapon wood... etc...

so i've killed about 6-700 mobs and haven't looted anything like this and i can't find anyone who can give me quests to get them.

So these green items, are they looted? Crafted? Am i missing something regarding more quests or other crafter npcs?

i'm leaning toward the whole loot thing, but my phone's pretty much drained and i'm tired cuz i was awake all night last night and i dont want to try to do this-that-and-the other-thing all the while wasting my time if someone already knows the who, what, where, when, and why of what's going on regarding these other crafting items.

02-08-2011, 12:32 AM
For these greens, you gotta do the repeatable quests given by NPCs in balefort sewers. One I know and have done is given by.. his name slips me.. but you havta kill the king/queen for a green sword thing. Look around for "daily quests".

02-08-2011, 01:36 AM
so i shouldn't think about crafting before level 50?

02-08-2011, 08:09 PM
One of the daily quests:


02-08-2011, 08:28 PM
agent smith gives some daily quests